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The Lord of Chaos and the Great Thousand actually chose to retreat.

This decision was too unexpected.

Although Chu Yuan's offense was extremely fierce before, he also did not have the strength to defeat the two.

They are also somewhat helpless and have no choice.

Because the two of them also knew that they couldn't do anything to Emperor Shenwu Emperor, and both of them knew his purpose, which was to force them to leave with the most violent style of play.

The two understand.

If the Emperor Shenwu adopts a desperate approach, the two of them will have to pay a huge price, the road will be broken by him, will not fall, and they will be greatly traumatized.

And their way was broken.

Yes, the path of Emperor Shenwu will be the most damaged.

However, the opponent's path has not been fully accomplished. It is a weakness and where his strength lies. He is still shaping, and various laws are not perfect, and he can return to the multiverse to recover in the shortest time.


They can't do it.

The Eternal Road is too dangerous. If they really had to pay for Chu Yuan to kill Chu Yuan, the price they paid would be too great, they might be dragged down by him.

At that time, they themselves will be extremely dangerous. It is very possible that other eternal grades will catch their weakness and hunt him.

There are no eternal friends, only eternal interests, and hunters sometimes become the prey of others.

"Yes, with our strength, we can't deal with him."

The Lord of the Great Thousand said: "Retreat for the time being, if we want to block his way, it is not enough for the two of us to pay."

They do not want to pay an almost huge price and become others' wedding dresses.


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The Lord of the Great Thousand and the Lord of Chaos retreated, and the place was also empty for an instant.

"I already overestimated his strength, never thought I still underestimated him."

Chaos and Daqian walked in the emptiness of time and space, and their faces were solemn. Today's battle gave him a huge shock.

Chaos said: "His strength is too strong, it is hard to imagine. His biggest advantage is that he has enough confidence to fight with us. Even if he is seriously injured, he can return to the multiverse. This is something we cannot do. ."

"Yes, this time you and I couldn't help him, and he will inevitably spread his reputation on the eternal road again, but as long as he does not achieve the eternal level, he is not a real aspiration."

When the Great Thousand Lord spoke, he suddenly shouted: "Yuwen is invincible, I know you are here, come up."

In a time and space, an unruly figure walked out like a sharp blade, his eyes swept towards the two of them, his expression full of coldness and invincible will.

"This Yuwen invincible strength is stronger than hundreds of eras."

Chaos look solemn.

Even the eternal level has no distinction between strengths and weaknesses, otherwise there would be no such alien existence as the strongest.

He continued: "Since you are here, if you just made the move, there is a great possibility of keeping him, and with your strength, it is even possible to cut his eternal path."

"I am not interested in working with you."

Yuwen Wudi has his arrogance and said indifferently: "One thing, I admire the Emperor Shenwu very much. I want to deal with him, and I will find a time to invite him to fight, and use my invincible power to break through and become my invincible road. Bones."

"Yuwen is invincible, you are really arrogant." Chaos snorted coldly: "However, you are not as good as the Emperor Shenwu, be careful, you will die by yourself."

So proud.

Still as proud as before.

He doesn't bother to besiege Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

Hearing what he said, Yuwen Wudi's eyes were sharp, and two beams of light came out from the sky. He suddenly shot Chaos, turning his palm into the sharpest magic weapon, tearing all his barriers, and beheading him.


Yuwen's invincible power was also overbearing, causing Chaos's complexion to change instantly, and he slammed back with the Chaos Giant Palm.

But at the moment of the confrontation, he suddenly trembled, and his whole body retreated backwards.

"Okay!" said the Lord of Great Thousand: "Yuwen is invincible, we don't want to fight with you, now the goal is Emperor Shenwu, you want to fight him alone is your business, and we have our plan."

Yuwen Wudi didn't say much, he showed up and left with Yuwen Avenue.

"Hmph, this Yuwen Wudi is not the same as us, and don't care about him. Although he failed to deal with Shenwu this time, it also made many people see his strength. Some people don't care. Now we should know how terrible he is. "

Chaos coldly said.

"Yes, for Shenwu, he must be beaten back into the multiverse. Of course, it would be better to kill him directly, and we can't be the wedding dress calculated by others."

Daqian finished speaking, "Chaos, if you are not in a hurry, please go to my Daqiantian sect."

"Can't ask for it."


At this time, after Chu Yuan retreated Chaos and Daqian, he also led the fleet back to the second city.

News of this battle will inevitably spread out at the fastest speed, causing the biggest shock on the path of eternity. What kind of concept is this? Instead of failing to deal with the two eternal grades, they have to retreat.

This kind of strength has stood at the pinnacle of Eternal Road.

Moreover, Emperor Shenwu has not yet achieved the Eternal Rank. If he truly becomes the Eternal Rank, wouldn't he be able to sweep Invincible? No one will be his opponent, and he will be his world for the next few hundred epochs.

Of course there are pros and cons.

While making many people fear him, it will also make more people crazily want to explain him.

At this moment, Chu Yuan was sitting in the second city.

The news swept away at a hurricane-like speed in just a few months.

"Shenwu Emperor, the strength is too invincible, Chaos and Daqian have not been able to help him, he is like the undefeated emperor, it seems that he will never be defeated, there is no one who can defeat him."

"When Shijiyuan was too scary, I really don't know what the situation will become if he continues to practice."

"Then wait for him, you can live on."

"His strength, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has already made many Eternal Levels feel threatened. Next, I guess there will be more Eternal Levels awakened and will deal with him."

"But the other party can abandon the second city and return to the multiverse."

"The path of the strongest has not retreated. If he does not seize this opportunity and gives him several epochs, his strength is difficult to improve. Otherwise, do you think that Emperor Shenwu will choose to attack at this time?"

"He has no choice but to make such a decision."

There are still many smart people who can see through Chu Yuan's purpose, but because of his strength, no one dared to play fish in troubled waters and take advantage of the fire.

This is not something they can mix.

Chu Yuan was sitting in the second city at this time.

His hands have the power of civilization to lead the times. On his eternal road, the first city and the second city stand upright, and it seems that a road has appeared, manifesting with real magical power.

On this path, bright colors are already appearing gradually.

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