Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1881: Target, holy emperor continent

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Chu Yuan builds his own way with mana.

That light is the convergence of power and faith, evolving to reality.

When Chu Yuan really withstood this attack, the powerful of the empire could freely move forward on this road.

His reputation spread.

Even if they are not citizens of the empire, as long as they think of the invincible power in the world, if he wants to become the strongest, it will become a force that floods his eternal path.

This is momentum, gathering momentum.

When the intensity reaches a limit, it will turn into tyrannical luck.

At this moment, Chu Yuan's feedback power seemed to have turned into a vast ocean, scouring him one after another, making him ascend to the fullest, but it was obvious that these forces were not enough to sublimate.

You know, his current strength is enough to fight the eternal level.

Once he was fully sublimated, the increase in strength would be so huge that the weaker ones could be directly killed by him.

Half a year has passed since the battle with Eternal Class.

In the past six months, it seemed unusually calm, but in this calm, undercurrents were raging, and there were more people who wanted to deal with Shenwu, but they also knew that Shenwu Emperor was not so easy to deal with.

If you don't gather the strongest power, you can't help him.

Yuan had taken the initiative to deal with the Great Emperor before, and he also knew what the Great Emperor had left behind.

This Yuan unknown face participated in the empire war, but he also knew his strength, so he used this method to express his existence.

Chu Yuan took this matter down.

And the Great Emperor, Chu Yuan also included him in the list of mortal.

And one day, Chu Yuan held an imperial meeting in the second city.

All the powerhouses above the origin gathered together, knowing that if the emperor summoned them, the empire would have a big plan to start again.

"In the past six months, there has been no gathering of the Eternal Killing Array. Here, it seems to have become a forbidden place. Knowing that our strength is strong, it is difficult to deal with, but this does not mean that we are firmly seated."

Yi Tianzun is an imperial think tank, analyzing the situation.

"Our current situation is extremely bad. There are more and more forces to deal with us. His Majesty’s previous battle has deterred some people and prevented them from taking action for the time being, but at the same time it has also plunged us into a more dangerous situation. , With a little carelessness, the Second City will be destroyed, and as time goes by, more and more Eternal Grade will be shot."

Yi Tianzun said: "So we can't wait, we must take the initiative to break the deadlock." "Your analysis is very good, long-term defense will lose, defense is the next best thing." Chu Yuan nodded appreciatively.

With Yi Tianzun here, he saves a lot of people, and can arrange for him in an orderly manner, whether it is military or internal affairs.

"Everyone wants to destroy us, but they are afraid of strength. In a short period of time, there is not enough power. What is the destruction of a second city, as long as it can't deal with your Majesty, it will not be considered a success."

Yi Tianzun continued: "And we will seize this fleeting opportunity to do something more shocking."

"I do have this idea."

Chu Yuan slowly said, "Exterminate one or two of his forces first, and seize the time when the Eternal Grade is not completely born, and let the empire experience the baptism of blood and fire."

It's time to destroy the powerful forces, everyone held their breath, knowing that this battle must destroy the forces that can shock eternity. "Yi Tianzun, who do you think the empire should destroy?"

Chu Yuan had an answer, but he still let Yi Tianzun speak.

Yi Tianzun was silent for a while before he said: "The age of the holy emperor."

"Holy Emperor Era!"

They were all shocked when they heard it, especially Duan Qingshan, Old Man Xuantian, who had wandered on the eternal road, was even more shocked.

The Holy Emperor Era was the strongest man ever, created by the Holy Emperor, and the power he left behind is extremely powerful, especially in the Holy Emperor Continent. I don’t know how many ancient powerhouses are asleep.

Some people think that your Majesty will go to the Holy Land of Truth, the Great Thousand Heaven Sect.

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"This is exactly what I want to fight. If you are puzzled, Yi Tianzun can explain it." Chu Yuan said. "The age of the holy emperor is strong, but at the same time the empire should send troops the most. I know that there are many ancient powerful men in the era of the holy emperor, but this problem also happened to the holy emperor."

Yi Tianzun said: "The Holy Emperor has lived for too long. Because of his reputation, he has accumulated too many powerful people for the Holy Emperor era. However, the Holy Emperor cannot show his hands at will. He hides in his own eternal road. , His own strength has been consumed, the longer he lives, the more the eternal rules want to kill him, and it will be difficult for him to survive the next eternal catastrophe."

"They might guess that I will take the initiative to attack, but there are not many who know that I will attack the Holy Emperor Era. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they tend to go to the Tiger Mountain. This Holy Emperor Era is also the most arrogant, so I will use the most aggressive Attack to destroy this ancient era."

Chu Yuan is domineering.

His character does not allow him to retreat.

He could even see that now was the best opportunity, waiting for more Eternal Grades to appear, leaving him a window of time. In fact, he had already thought about the opportunity to attack the Holy Emperor Continent.

"I am betting on whether the Holy Emperor will appear because of the Holy Emperor Era. If he does not appear, I will completely destroy the Holy Emperor Era, and if he appears and preserve the Holy Emperor Era, then I will let him Pay a certain price."

Chu Yuan said again.

They all have their own little nine and ninety-nine, and all have their own interests and goals. If you don't grasp it at this time, that's the worst.

"I guess the holy emperor will not appear. He also knows that your Majesty will fight Daqian and Chaos. If the plan fails, we will return and fight on other people's territory. It is them who destroys us. Is there any great loss to us."

Yi Tianzun smiled and said, "And if the Holy Emperor does not appear, and the Holy Emperor era is destroyed by us, whoever dares to deal with us now has to weigh whether he has the power to bear our price."

"In fact, this also reveals a will."

The silent Jiuyou slowly said: "It is the empire that relies on the multiverse. UU reading has the backing of everything. You can fight whoever you want. You can't fight the Holy Emperor era. In the next moment, you can turn it around. Goal, fight another. You can destroy the first city and even the second city of the empire, but you can't stop the empire's conquest on the path of eternity!"

"We must make good use of our strengths."

Chu Yuan stood up from the seat of the gods: "With lightning speed and thunder, attacking the Holy Emperor Era, the blood washes away the Holy Emperor Continent, and you must seize the Holy Emperor Continent before no one is aware of it. Otherwise, once there is an obstacle from outside forces, the Empire Plan will fail."

"I personally opened the door of eternal time and space, and shuttled in the special time and space!"


Chu Yuan's time and space forces formed a time and space gate, and all of the battleships suddenly rushed in. In the passage he constructed, it seemed to have received some special treasure.

The empire's army is moving fast, seizing a time gap.

Goal, Holy Emperor Continent!

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