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Chu Yuan personally led the imperial army to expedition to the age of the emperor.

He wants to fight a poor response, when the world thinks it is the least possible to attack, and choose a target that no one else expected.

If the age of the emperor is destroyed and all bloodbathed, his reputation will be thoroughly spread throughout the eternal road.

The gathering of Qi Luck will surge and reach a very terrifying point, which will bring him closer to the Ninth Stage.

He knew very well that this was an extremely critical battle.

He also understood that there must be many ancient powerhouses in the Holy Emperor Era, but Chu Yuan didn't care. The key to the success or failure of this battle was whether the Holy Emperor would appear and prevent him from destroying the Holy Emperor Era.

He is betting.

If the holy emperor dares to appear, even the strongest ever, as long as he cannot escape eternity, Chu Yuan will not be afraid of him, and will make the holy emperor pay the price and cause him to be consumed by his source.

It can be said that no matter the success or failure of this battle, there will be no harm to him.

The Holy Emperor Continent, vast and boundless, is a huge continent that has been blessed by countless epochs.

Chu Yuan has also been to the Holy Land of Truth, but when the two are compared, the Holy Land of Truth is just a small capital city, and the Holy Emperor Continent is the real capital city, majestic, standing in the real sky.

This also shows positively, the gap between ordinary eternal rank and the strongest such as the holy emperor.

At this moment, the Holy Emperor Continent has infinite light, and there are many creatures living in it. Every moment, there will be creatures who cross the calamity and break through to a higher realm.

Under the leadership of the Holy Emperor, the former Saint Emperor Continent was the strongest force and swept the entire eternity.

And now, even if the Holy Emperor has not appeared long ago, their strength should not be underestimated, after all, the Holy Emperor is not dead, although it is difficult to show, but many eternal grades will give them face.

Because of the appearance of Shenwu, all the saint kings appeared in retreat, and they had held countless meetings against Shenwu.

"If the gods and martial arts are not removed, there will be no real peace on this eternal road. Under their suppression, my holy emperor continent will dissipate the light and the era will end. For the holy emperor and for our own sake, the gods and martial arts must die. "

"This Shenwu has become an eternal cancer, and they must die too!"

"Although Chaos, Daqian did not help him before, but this also shows the terrible Shenwu, and this will make more Eternal Grade fear them and want to make a move."

"Yes, the stronger he is, the more likely he is to become an eternal grade. Let him be mad now, and he will fall quickly!"

Although they failed to deal a huge blow to Shenwu in the previous battle, this does not mean that they will lose confidence. The terrible nature of this Shenwu will make more eternal grades have to deal with them.

"The Holy Emperor Continent is here."

And after a long journey.

In the emptiness, an eternal door opened, and Chu Yuan appeared first. He looked at the prosperous Holy Emperor Continent ahead with an extremely cold expression on his face.

This is his goal of this campaign.

The war is ruthless.

His expedition this time will allow the Holy Emperor Continent to sweep the flames of war and destroy them.

The souls are washed in blood, leaving no one behind.


After Chu Yuan appeared, he wouldn't say anything about going into the Saint Emperor Continent and chatting with them. Instead, he directly issued an offensive order and let his artillery fire express his will.

Inside the Gate of Eternity, a giant ship of Origin appeared, and the fire of war equipped with it burst out in the first instant.

A group of powerful troops appeared, all running their own mana, rumbling, and the monstrous and terrifying power directly turned into a sea of ​​energy, completely enveloped and submerged to the Holy Emperor Continent.

Attack suddenly.

The Holy Emperor did not expect that at this time someone would directly attack them.

"Cannon fire, how can there be such a fierce fire!"

"Someone is attacking us. A lot of warships have appeared outside the world. Those are the warships of the Shenwu Empire, and their strong men have appeared!"

"How could he suddenly attack my Saint Emperor Continent!"

The sudden blow made many holy kings a little confused, but their reaction speed was also very fast, and they quickly ran their defenses to deal with the destructive blows carried out by the Shenwu Empire.

"Shenwu, are you crazy before the destruction? You dare to attack my Holy Emperor Continent. I really think that this is a place where you can be presumptuous, and you will die without a place to be buried!"

A holy king made a sound like a crackling.

At this moment, the Holy Emperor Continent had opened its defenses, facing the blow of artillery fire, an energy mask appeared.

"My steps are unstoppable!"


Chu Yuan stood in the forefront of the army, staring at him, he waved a huge and boundless hand, almost instantly, covering the sky and sun, and falling on the Holy Emperor Continent, it was a horrible tear.

His hand is truly covering the sky and destroying the sky.

Under the destruction of his big hand, the sky of the Holy Emperor Continent was torn apart, and a large number of territories were destroyed by extinction and were directly destroyed.

The aura of destruction in his body swept wave after wave, and suddenly gathered into the vast ocean.

"Charge with me!"

Chu Yuan's invincible power directly tore through the defenses and opened a gap. He swallowed the eternal aura with mighty impact, and many people felt his power tremble.

Wherever he went, he was destroyed.

"Can't let him attack my Saint Emperor Continent!"

Seeing the Emperor Shenwu directly slaying in, the saint kings rushed into the sky with anger. This person was too presumptuous and unscrupulous. He didn't seem to regard them as the Holy Emperor Continent in his eyes.

"Beat him!"

Emperor Shenwu's momentum is too intense.

They also knew that, despite the fact that the Shenwu Empire had a lot of warships, as long as the Shenwu Emperor was blocked and resisted his attack, other offensives were irrelevant.

"He is too confident, thinking that he can attack my Saint Emperor Continent at will?"

"Hmph, he must think that the Holy Emperor is in his own eternal road, it is difficult to appear, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com wanted to destroy my Holy Emperor Continent, this is his plan!"

Chu Yuan's plan was obvious, and the powerhouse of the Holy Emperor era could guess it.

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"But he underestimated us too much. Even if the Holy Emperor doesn't show up, he can't succeed with our strength. All the Holy Kings, let him see our strength and how to destroy his crazy ideas!"

Power soaring.

When a powerful figure in the Holy Emperor Continent saw Chu Yuan slaying, they all displayed extremely strong power, and they saw that the halls of the Holy Kings were shining with extremely brilliant divine light.

Power alone can hardly strike the Emperor Shenwu.

They gathered their powers together, and then they saw that the power of these holy kings gathered into a torrent, extremely dazzling light that penetrates time and space, forming the judgment of the holy king,

That billowing force pressed Chu Yuan, like a huge mouth about to swallow him in.

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