The battle to destroy the age of the Holy Emperor is fully launched.

He gave the order to wash away the Holy Emperor Era with blood.

This battle of the empire is very critical, is a milestone of the empire, and is forever recorded in the history of the war.

In fact, Chu Yuan grasped the wrong response caused by the time difference, the poor response, and the lack of understanding of his strength and the unpredictable actions of many Eternal Class.

Many people know that he is very strong. Those eternal grades think that when Chu Yuan is the strongest and weakest, it will be the time to truly break through the eternal grade.

Becoming an eternal class, the true manifestation of the road will be tested by eternal rules.

And the stronger the road, the stronger the force restrained by the eternal rules.

Those people believed that this time is the best time to deal with Emperor Shenwu Emperor, gather the strongest power, and take action at that moment, destroy his way in one fell swoop, and divide up all his power.

This cognition is not wrong, and it is correct under normal circumstances.

But they knew too little about Chu Yuan and didn't understand him.

Wrong cognition produces wrong information and wrong response.

His true realm is the eighth realm of origin, and he has not even reached the ninth realm.

But don't blame them, Chu Yuan's strength is too strong, they only know that Emperor Shenwu has not reached the eternal level, hiding his true realm in front of the powerful strength.

Who would have thought that he was the eighth state.

After all, this is too unreasonable and too alien.

This erroneous perception gave Chu Yuan a greater opportunity.

He has ascended to the ninth level as far as possible, and his strength will have a big increase.

Opportunity, Chu Yuan must seize every opportunity!

The road of the strongest is too difficult, even more difficult than the road of the strongest before.

"Break him hard!"

At this moment, the dazzling torrent of power directly impacted Chu Yuan, and immediately swallowed Chu Yuan like a star. Inside, the trial from the holy king thundered and shocked.

They are extremely confident of their own strength and dare to come to the Holy Emperor Continent to be presumptuous, they want to let Chu Yuan know what a fiasco is.

They are not easy to deal with, they can be ravaged.

But when the dazzling torrent burst, the Emperor Shenwu did not waver. The power of his Great Devouring Technique completely swallowed their energy and refined it into his body.

His stalwart body stands tall and majestic, making people see an unmatched giant.

His magnificent power shocked everyone's hearts.

"Our counterattack was swallowed by him!"


Extremely depressed!

"Don't be frightened by him, we have known that he is proficient in the devouring technique, and the methods are extremely powerful, continue to bombard, we have the right time and place, we are not afraid of him!"

They launched an offensive again, earthshaking, the power of the Holy King, after the transformation of heaven and earth, the damage caused by the bombardment was stronger than their own power.

A torrent of power turned into a torrent of bombardment.

"With the strongest strength!"

In order to stop the Emperor Shenwu, at this moment, they even did not hesitate to burn the eternal origin, launching the strongest attack on Chu Yuan.


In the Holy Emperor Continent, there is a best place in their base camp. They are not afraid of the consumption of the source, and can quickly replenish them.

If the Emperor Shenwu doesn't stop him, it will be them who will be unlucky.

"Your offense is useless in front of me."

Chu Yuan allowed them to attack.

His body is extremely tall and will break through the sky, and his will is extremely arrogant, turning into the rules of the world, dominating and controlling everything.

He stands in the forefront.

As soon as this terrifying power hit him, these people saw an unforgettable scene in their lives.

The realm surrounding Emperor Shenwu Emperor turned into an absolute taboo vacuum, and the black hole was swallowing and running, and all their bombardment power could not reach the limit of Chu Yuan at all, and could only be completed.

His devouring is completely different from before.

He has thought about many mudstone slabs and has insight into the operation of the rules.

"Our strength and our offense are useless. What kind of terrifying existence is he? How can his Great Devouring Technique be so tyrannical!"

The Emperor Shenwu stood here, like an eternal true god, an eternal giant mountain, unshakable.

His devouring was also spreading in terror, and the power of the entire Saint Emperor Continent was being swallowed by him, and the light quickly dimmed.

"Invincible, invincible!"

The empire's powerhouses uttered a loud shout, and they all turned into light and boundless faith, and they injected all the rolling power into Chu Yuan.

This is the power of national destiny, the power of empire, and the blessing of faith.

The strong empire also knew that the strong in the holy emperor era were like clouds, and it was impossible for them to do anything. They only had to give the greatest emperor their power and let him destroy them with the power of destruction.

"Let the power of the empire exist everywhere on the path of eternity."

Chu Yuan made a great voice.

He stepped directly over, and every step shocked the universe. He directly tore open the defense of the Holy Emperor Continent, and nothing could stop him.

The power of the empire is concentrated on the emperor.

The torrent of destruction swept across in an instant, banging, and the power of destruction, as he broke in, the Holy Emperor Continent evaporated again and again.

The Holy Emperor Continent was already dying. It was only a very short time since the Emperor Shenwu attacked, but his strength made them unable to resist, and they retreated steadily.


Sikongtu shouted violently, he rushed over and struck him with a punch to block his pace.

Chu Yuan tore the firmament with a palm, and Si Kongtu was hit by Chu Yuan from the front, and he was blasted off immediately, shaking all over.

"He just broke into my Holy Emperor Continent like this!"

Shenwu killed it completely in a destructive posture.

The strong face of the Saint Emperor Continent was blue, and he had never underestimated his strength, but every time he attacked, they had a huge shock, and he knew that he could not compete with him alone.

Chu Yuan's eyes condensed, and he nodded with a finger.

A huge divine light beam penetrated, UU reading www.uukā, like a pillar of heaven, bombarded one of the most core places, and suddenly the huge city along the way was directly smoothed.


He blasted and killed with one finger, and the cities were destroyed under his power.

The mainland of Saint Emperor Continent has extremely strong defensive power, but in front of Emperor Shenwu, no matter how strong the defense is, it is vulnerable.

His power showed up, causing too much damage to the Holy Emperor Continent.

Fortunately, when Shenwu attacked, they moved all the population to the most core place. Otherwise, under Shenwu's attack, they would not know how many people would die.

And they looked at Shenwu, this irresistible power also produced the shadow of the soul in their hearts.

No one would have imagined that Shenwu's offensive had just begun, and this had caused such a thing, and that Shenwu Emperor's strength made them impossible to stop.

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