The Holy Emperor Continent, which has not experienced war in many eras, is completely shrouded in war at this moment.

The world is collapsing, destruction is happening.

But they didn't have much resistance to the Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

"Shenwu, you are too presumptuous!"

Sikong Tu sternly shouted: "You still want to destroy our Holy Emperor Continent. You don't think your behavior is too crazy. How many epochs, my Holy Emperor Continent can live forever, do you think we really depend on the Holy Emperor? We? Also has its own tyrannical background, don't force us!"

"If you have any details, use them all, I am waiting for you."

Chu Yuan was still extremely domineering.

At this time, there were seven figures standing up, and behind them were Origin Gods, and all of them were the cultivation bases of the strongest ninth realm, attacking the sky and fighting against Chu Yuan.

Among the seven people, there were Sikongtu, the Storm King, and the Kuangwu King who Chu Yuan was familiar with, and four others that Chu Yuan had never seen.

At this moment, the Seven Ninth Stages appeared, demonstrating the incomparable strength of the Saint Emperor Era.

You know, when Chu Yuan was in the Holy Land of Truth, he also met so many people, and there was no way to compare.

However, seven people appeared directly in the Saint Emperor Continent.

Of course Chu Yuan knew that no matter whether it was in the Holy Land of Truth or the Holy Emperor Continent, there were hidden backgrounds, and these backgrounds could not be used casually.

But Chu Yuan didn't care.

He will destroy all their heritage today.

He stepped on again in a big stride, locking the seven, the seven supreme beings, of course tyrannical, but this couldn't stop his footsteps, with a palm of his hand, he launched an extinction attack on the seven.

The power of destruction, chaotic time and space.

"Can't let him kill to defend the Holy Emperor Continent!"

Sikongtu also knew that this battle had become a defensive battle. They could not watch Chu Yuan continue to be destroyed, and the seven mana powers were united, and the power of the seven strongest men was fighting back.

But the other powerhouses in the Holy Emperor Continent, even the Origin Gods with lower realms, could not directly attack, and they understood that they would be killed by this person one by one.

They also instilled their strength into the seven strongest.

These seven strongest men carry the power of the Holy Emperor Continent, and how terrifying their offense is. Even if they come to respect the eternal rank, I am afraid that they will never want to take advantage of their hands.

However, they also knew that the strength of Emperor Shenwu could not be treated with common sense.

Chu Yuan covered the sky with his big hands, his way, his law, suddenly punched, the mighty national prestige, shattered thousands, the power of the seven great powers were all shattered, and they encountered great shocks.

He attacked forcefully, and an extremely bright light appeared in the palm of his hand.

When this sword slashed, it shot a dimension, and when the horror shuttled, a supreme power was slashed by him, and a hideous scar appeared on his chest, and he flew out.

He manipulated the Dimension Ancient God Weapon, beheading it horizontally and vertically.

He manipulates the power of time and space too strongly, and every dimensional force slays the past, it is impossible to guard against.

The seven strongest faces are extremely gloomy, and even have a kind of fear. The power of this dimensional beheading is too strong. The other party is controlled by eternal time and space, and the seven of them have nothing to do.

They have a strong hunch that if they face it alone, they will end up with a dead end.

At this moment, Chu Yuan manipulated the ancient gods to directly attack and kill, with a terrifying blow and a crit, and immediately slashed towards the Sage King of Mad Martial. In an instant, one of his arms was cut off with sharp power.


They are frightened and angry.

"Kill, stop him!"

The seven powerhouses burned their power to the limit and rushed over again.

The sound of intense fighting, booming boom booming, endless explosions appeared in Chu Yuan's palm. He was strong and domineering and repelled all the seven counterattacks against him.

"What to do, our strength can't stop him at all!"

They said anxiously: "Only by using the inside information can you stop him!"

"The foundation cannot be used easily. If the foundation is used, they will be violently consumed, and it is very likely that they will not survive this era, and our loss will be too great!"

They are also very entangled at the moment.

Chu Yuan's eyes flashed, and he waved his hand to open the gate of eternity. In an instant, he seemed to have divided the battlefield and came directly in front of Saint King Kuangwu, and slammed him with a palm.

When the Sage King Kuangwu received this bombardment suddenly, his whole body trembled and he was vomiting blood.

He was not Chu Yuan's opponent at all.


His violent power turned into a shocking martial arts power, and he had to fight Chu Yuan as if he was mad.

Chu Yuan looked at him, and was shocked to find that the Sage King Kuangwu was shocked to find that a power of ending swept over, and when the palm of the Emperor Shenwu fell, it turned into the power of the ultimate technique.

The power of this great ending technique is ending his life.

"He is ending my life!"

The King of Kuangwu was extremely frightened.

"No, he wants to defeat them one by one, first kill the Sage King of Kuangwu!"

"No, absolutely not. The Sage King of Kuangwu cannot be killed by him. He killed Kuangwu, and then he will use the same method to defeat us one by one, and then our end will be a dead end!"

"Rescue the Kuangwu Sage King!"

The face of the six strongest men changed drastically, and they all wanted to rescue the mad martial king.

But when their power blasted, they entered another chaotic time and space, and the other side showed his invincible eternal way, and was blocked outside.

The past, present, and future are transformed into eternal time and space, an eternal world.

Chu Yuan trapped the Sage King Kuangwu inside.

Without the help of external forces, Saint King Kuangwu would definitely die in his power.

"Shenwu Emperor, are you really going to kill the Sage King Kuangwu? If you kill him, you will never die with us!"

Sikongtu shouted sharply.

"Hahaha, do we have room for relaxation?"

The strong man of the empire responded, and the overwhelming shouts added invincible momentum.

The emperor is invincible, and their vigor has reached the extreme. UU reading

"Don't force us to use the unwillingness to use the foundation. Once you use it, there is no possibility of relaxation. And you yourself will have to pay a huge price in my Saint Emperor Continent. Now you still have time to retreat!"

The six kings shouted again.

This strongest background is the key to the holy emperor's ability to frighten other eternal grades after gradually retreating.

"The strongest background, let me see what your strongest background is. If the Holy Emperor does not appear, what other background can stop me."

Chu Yuan was about to see their strongest background.

Now, the strongest background does not appear, the Sage King of Kuangwu will undoubtedly die, and the entire Sage Emperor Continent cannot resist his attack.

And if the strongest background is revealed, it will not survive the next era if Chu Yuan is hit.

This is an extremely difficult choice for them, Shenwu has forced them to this situation.

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