Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1885: Self-proclaimed saint king

The strongest background, then come.

Even now, Chu Yuan wouldn't be afraid of the strongest background. He wanted to see the strongest background in the Holy Emperor Continent right now.

"The so-called strongest background, let me see what power you still hide!"

Chu Yuan's voice was so high that it penetrated the ancient times and spread to the time and space of another dimension, causing greater damage.

"Shenwu Emperor, you are very powerful, we have to be born, otherwise the Holy Emperor Continent will be destroyed by you."

There are ancient voices from a hidden space and time.

When the situation developed to this situation, they could not help but appear, and if Emperor Shenwu destroyed the Holy Emperor Continent, they would not be able to continue to sleep.

This is all being persecuted.

"There is still a day to be awakened. How I hope that I can sleep forever, so that I will not wake up, never show up again, once I am awakened, it means that my Holy Emperor era is about to die."

The long sigh was helpless.

In an ancient time and space, the power of the seal was opened, and a thin old man, who controlled the power of heaven and earth, slowly walked out.

His strength is very, very powerful, much stronger than Qi Sikongtu and they are almost at the level of the Great Emperor.

"Your Majesty, this is the Holy King of Heaven and Earth."

Yi Tianzun sent a voice.

"Heaven and Earth, you wake up, it's not enough for you to wake up alone, you can't deal with him."

Another saint king awakened, and a person walked out. His left eye turned into the sun, and his right eye turned into the moon. This is the power of the sun and the moon, and an ancient and terrifying strong man.

Sun Moon Saint King said: "Who else hasn't awakened yet."

"We can die, we can be born, but we can't make the Holy Emperor pay the price because of Shenwu. We seal ourselves just for today."

More of the strongest background.

The saint king that appeared at this moment was a woman with a cold face, holding a cane, her breath seemed to be crawling out of the grave, gloomy and horrible.

Her twilight and her youthful face formed a weird opposition.

"Sage King Xiao Se, you are still alive."

Xiao Se is a woman's name.

The period of her existence is older than the Saint King of Heaven and Earth and Saint King of Sun and Moon.

"I am still alive."

The indifferent eyes of Saint King Xiao Se stared at Chu Yuan, "Shenwu Emperor, it was you who brought me into such a crisis in the Saint Emperor era, and someone else is going to attack the strongest? It is not the eternal level, so we are forced to this point. Kind of situation."

"Apart from the three of us, is there anyone alive?" Heaven and Earth Saint King said.

"And I."

At this moment, in a mysterious ancient road, a person was sitting quietly, but suddenly stood up. This is a middle-aged man with white hair and vicissitudes of eyes, seeing through the past, present and future.

He walked over slowly, without a breath of oppression.

But Chu Yuan knew that he was the strongest among the four.

Yi Tianzun's eyes flickered slightly, staring at the white-haired middle-aged man, the wheel of heaven was running, and he already knew the origin of this man.

"There are still people who are good at calculating fate and controlling some of the power of fate. You feel so familiar and unfamiliar to me. This era is very different from before."

The white-haired middle-aged man used very calm words, "I am the saint king of war, representing the age of the saint king, the power of war."

"The King of War!"

Sikongtu was shocked. He had only heard of the saint king of war. He was too old to exist. He was the **** of war in the age of the saint emperor. He made great contributions to the saint emperor's southern war.

Listening to his name is the same as listening to the myth.

The Saint King of War was actually born in the same era as the Saint King.

The King of War is not the eternal level, but he is very strong and has fought against the eternal level.

Although he is such a powerful character, he has spent his entire life, and he has not been able to break through to the eternal level, but this step is difficult.

And if he uses ordinary methods, of course, he won't live for that long, because they have sealed themselves up.

The King of War actually sealed himself a long time ago.

As a person who had been in the same era with the Holy Emperor, it was naturally impossible for him to live for so long by ordinary methods. However, this was a seal imposed by the Holy Emperor himself, sealed in his own way to avoid eternal catastrophe.

Only the strongest person like Saint Emperor can do it, and other eternal grades can't do it.

The King of War knew that he would not be able to survive the next era.

He asked the holy emperor to seal him, not for immortality, but to fight for the emperor at the most dangerous time in the holy emperor's era.

Of course, once he is born, he cannot be self-proclaimed.

The accumulation of his eternal calamity is too terrifying. When this era passes, if Chu Yuan doesn't kill him, he will die.

And Chu Yuan is not surprised by this self-styled method.

He has a coffin of the God of Life and Death, hiding in it, can avoid all the eternal calamity, the price is that he can only proclaim himself once, and he can do it with the means of the Holy Emperor.

However, like the self-appointed King of War, the Emperor also sealed him.

After all, this method is too terrifying, the Holy Emperor is powerful, and it is not better than the eternal rules.

Such as the Saint King of Heaven and Earth, Saint King of Sun and Moon, Saint King of Xiao Se would not have this treatment.

In fact, in the long epoch, the Holy Emperor era sealed a large number of Holy Kings, but many people died in their own way, so that they didn't even know how many others were still alive.

However, the strength of these four saint kings is also extremely terrifying, and all of them are powerful men who have understood half the way.

"See the King of War!"

The three holy kings are very respectful to the war holy kings.

"For the sake of the Holy Emperor, we will all seal ourselves, and now, when we are dedicated to the Holy Emperor, this person is terrifying. His strength should not be underestimated and cannot be underestimated."

The holy king of war.

The Sun Moon Saint King said without fear: "We can no longer achieve the eternal level, let alone live to the next era. We are mortal people, and we are not afraid of death. If we can use the death of the four of us, we can It’s worth killing people."

No plan to live anymore.

Such talents are the most terrifying.

When they emerged from the self-appointed road, they were destined to die.

Although they were just born, all the circumstances have been told to them in an instant.

They are for the holy emperor. The holy emperor can live for so long and must have hunted the eternal level. Once this person is dominant, the holy emperor cannot hunt the eternal level. UU read www.uukanshu. Com will undoubtedly die.

"Extremely sublimated, the last battle, let our lives compose this last, most peak battle!"

The sage king of war has ascended to the utmost, his path and the origin of his life are bursting with the most exuberant light, and the gun of war appears in his hand.

The same goes for the other three holy kings.

The aura of the four of them was overwhelmingly oppressive at this time, overwhelmingly overwhelming, their strength was too strong, the true eternal class did not dare to fight with them four at this time.

The Saint King of War did not expect to be able to kill Chu Yuan, and it was good to seriously wound him.

Once he is seriously injured, someone will go and fix him.

He wanted to make this Shenwu Empire's attack a key point of his failure.

Chu Yuan looked at them at the moment, the vast divine power, invincible control power, without the slightest fear, directly launched a devastating blow against the four great holy kings.

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