The vast divine might, the invincible power of the world, caused the heavens of the Holy Emperor Continent to collapse and the earth to split, just like the scene of the arrival of the end.

The magnificent vision created by Emperor Shenwu's strength was as if he had seen the destruction of the Holy Emperor Continent.

Looking at the great Emperor Shenwu Emperor, they were almost suffocated.

"You can't stop me." Chu Yuan said: "If you want to stop me, let your holy emperor appear. Only he can let me retreat. If you don't show up, you will be bloodbathed!"

"Even if we are all dead, the Holy Emperor will not show up, and we will not let the Holy Emperor reappear. Your conspiracy and tricks will not succeed. The great Holy Emperor will not be aroused by you."

The king of war affirmed.

Although the holy emperor has infinite power, the war holy king knows that the holy emperor can no longer act casually, unless he has absolute interests, otherwise the battle between him and the Shenwu Emperor will be too expensive and will be calculated by others.

"If the holy emperor does not appear, your holy emperor era will come to an end!"

Chu Yuan's eyes looked at the war sage king, and the billowing power suddenly boiled and burned in the void around him, evaporating into nothingness, and the ordinary seven realms would be directly burned by him.

The war sage king's face was extremely solemn, he had fought with the eternal class, but the pressure brought by the Emperor Shenwu was greater than anyone else.

This man's magic power cannot be guessed by common sense.

"All saint kings, let us dedicate for the holy emperor era and guard our home!"

The words of the Lord of War are not impassioned, but they are extremely piercing. This is the home where they have lived for countless epochs. Shenwu wants to destroy it, just to destroy their home.

"Listen to the Order of the Holy King of War!"

Sikongtu, Saint King of Storm, Saint King of Kuangwu, they also roared wildly.

All will come together, impassioned.

The blood is boiling.

They burned with anger, knowing that no matter this victory or defeat, the four strongest foundations will end their lives in this era, and they will lose the four strongest powers.

The age of the Holy Emperor is very likely to decline due to this.

The hatred of Shenwu is unforgettable.

This aggression, the people who started the war against them, must not die!

At this moment, the four great saint kings headed by war, heaven and earth, sun and moon, and Xiaose, and there are also seven great saint kings, they all burned their own strength, light impacted.

This combined force is oppressive and overwhelming, even if it comes to an eternal class, it will hardly be an opponent, and will leave directly.

But Chu Yuan, like the sky, suppressed the sky in their Holy Emperor era, and could not be shaken.

Facing the oppression of the Holy Emperor Era, Chu Yuan's expression was very calm. Any force that impacted in front of him was directly swallowed by the swallowed power.

He is not afraid of siege at all.

"I have seen an eternal class who is good at devouring. At that time, he was the enemy on the road of the strongest of the holy emperor. He swallowed the heavens and swallowed everything, but in the end it was still killed by the holy emperor. He gave me the devouring. It is not an ordinary swallowing, but just turning swallowing into a power under his control, pointing straight to the eternal road."

Although the Sage King of War saw that there were so many people, and the eleven ninth realms had swept out monstrous power, he still did not relax.

Chu Yuan stepped forward, without words, only beheaded.

As he took this step, the huge Saint Emperor Continent was shaking, and the aura that they gathered together seemed to be shaken away at this moment.

"War, I'll take action first to fight this first battle."

Sun Moon Saint Kingly.

"No, he is very strong. It is meaningless to start the battle. Next, I will come to the main attack. You will all display your strongest power. In fact, even if I am self-proclaimed, I can't survive many eras."

The face of the king of war was terrified, but excited.

His fighting spirit was burned again, the long-lost excitement was crazy.

Back then, when the holy emperor set the overall situation, in the long epoch, no one would be their opponent in the entire eternity.

They stand alone.

At that time, the Sage King of War was also full of spirits. When he was confident enough to hit the eternal level, he discovered that he could not hit the eternal level.

He understood that it was the strongest path of the holy emperor, which created obstacles invisibly.

Unless he judges the way of the holy emperor, he can achieve it

"I have no regrets if I can fight an opponent like Emperor Shenwu Emperor in the last era of my life!"

The tone of the war sage king became bold, and he launched his attack on the Emperor Shenwu. The horns and drums of the war sounded, and the realm of war appeared and then turned into a battlefield.

Countless gods of war attacked with him, and there was the voice of Iron Horse and Jin Ge.

"Fire of war!"

The sage king of war carries the **** of war, and directly mobilizes all his power. His palm is countless wars, and in this kind of wars, he also carries soul will.

The battlefields he evolved were not ordinary visions, but real scenes that had happened in the past.

His Dao bombardment, on this road, this is the army of the holy emperor era that year, going to fight an eternal opponent on the road of eternity, and kill them all.

This was engraved into his own path by the war sage king, changed into a war path of the strongest, and made him strong in the ninth state.

Therefore, it was not the eternal way that the Holy Emperor suppressed him, but that he himself could not sublimate the way of war to the eternal level.

"The torrent of troubled times!"

Chu Yuan's soul will explode.

The torrent of his troubled times swept out, and among them, countless figures appeared, and many pictures changed. It was also a war that the empire experienced.

The war in the age of the Holy Emperor is over.

And Chu Yuan's war was still going on.

He smashed out with the torrent of troubled times, and the great will contained in it was to end the troubled times with the troubled times, to create a new world and usher in complete peace.

The King of War can also immediately detect the power of the opponent in the turbulent times.

He cannot go back.

The two forces violently collided and banged, causing even greater destruction. His road to war was actually collapsing, unable to withstand the other's great will.

"Fist of War!"

The King of War launched a fierce attack on Chu Yuan, and the fists of the war continued to strike out, and the power of each punch was astonishing.

He is like the **** of war on the battlefield. UU reading pushes everything horizontally, and can cut the opponent's generals to the top of the army, or directly swing troops to break the empire of others and capture the ruler of the empire.

During his campaign, he didn't know how many so-called emperors had been killed.

When Chu Yuan faced him, he also used the emperor's fist.

The power of this emperor’s fist was immense, and completely suppressed the fist of war. He was also the emperor who fought in the flames of war, and suppressed the opponent with the will of the emperor.

"Your era is over."

Chu Yuan blasted out a blow, and the war holy king fought hard, and in an instant he retreated wildly.

"Kill! The Shenwu Emperor's power is too strong. The Sage King of War can't stop him at all. We all shoot, even if we burn ourselves and the blood is drained, we will stop him. Our era will always be glorious. !"

Seeing this, the other holy kings burst out fierce roars and immediately joined forces to support the war holy king.

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