Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1887: Twilight, the end of civilization

The situation has reached a moment of life and death in the age of the Holy Emperor.

Although there are many people, their faces are not at all relaxed, but rather depressed.

Shenwu's strength makes them unassuming.

Once they can't stop this person from attacking and killing, their glorious glory will be shattered, and all creatures will be wiped out.

The enemy will not pity them, it is just a number in Shenwu's eyes.

Chu Yuan's sharp eyes swept away, already knowing that this was all their power, unless the Holy Emperor came, but the more terrifying his strength, the less the Holy Emperor would come.

For the Holy Emperor, he doesn't care much about the flowers of the forces.

What he really cares about is his own eternal existence.

He will not hurt himself for this.

"All Saint Kings, burn their origins and bombard them with the strongest magical powers!"

Following an order from the Saint King of War, the eleven rainbows of light crossed time and space, and their magical powers and mysteries broke out at the strongest level, and that terrifying force could not be resisted by the true eternal level.

In the face of this attack, Chu Yuan took the lead in launching a tyrannical attack.

He pushed it away with a palm, and the rumbling, devastating torrent hit, walked into the gate of eternity, and he came to the front of the Holy King of Heaven and Earth.

His palm contains boundless time and space, and it violently covers it.

The Holy King of Heaven and Earth has also encountered so many opponents in his life, and he has rich combat experience.

But with Chu Yuan's suppression, he knew that he could not control the heavens and the earth, so he could only passively blast him.

However, his counterattack was useless and was directly suppressed by Chu Yuan.

Boom! His body also trembled violently, and his martial arts were like heaven and gods and could not be resisted.

Chu Yuan took out all the light in the world with one fist and turned it into darkness. Then it seemed to burst out the first light in the world, directly hitting the holy king of heaven and earth.

With a crackling sound that shocked the world, the Holy King of Heaven and Earth was directly bombarded, and his whole body was cracked.

Although the Saint King of Heaven and Earth is not as good as the Saint King of War, he has understood half the way, and is also the top strongest, but in front of Shenwu, he is not his enemy.

The Emperor Shenwu stands here, tyrant in the world, irresistible.

At this time, it gives people the feeling that the eleven holy kings can't occupy the slightest advantage, but it is more like the Shenwu Divine Emperor has a complete advantage and launched an extermination attack on them.

"Can't go on like this!"

The King Xiao Se came to kill, chilling completely.

But in the next instant, her face changed. The Emperor Shenwu was the only one in the world, and with a wave of his hands, the time and space of the King Xiao Se suddenly changed.

He manipulates different dimensions and reverses time and space, seemingly omnipotent.

The huge dimensional light blade flashed in the eternal time and space, and the Saint King Xiaose slammed, and her body flew in an instant, and she was cut out with a piercing blood mark.

"The control of different dimensions becomes eternal time and space."

The Desolate King gritted his teeth.

Chu Yuan pushed with both hands, and more dimensional beheading appeared.


The war sage king is the strongest, and he is the only one who can fight with Chu Yuan head-on. His ancient road of war extends, and the torrent of iron horses and kings once again fiercely impacts.


The way of Chu Yuan's operation ended, enveloped the entire Saint Emperor Continent.

At this moment, everyone saw an extremely frustrating scene.

A round of the sun rises, but the sun emits a dusk-like light, the sun is thinning west, and a civilization has reached the end and is sinking.

The death knell sound resounded, and it made people feel heartbroken, as if they were singing the last elegy for the age of the Holy Emperor.

As soon as the dusk of this end appeared, their morale was already low, and they were even less able to raise strength to resist. For example, the kings of all saints will also reach the end of their lives and become the dust of history.

"The end of civilization!"

The ancient road of war swept by the saint of war was illuminated by the dusk of light, and the war scenes inside had disappeared.

"He is going to end our holy emperor era!"

Seeing this scene, the Saint King of Sun and Moon couldn't calm down, his soul had hit him too much, and it seemed that they were about to end the life of their sacred king.

"The age of the holy emperor will never end!"

The Sun Moon Saint King made a roaring sound.

He emitted a hot and bright light, the most dazzling light, like the sun rising, he wanted to drive away the end of Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan's expression was extremely cold.

He clearly understood that this battle must not be delayed with them for too long, although the Holy Emperor probably won't make a move, but after a long time, the fluctuations will be sent out, and the eternal level will appear in trouble.

He is not afraid of the eternal level, but it will destroy his plan.

He grabbed it with a palm, and immediately came directly in front of the Sun and Moon Saint King, and sent a destroying palm to him, carrying the destruction of civilization and fusing with the power of ending.

Destruction is a kind of end.

Sun Moon Saint King was hit by this palm, and the sun he turned into exploded.

Just when Chu Yuan was about to launch a more tyrannical attack, other Saint Kings also attacked immediately, making it difficult for him to continue to cause greater blows.

"My holy emperor's time, forever!"

Other powerhouses in the Holy Emperor Era also issued such a roar, which is their belief.

"Eternal life? Even your holy emperor can't achieve true eternal life, you have no chance!"

Chu Yuan's power blasted the world and directly launched an even more extinct attack on the eleven powerhouses. With one swipe of his hands, he burst into a furnace of heaven and earth, and wanted to refine the Holy Emperor Continent.

"Stop him!"

Immediately, headed by the Saint King of War, all launched an attack on Chu Yuan.

However, Chu Yuan blocked all power with the furnace of heaven and earth, and then, the terrifying eternal emperor's might, he was tall and burly, directly at the center of their power.

He was another more violent force, tearing the world with his big hands, and the moment it exploded, the combination of their strength was torn apart.

There was an incomparably hot brilliance that swept away into a hurricane, and they also suffered an extremely severe blow.

Chu Yuan was invincible, and the emperor's aura enveloped him. He stepped on the eight wastes and rushed over with the most domineering pace. He came directly to this side with the gate of eternity.


The war sage shook his iron fist, but in the next moment, his iron fist did not hit Chu Yuan.

Emperor Shenwu walks in the past, present, and future, in an eternal time and space, and is not in the same dimension as them.

He grabbed it with a big hand, it was a big thunder hand, he actually came directly to the front of a ninth stage, and his eyes shot out the cruelest brilliance.


When the thunder came, this holy king also had unspeakable fear on his face. He seemed to have seen death coming towards him, and his life had come to an end.

But he was not reconciled, he was still against the sky, against the sky of Chu Yuan.

"I won't die, never!"

Seeing Chu Yuan appear in front of him, this saint king initiated the last struggle of his life.

His palm was violent, thundering in the sky, and he slapped his head directly, causing him to start from his head and completely explode.

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