Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1888: The direction of the heart is invincible

A strong man from the age of the holy emperor exploded.

He was also the first ninth stage to be beheaded.

His flesh and blood splattered, even a drop of blood from the Origin God could be turned into the sea, and after the ninth realm was exploded, the blood mist flooded the entire continent, and the mutilated soul was still roaring and painful.

At this moment, the blood mist enveloped Chu Yuan, making him more like an emperor killing god, shaking his soul.

In the joint hands of many holy kings, he directly beheaded one person with a terrifying posture.


The faces of the saint kings who made the move were frightened and angry.

The direction of the heart is invincible.

Chu Yuan's gaze swept across the next Saint King again. He stepped into his eternal time and space. The flowers in the mirror and the moon in the water clearly existed in front of them, but he couldn't stop them.

"Don't let him take the opportunity!"

The sage king of war has fought for his whole life, and he has seen too many strong men with the sacred emperor. He has never seen such a strong man as the Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

He has little choice.

Chu Yuan's breath suppressed them, and he controlled the entire battlefield.

With a look, another holy king was locked.

It is the King of Kuangwu.

"He wants to kill me!"

Although thinking not to fear him, the fear of the soul cannot be suppressed. By his side, the golden thunder fell, and death was already coming towards him.

Chu Yuan walked out to him, making a thunderous sound every step of the way.

"Don't think about it!"

The sacred king of war broke out with great power, and his spear pierced through Changhong. With a direct stabbing, he arrived in front of Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan raised his palm, and thunder rage halberd slashed out, and the power of the tyrant repelled the war sage in an instant.

In the next instant, he arrived in front of Saint King Kuangwu.

He stared at him, the invisible soul impacted, and the power of the great soul technique attacked and killed his soul first.

"I did it with you!"

The Sage King of Kuangwu seemed to know that he was bound to die, he had displayed the martial art of madness, turned into a torch, and no longer wanted to live, and his strength could only be regarded as a relatively ordinary nine-level.

Chu Yuan covered the sky with his big hands, facing his soaring sky, he directly controlled him within the domain he controlled.

The situation at this time was like this, the Sage King of Kuangwu rushed frantically, but he could not attack the sky where Chu Yuan's palm changed.

The sage king of Kuangwu attacked with both fists, knowing that there was no way to survive, so he simply fought it out completely, causing the greatest trauma to this person as much as possible.

Chu Yuan stepped in his own path, his power turned into a torrent. He slashed his palm and killed the fate with a blow. During the fall, the King of Mad Martial Art seemed unharmed, but his fate seemed to be cut off by Chu Yuan. .

"Kill the future destiny!"

Yi Tianzun is proficient in fate calculations, and he knows how powerful the emperor's fate is.

His undefeated figure stood, his palms directly grabbing the fists of the arrogant holy king, and he tore him directly, tearing him in half, blood soaring into the sky, and perishing in his eternal road.

The power of the Kuangwu Saint King has become the essence of the steady Chu Yuan Eternal Road.

"King Wu Sheng Wang!"

When the other Saint King saw this scene, the list was about to split, and the Kuangwu Saint King had fallen so, and his bones were buried in the eternal road of Shenwu.


It was the voice of death again, Chu Yuan was already killing.

He locked onto a holy king again, with his big hands in the air. The holy king suddenly felt that the time and space around him was frozen, and even his soul thinking could not work.

He was horrified and terrified.

But his and Chu Yuan's strengths are too far apart.

Chu Yuan's brilliance shone through the ages, and the Great Swallowing technique directly formed a whirlpool on his head, and it just swallowed him and disappeared.

In this terrible scene, the ordinary Nine Realms couldn't resist Chu Yuan at all, and only those who understood their own way had the strength to reluctantly confront Chu Yuan.

In this very short time, they even lost three holy kings.

Chu Yuan alone pushed them to the end of the Holy Emperor Continent. Originally thought that there was a leader of the War Holy King, even if they were not opponents of this person, they would have no problem protecting the Holy Emperor Continent.

But the reality is that they slapped them severely.

Emperor Shenwu stood there, his mighty and powerful emperor's body had become the terminator of the Holy Emperor era.

"Could it be that only the eternal grade can stop him?"

They were furious.

This person's control of time and space, isolated from the world, their power is difficult to stop, only the real eternal road can cause the greatest obstacle to him.

Looking at the dusk of the sky, entering the countdown, it is falling.


There was a vision on Chu Yuan’s Eternal Road, the divine light was shining, the power was boiling, the emperor’s way was supreme, and he was no longer satisfied to kill the ordinary ninth realm, but was locked in the body of the four kings of war.

"It's all over."

He uttered extremely cold and cruel words.


These two words are terrifying.

The end of civilization, the end of the era, not one or two people, but all people in the age of the Holy Emperor, which means that they will all die.


Chu Yuan's magic is boundless.

His power to end has fallen to the Holy King of Heaven and Earth, and for any of these four great antiques, any one of them beheaded by him will be a huge blow to morale.


The Holy King of Heaven and Earth could only respond to Chu Yuan by killing the word, and could not retreat.

And he couldn't retreat either, the other party's eternal path had already enveloped him in.

His path to heaven and earth was also swept out, not complete, but still powerful.

"The Holy King of Heaven and Earth was dragged into his eternal road by this person!"

They watched the Holy King of Heaven and Earth being pulled into the Eternal Road and couldn't stop it.

"Bombard, break his way from outside!"

The Saint King of War also knew that the Saint King of Heaven and Earth was drawn into the battlefield of the other side's Eternal Road. This was extremely dangerous. Although they were not afraid of death, they had to die worthwhile, rather than being mercilessly killed.

However, at this moment, Chu Yuan had already taken control of the world.

The fierce battle was staged on Chu Yuan's road.

When the Heaven and Earth Saint King was on the eternal road of the Emperor Shenwu Emperor, he seemed to see the real eternal road, a road that could truly be detached, and varied.

Deadly murderous.

"You want to achieve such an eternal road, your ambition is too big, eternal rules will not let you succeed, you want to become eternal, it is impossible to do it!"

The Saint King of Heaven and Earth seems to finally understand the reason why this person is so powerful.

"You can no longer see this day."

When Chu Yuan's words fell, the wind was surging, the universe was reversed, and the yin and yang were reversed. The power of death completely enveloped the Holy King of heaven and earth. In his time and space, he ruled all life and death.


The Holy King of Heaven and Earth rushed, the power of his whole body was boiling, and he was violent. He no longer wanted to be able to go out alive, and his power of Heaven and Earth was also greatly suppressed at this moment.

The battle is on.

At this moment, he rushed in front of Chu Yuan, did not choose to boil with him, but suddenly became a hot glow, completely exploded.

An ancient strong man gave up his life and exploded all his power in Chu Yuan's path.

He was absolutely determined, without any hesitation!

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