The holy king of heaven and earth turned into the brightest light.

He was like a shooting star, passing by in a flash, and then extinguished after bursting out of brilliance.

"Heaven and Earth Saint King has fallen!"

The Sun Moon Saint King saw the death of the Heaven and Earth Saint King, his eyes were full of sadness. He knew that with the strength of the Heaven and Earth Saint King, he could actually hold on for a while, but he did not do so.

The Holy King of Heaven and Earth is determined to die, and with the most prosperous attitude, burst open the eternal path of the opponent.

He watched the death of the Holy King of Heaven and Earth. In fact, he and the Holy King of Heaven and Earth were the same generation of Holy Kings. The two had fought **** battles, and the Desolate Holy King was a period earlier than them.

"The Holy King of Heaven and Earth exploded in the other side's eternal road with his own life. This is creating opportunities for us. Don't let his efforts be wasted!"

The sun and moon holy king roars!

Shenwu is the invader, the devil in their eyes.

At this time, the Saint King of War also raised his state to the limit. He didn't believe in the strength of the Saint King of Heaven and Earth, so that he could not be attacked, otherwise his strength would be too invincible.


Chu Yuan exudes invincible power.

The explosion of the Holy King of Heaven and Earth was very powerful, and the vitality was turbulent, that is, if it was replaced by some eternal grade, encountering such a blow, the road may be penetrated, and the price will be huge.

But with his invincible control, all the fluctuations within the world did not cause him any harm.

His power is supreme and once again appeared in front of everyone.

"You! The sacrifice of the Holy King of Heaven and Earth is not as effective as it should be!"

These people felt Chu Yuan's invincibility, and felt a little powerless to face him.

How to fight against such an opponent, even the Holy King of Heaven and Earth did not want his life, and they did not hurt him. They were not afraid of death, but afraid that their own fighting would be useless.

"If the holy emperor does not show up, your end will only be a dead end, there is absolutely no life!"

Chu Yuanqi swallowed the eternal domineering, and attacked the opponent with strong words.

This is a blow to momentum.

He knew that it was impossible for the Holy Emperor not to know what happened here, but he would use an invincible posture to make the Holy Emperor unwilling to show up.

For the Saint Emperor, his era is over, and the Saint Emperor Continent can hardly provide him with assistance, just a symbol.

He depends on whether the Holy Emperor is for himself or is willing to do it for the Holy Emperor Continent.

"You don't need to want the Holy Emperor to appear here. I said that even if I die, I won't be willing to let the Holy Emperor appear and interfere in the battle here. The Holy Emperor is impossible!"

The king of war has sharp eyes.

They also have a difficult choice now.

The Saint Emperor's presence can naturally keep the Saint Emperor Continent, but the Saint Emperor may suffer a huge blow because of this, and his every shot will be remembered by the eternal rules.

If it doesn't appear, the Holy Emperor Continent is likely to be destroyed today.

"Shenwu, do you think the Holy Emperor is afraid of you? As the strongest, the Holy Emperor has multiple eternal ranks that were killed in the past. When he was invincible, you were not born yet. What he fears is the eternal rules, you If you dare to provoke here in a period like the holy emperor, you will definitely die without a place to be buried!"

The arrogance of Emperor Shenwu and the tragic situation encountered by the Holy Emperor Continent caused them to drip blood in their hearts, which was a boundless shame.

"If he doesn't appear, then he will die, and if the holy emperor meets me, he has no chance to become the strongest!"

Chu Yuan said with absolute words.

He had already seen that the Holy Emperor would not appear anymore. He even killed a few of the Ninth Stages, but he did not respond, he wanted to abandon his power.

Indeed, the holy emperor has lived too long, and in the face of eternal rules, he must be killed.

At this moment, Chu Yuan, carrying the torrent of imperial luck, crushed the past with that immense power, and almost everything would be destroyed in front of him.


An endless explosion occurred.

Ordinary Saint King didn't dare to step forward and fight Chu Yuan, and he would instantly be killed by him.

He is the sky, and the sky is him.

At this moment, everyone can feel his great will. He wants to completely control the eternal rules, not to become him, but to completely control him.

With his great body, with a wave of his palm, a torrent of power swept through the crowd.

Rumbled... There was a wave of shocks, Chu Yuan stepped forward, a big hand covering the infinite time and space, a ninth-level holy king was still using his power to counterattack, so he was caught by this hand and squeezed.

He roared and struggled, but to no avail, his body exploded, and his flesh and blood soul was refined into his path by Chu Yuan.

Another holy king died!

The blood all reflected the sky in the Holy Emperor Continent red.

From the battle to the present, four holy kings have died.

Although there were still seven people, but eleven people attacked at the same time, and there was no way to stop them. Instead, they were killed by four people. It was impossible for them to stop the Emperor Shenwu.

Evening will finally come, and destruction is in sight.

"You go, I will stop him alone!"

The Saint King of War suddenly said such words, unable to knock him out of the Saint Emperor Continent, and now he can only coexist and die with the mainland.

With this kind of cruelty, if he wins, countless creatures in the holy emperor era will die. This emperor will not leave one behind. Anyone who is the strongest for eternal hegemony is an absolute cruel method.

"We will fight him with you!"

Both the Sun Moon Saint King and Xiao Se Saint King walked out and looked at Sikongtu and them: "You take all the people from the Saint Emperor Era to escape, and we and the War Saint King will use our lives to block him!"

This is no alternative, and the era that belongs to them will eventually come to an end.

"I have already said that if the Holy Emperor does not appear, none of you can survive. If you want to survive, only the Holy King appears."

Chu Yuan started the final lore.

He blasted out with a punch, swallowed the mountains and rivers with anger, majestic and domineering, is the strongest force, directly locked these people, the terrible imperial oppression made their power crazily collapse.

The empire's warships and the strong also attacked at the same time, and the artillery crossed, blocking their retreat.


The sun and moon saint king rushed over with the determination to die, and the force of the sun and the moon turned into a scorching sun and a radiant moon with one punch. Stars in the sky also appeared in his sun and moon road.

But when Chu Yuan's fist oppression came, Riyuelu exploded, UU reading www.uukanshu. com countless stars are dying.

With Lu’s bombardment, Sun Moon Saint King was in a state of complete defeat, and his road collapsed every inch. This pain was more tragic than killing his soul.

The Saint King Xiao Se was also killed, vaguely, the eruption at the end of her life seemed to restore her most graceful scene.

Back then, she had also been high-spirited.

However, Chu Yuan only looked at them with indifferent eyes. The power of destruction immediately blasted the Saint King Xiaose, tearing her power completely apart.

After that, his eternal road was unimaginably heavy and directly penetrated the Sun Moon Road.

The Sun Moon Road broke, and the Sun Moon Saint King vomited blood, and Yuanyuan suffered a terrible blow.

Behind Chu Yuan appeared a roulette of life and death, in control of life and death, he took a magnificent step, smashing the Sun Moon Saint King with the most domineering attitude.

Sun Moon Saint King came to the end of his life and was completely torn apart by Chu Yuan.

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