Although the Sun Moon Saint King also understood some of the mystery of the eternal road, he was not a real eternal level after all, and he had been self-proclaimed for so long, and he no longer had that kind of fearless mentality.

With Chu Yuan's current strength, he has not achieved the eternal level, but no one in the Origin God will be his opponent, and those who are less than the eternal level will suffer his most **** and cruel killing.

"You won't become the eternal level. If you dare to attack the eternal level, the eternal rules will kill you too!"

At the last moment of his life, the Sun Moon Saint King felt the glory of Chu Yuan's eternal road, and when his soul was shattered, he made the final voice.

Another old antique was beheaded, they have reached the brink of the end, the transformation from heaven to hell.

"Holy King of War, I will give you a chance to fight with me."

Chu Yuanjun came to the world and ignored him.

The general trend of invincibility, the invincible luck, converge into invincible power.

With one blow, he seemed to be in control of the eternal rules, and when his will was suppressed, it turned into a lore, and Bai Hong went through the sky and shot it at the war holy king.

"The last battle in this life!"

Facing the general trend of Chu Yuan's invincibility, the war sage king had no fear. He had already seen how his life would end.

After fighting for a lifetime, for him, the best destination is to die in the war.

Only his death would also represent the destruction of Saint Emperor Continent.

"The sublimation of war!"

"The Charge of War!"

"The iron and blood of war!"

"The Elegy of War!"

"The end of the war!"

The saint king of war erupted violently, and his momentum was violent one after another. Finally, he made the most violent voice and yelled: "Death in battle!"

Yes, death in battle is his strongest offense, and he has set his own destiny for himself.

A blood-like fire burned on him, and even if the saint king of war was not killed by Chu Yuange now, he would not be able to persist until the arrival of the eternal world.

His blood-colored power violently attacked Chu Yuan, and at the end of his life, he could still fully explode, which was also the best result for him personally.

"I give you the chance to die in battle."

Chu Yuan built the battlefield as if it were true with eternal power.

Although it was an enemy, Chu Yuan would also give the sage king the greatest respect. He was a fierce general who loyally fought and died for the sage king.

But you still have to kill, and you can't be merciful to the enemy.

A bright beam of light shines on his palm, and it will immediately penetrate the war king.


His ancient road of war recorded his life's battles. At this moment, it completely broke out, colliding with Chu Yuan's eternal road, and the power that broke out was beyond ordinary people's approach.


The saint king of war stepped forward, and the will to die on the battlefield was much stronger than simply burning the origin.

Chu Yuan's divine light slammed. Although the saint king was desperate for war, anyone with a discerning eye could see that he was not an opponent of the emperor Shenwu, and he was destined to die in battle. There was no second possibility.

"The King of War is using his own life to win you time to escape. You are not ready to leave. Do you want to let the King of War be in vain?"

The bleak saint king is sad and desolate.

They have reached the end of the age of the Holy Emperor.

"We can't let the dedication of the Saint King of War be worthless. We escape here. Although Emperor Shenwu has gained a temporary advantage, he is bound to be intolerable by heaven. He will fail. We must live to see him die. One moment!"

Sikongtu was sad and angry.

They were too miserable this time.


He wants to escape here with the last of them.

But while Chu Yuan suppressed the Saint King of War, he was able to launch a blockade attack on Sikongtu and the others. The three portals of time, space, and dimension immediately formed a murderous sea of ​​dimensions.

The Sealed Gate has also shaken the seal of the world.

This time, none of them can be let go.

"The Emperor God!"

Chu Yuan's hand seemed to contain the power of tens of billions of planes, like the eternal sky, shocked Sikongtu, his escape was immediately interrupted, and he fought back.

"Besiege them!"

Yi Tianzun gave the order, and the battleship was also blocked.

And Chu Yuan was also carrying out the final lore against the war king at this moment.

His strength is indeed much stronger than that of the Sun and Moon Saint Kings. It is indeed a pity that such a character has not achieved the eternal level, but from another perspective, without the Saint King, he cannot condense this ancient road of war.

His great will completely suppressed the war king.

If the king of war is the commander-in-chief of the war-god on the battlefield, then the emperor Chu Yuan is the initiator and manipulator of war, and he uses the emperor's will to reduce dimensionality and attack.

With his own emperor's eternal road, he also slammed into the opponent's ancient road of war.

The two roads collided, and although it was not defeated by a single blow like the Sun Moon Saint King before, his road was also destroyed and destroyed like the real road.

"The banner is bloodied, the horse leather shroud, the soldier is dead on the battlefield!"

The war sage has been desperate, carrying a monstrous explosion, as if the battlefield knew that it was impossible to defeat the opponent, but still charged with the belief of death.



It seems that such a sound resounded!

The last charge in his life!

He defended his dignity with death!

Such opponents are also respectable!

The fierce confrontation unfolded in an instant.

Chu Yuan was merciless, pushing with his big hands, he used the emperor's mana to stifle the charge of the war sage king, and his eternal road instantly enveloped him.

Subsequently, the Shenwu Divine Sword appeared, extremely fierce.

This cut, the vast national fortune, the ancient road of war was cut.

"The last glory of my life!"

The holy king of war roared a earth-shaking sound.

"I will send you on the road."

When Chu Yuan grabbed the Divine Wu Divine Sword and pierced through the infinite time and space, he came to the front of the war sage king, and the sword pierced his body, staining his hot blood.

The sage king of war was extremely brilliant, and he still had to charge. He waved his hands wildly, and before he was about to fall, he still had to attack Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan raised his other hand and confronted him with a blow. The spirit will immediately charged, and it was quashed into his soul.

His path was destroyed by Chu Yuan, and his life was terminated by Emperor Shenwu.

"Holy Emperor, I'm going now, my way is broken."

The King of War has no fear of He knows that the King has also seen his death. He does not appear, but there are also his difficulties. Blame this **** eternal rule.

Although he was not afraid of death, it was only his death that could not open the blockade of Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

He died, and the age of the Holy Emperor was over, and no one would escape.

The soul fire in his eyes was finally extinguished, and the Shenwu Divine Sword was still piercing his body, supporting him so that he did not fall and kept standing.

With Chu Yuan's hand, the Saint King of War fell into his way.

"All the soldiers, bloodbath the Holy Emperor Continent, not one alive will remain."

Chu Yuan's uncomfortable eyes swept over the other Saint Kings, and he began his **** cleansing.

The Holy Emperor doesn't care about them, and this group of people don't want to have anything to survive.

And the empire's butcher knife has also killed the past.

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