Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 189: Attribute 3: Heaven and Earth oven

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"The Emperor Wu is back!"

Emperor Dachang was cleaning up the mess. He suddenly saw a figure appearing in the sky, and immediately said: "Emperor Wu, what's the situation? Have you hunted down to the ninth battalion? Come back so soon, the ninth battalion must have received the news , Left and disappeared."

"You guessed it wrong. The ninth battalion's strong gods have been killed by me, and this battalion has no combat effectiveness."

Chu Yuanyun was calm and calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, not worth mentioning.

"They are all dead!"

The Emperor Dachang was shocked, feeling the power of Chu Yuan, and said in surprise: "Emperor Wu, how do I think your power is more terrifying than before!"

He felt very good, and Chu Yuan had swallowed dozens of gods' rules of power.

Although it was only a breakthrough in a small realm, his inherently terrifying existence also felt like a sea, majestic and incalculable.

"I really made a breakthrough." Chu Yuan said lightly: "Now the most powerful fifth battalion of the Demon Abyss Legion is besieging the Hanging Dynasty. It's a good opportunity to sweep."

"Next, what are you going to do?" Chu Yuan asked.

"Oh! My Dachang is completely ruined. The invasion of the Demon Abyss has displaced Wu hundreds of people, and the strong have also lost 50 to 60%. The luck has been dispersed, the hearts of the people have been dispersed, and the nation's veins have disappeared. , Now it’s an empty shell, what a dynasty."

Emperor Dachang sighed.

Although luckily survived this time, it was just lingering.

In this dilapidated state, the entire imperial city was turned into ruins, where there was still a four-star dynasty.

"I can no longer be regarded as the emperor. I cannot protect my people, and I am not qualified to continue to be the emperor."

Emperor Dachang looked at Chu Yuan, his eyes flashed with struggle and hesitation, and finally he firmly said: "If Emperor Wu doesn't dislike him, I can take refuge in Dawu, so that all the people will submit to Dawu, and later become Dawu citizens!"

His words made Chu Yuan a little surprised, but it was reasonable.

The Dachang dynasty was indeed destroyed. The domestic powerhouse was more than half killed, and the people were escaping for their lives. It would be meaningless to continue to be the emperor.

And he can see it clearly. With the sudden arrival of the Demon Abyss Legion, the entire suspended space will be reshuffled. With his strength that is not even a god, what big waves can be set off.

The rise of Emperor Wu.

The Hanging Dynasty encountered another siege by the Demon Abyss Legion.

He might as well take advantage of his own value to take refuge in Dawu early, perhaps he could gain even greater benefits, and Chu Yuan could cut the position of God at will, as long as he didn't die, how terrible would he be in the future?

All this is unimaginable.

Whether it is the Hanging Dynasty, the Demon Abyss Legion, or Dawu, it is destined to only exist in the future.

"Oh? Are you going to submit to me?"

Chu Yuan said lightly.

"Yes, my life was saved by Emperor Wu twice, once in the Xingkong Dynasty, and once here. Now that Emperor Wu is going to fight the Moyuan Dynasty and save the Xuankong Domain, it is natural for me to contribute my strength!"

The Emperor Dachang affirmed: "From now on, I will not be the Emperor Dachang, but Lu Chang, a minister of the military!"

"Okay, I accept your submission. I will let the Great Martial Army Corps come over quickly, strangle the remaining Demon Abyss Legion in Dachang, and give all the people a stable world. From now on, this place will be called Changzhou."

Chu Yuan was destined to dominate the suspended airspace, and Lu Chang's knowledge and interest saved him a lot of trouble.

Now, this place is changed to Changzhou, and the Great Armed Corps continues to advance, marching in openly, and then recruiting the remnants of the original Dachang territory.

Although the Dachang Dynasty did not have as much population as the Great Earthquake Dynasty, there were tens of billions of people.

And it was Lu Chang who took the initiative to submit and promulgated the final will.

Without a lot of swordsmanship, Da Wu's legion killed the Demon Abyss Legion again, so that those people did not resist, and quickly integrated into Da Wu.

As soon as they merged into Dawu, they reaped the benefits. Everyone can eat fragrant Lingyuan rice, receive magic crystals and pills.

In terms of the army, in addition to some continued to serve as state soldiers, the Great Armed Corps has also expanded a part, equipping them with God of Death crossbows and rocket crossbows.

Seeing these two types of equipment suitable for single-soldier combat, Lu Chang knew that the Hanging Dynasty did not lose injustice on the Shuixi Plain. Who could withstand this kind of equipment that was popularized by the whole army.

The news that Chu Yuan destroyed all the gods of the Ninth Battalion also spread.

The whole domain was shocked.

You know, since the Demon Abyss Legion entered the Suspended Space, it has never suffered such a big loss. Even the Suspended Empire has been pressed into the imperial city every step of the way, and the city may be broken at any time.

This news undoubtedly greatly encouraged them.

After all, the Demon Abyss Legion was cruel and innocent. Some dynasties wanted to surrender them, but they still wiped out all the powerhouses in this dynasty.

This made many dynasties realize that surrendering is death, and not surrendering is death.

The appearance of Dawu, like a bright dawn, let everyone see hope.

The Dachang Dynasty, which was once a four-star dynasty, also integrated the country into Dawu.

This made some weak dynasties, such as the one- and two-star dynasties, who were just voyeuristic, all went to Dawu, willing to abandon the position of the emperor, and merge the whole country into Dawu, just to get shelter.

After all, their kind of emperor is actually very ridiculous in front of those great dynasties.

Undoubtedly, the Great Wu Dynasty of Chu Yuan has now become the savior of the hanging space.

Chu Yuan also heard a voice, and everyone who became a great warrior could be protected by him.

And this kind of shelter undoubtedly caused many people to submit to him one after another.

"Three Seals of Attributes: Collect 50 billion sentient beings willing to sacrifice a piece of exquisite artifact, which can unlock the third seal."

"Current progress: (50 billion/50 billion)."

"At present, the aspirations of all sentient beings are full, whether to unblock the third seal?"

After the people who returned to Dawu reached the 50 billion requirement, Chu Yuan's long-awaited unblocking voice finally came.

When Da Wu had absorbed so many people, Chu Yuan wanted to let the Emperor Sword unblock Attribute Three first and unlock the new ability.

"Unblock the third seal!"

Of course, Chu Yuan asked to unblock the third seal.

At the first level of the attribute, the combat power increases by one, which benefits him endlessly.

The source of belief in attribute two, it seems that it does not help him with a major attribute, but it can greatly increase the beliefs of all the people of Wu, so that he can condense a picture of the country and the mountain that represents Da Wu, and perceive the changes in every subtlety~ three seals of attributes are being unblocked..."

Chu Yuan saw it, as if from the map of Jiangshan Sheji in front of him, 50 billion densely packed light spots swept across.

After Chu Yuan casually sacrificed one of the exquisite artifacts he had obtained, an incredible change took place.

"The three seals of the human emperor sword attribute have been released."

The system prompts.

"This is the ability of attribute three!"

Chu Yuan was holding the Human Emperor Sword tightly at this time, feeling that the power of the Human Emperor Sword was many times stronger than before, and the supreme Human Race's majesty was constantly being passed on.

Attribute three, heaven and earth oven!

Turn infinite luck and bake for the world!

Chu Yuan looked at the new ability of the human emperor sword after the third seal was released.

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