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Human Emperor Sword (no superior): The Human Emperor Sabre of the Three Emperors, the supreme humanity.

Equipment automatic matching exercise: Human Emperor Sutra.

Attribute 1: Wearing Human Emperor Sword, realm combat power increases by one.

Attribute 2: The source of faith, unlocking the power of human faith.

Attribute 3: Infinite luck, heaven and earth oven.

Property four:? ? ?


Property nine:? ? ?

After the seal of attribute three, a new ability was added, that is, infinite luck, the furnace of heaven and earth.

"Unlimited luck, heaven and earth oven!"

Chu Yuan opened the ability of attribute three in an instant.

At this moment, the infinite power of Qiyun belief is coming together towards the Great Martial Kingdom!

Infinite rays of light blasted from the sword of the human emperor, and suddenly a red oven appeared in Chu Yuan's eyes. It was extremely majestic and majestic like the world.

There is a raging flame burning in the oven of the heavens, this is the power of burning luck!

Puff and puff!

Like the sound of boiling water coming from, Chu Yuan immediately saw that in this heaven and earth oven, there seemed to be a bright liquid, sacred and crystal clear, just like the water that melted after a spirit stone was liquefied.

This water is the water of luck, the source of faith, and Dawu now gathers 50 billion people!

"This source of faith contains powerful abilities!" Chu Yuandao!

"Heaven and earth burns infinite air transport, turning it into a source of faith, water of air transport. After the human emperor sword activates the third ability, it can gather the air transport of its own country, or plunder the air transport of other countries, and continue to turn into water of air transport. The host can burn the power of the empire's luck in exchange for a burst of powerful power."

The system voice prompts: "Take it from the people and use it for the people. You can also apply the water of air transport to your subordinates to promote their realm."

"Can this happen?" Chu Yuan asked in surprise.

Although the stronger the empire's air luck, the domestic people's cultivation will accelerate with it, but it cannot be directly applied to its subordinates, but the human emperor's sword can do this with the water of air transportation burned by the world.

This made Chu Yuan can't wait to try it.

"Commanded by Wufeng, I will help you gather the laws of God's position with the imperial luck!"

In an instant, Chu Yuan grabbed it with a big hand, and the sacred and brilliant source of faith was suddenly instilled into a mansion in the imperial city.

Since the Battle of Shuixi Plain, Zhu Fengfeng has been in full retreat, hoping to break through the position of God, so that he has the strength to fight the Demon Abyss Legion.

Originally it was very difficult to condense the **** position, but when the long river of fortune was instilled into her body, she immediately saw a fiery red **** position law containing immortal power quickly condensed, like a pillar of heaven .

The loud phoenix sound resounded!

She turned out to directly break through to the God Realm!

At this moment, Zhu Fengfeng's whole body was extremely red, and behind her appeared an undead divine phoenix, the supreme emperor of the monster race.

Although only the first level of the gods, with the dignity of the immortal divine phoenix, even a strong person with the second or third level of the gods can fight.

Having broken through to the position of God for Zhu Fengfeng, the water of faith in the furnace of heaven and earth consumed at least more than half.

"One-third left, the next one will break through for King Zhongyong!"

As long as it is within the territory of the empire, the source of faith can come at any time. Although Lu Qianfu is not in the imperial city, when Chu Yuan instills the remaining water of luck into his body.

His rapid breakthrough in cultivation actually caused Lu Qianfu to hit the tenth level of Yun Shen, but at this time the water of luck was also exhausted, and he could not break through the **** position.

"This one-third of the water made Lu Qianfu break through to the tenth level of Yun Shen." System voice said.

"I can still hang up for my subordinates?" Chu Yuan asked in surprise.

The water of luck in the furnace of heaven and earth is so easy to use, better than any panacea.

However, only to promote Zhu Fengfeng to the **** level, Lu Qianfu was completely consumed when he hit the tenth level of Yun Shen.

He saw that although the furnace of heaven and earth burns air transport at all times, it is very slow to condense the water of new air transport.

You know, what Chu Yuan just consumed was the water of luck that he had accumulated over the past few years, all his people gathered together.

"This can't be regarded as opening up. The water of faith is the convergence of the faith of all peoples, and the cohesion is slow." The system prompts: "If the person who instills the water of air transport betrays Dawu, he will suffer from it. The more you enjoy it, the backlash will The more violent."

Chu Yuan nodded. Of course he understood the truth. Qi Luck was not uncontrollable. Although it was strong, it would take a long time to condense.

The daily practice is still inseparable from all kinds of pills.

"The more people there are, the faster the source of faith will condense, and the higher the star rating, the higher the quality of the water of air luck. In addition, the host can also destroy the country, plunder other countries’ air luck, or sacrifice artifacts. The higher the quality, the more water for luck."

The system keeps prompting.

It only speaks when Chu Yuan needs to answer.

"Ignore it in this world, let me first look at the conditions for unlocking attribute four."

Chu Yuan shifted his gaze to attribute four.

Four Seals of Attributes: Population of 500 billion, and sacrificed 15 King-Rank artifacts, 50 Spiritual artifacts, 100 Peculiar artifacts, and the Four Seals of Attributes can be unlocked.

Chu Yuan has a population of 500 billion, let alone.

There are hundreds of billions of people in the suspended space alone.

However, fifteen king-grade artifacts, fifty spiritual artifacts, and one hundred exquisite artifacts need to be sacrificed.

He doesn't even have a king-grade artifact on his body.

At that time, when he repaired the Taiyi Pill Furnace, he only needed one spiritual artifact and two exquisite artifacts.

When it comes to attribute five, I am afraid that I will sacrifice the imperial product, even the imperial product, the holy product!

However, every time the Human Emperor Sword opens a seal, its abilities are too amazing, no matter how much it consumes, Chu Yuan has to open it, and the remaining six question marks tempted him to want to know all its abilities immediately.

"You still need to slowly get together the artifacts you need to sacrifice."

Chu Yuan shook his head.

When he was cultivating ~www.ltnovel.com~ and creating more equipment in the system space, he suddenly looked towards the sky, made a sound, and smiled: "The distinguished guests of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce, the two presidents of the gods, today When I came to my Dawu, could it be that something changed in the Hanging Imperial City?"

Outside the Dawu Imperial City, there are several extremely huge Qiankun Treasure Ships flying at the fastest speed, which belongs to the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce.

With Chu Yuan's instruction, Chai Ning extradited the Qiankun Treasure Ship.

After that, I saw two powerhouses flying out of the treasure ship, came to Chu Yuan's palace, and walked in under the leadership of Duke Wei.

Of the two gods, one reaches the triple level of the gods and the other reaches the fifth level of the gods.

Among the five gods is Tang Feng, the general leader of the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce in the Hanging Dynasty!

"Emperor Wu is right, the Hanging Dynasty has indeed undergone major changes!"

After Tang Feng saw Chu Yuan, he said, "Just a few days ago, the Hanging Dynasty was broken by the Moyuan Dynasty, and countless soldiers from the Moyuan Dynasty rushed in. My Qiankun Dynasty is here to escape this time!"

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