In eternity, many great wills are colliding.

"Multiverse, eternal killing array, and the sea of ​​burial, the location of the three cities are not related to each other. They are in several different directions. What does he want to build the city so scattered?"

There was an eternal will inspired and transformed into a map.

"Why can't I still see it? His purpose is to swallow eternity, not to build according to an inherent line, but to have his power on the entire path of eternity."

Someone saw Chu Yuan's layout.

This is to swallow eternity.

"What a big ambition, don't you worry about being too big and let yourself be wiped out? The strongest person who has ever appeared in the past, I am afraid that there is no such big ambition as him. The places opened and unopened on the Eternal Road will all become his world. At that time, even the places where we are can not be hidden, I am afraid that he will find them one by one and destroy them. "

The strong snorted again and again.

Emperor Shenwu's ambitions are too great, this is no longer simply to become the strongest, swallowing eternal anger, not giving others a way to survive, threatening their lives.

"He has to do it too."

There was a cold and cruel voice at this moment, and the halo on his body was dark and dark, "If you dare to achieve this kind of path, you will interrupt his path, destroy him, swallow eternity, and I dominate. When I wait no longer?"

"He is not the emperor of the common people, and it is not so easy to deal with him. In this era, the emperor of the common people has died in your hands and has accumulated a lot of power for you."

Someone said shocking words.

This strong man who was shrouded in a black halo turned out to be the chief culprit who killed the Great Emperor.

"Emperor Cangsheng is also a powerful character. Back then, I joined forces with many eternal grades to kill him. They retreat in their own way, and when they appear, they will kill Shenwu."

He really got a lot of benefits when he killed the Great Emperor.

"Ambition is big, but his ambition is big and has a good side. He wants to achieve the strongest and greatest eternal road. Not only we have to deal with him, but also the eternal rules will bring the most terrifying eternity to him. Jie, no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than the eternal rules?"

There is a wise strong way.

"With the help of eternal rules, we will get less benefit. The strongest people in the past are not all dead. In addition to the holy emperor, a few still exist."

"But some people are still unwilling to deal with Shenwu, such as the universe, immortality, and Hongmeng."

"The universe, immortality is fine, but Na Hongmeng is an extremely terrifying character."


These eternal levels are gradually disappearing.

For the time being, no one is willing to make a move first. Without making a move at this moment, Shenwu still doesn't know who is dealing with him. He wants others to take the lead, showing their disunity.

Of course, it was not united, and Chu Yuan had a chance.

Nine layers of abyss world.

"Buried Shenhai, the third city of Shenwu."

After learning the news, Yuan saw the brilliance of the abyss circulating in his eyes. It was extremely deep. It seemed that after a long time of thinking, he finally made a decision.

He got up, summoned the other eight Yuan masters, and went outside the abyss.

"From now on, take away the abyss, we will leave immediately and head to Shenwu Second City."

Yuan Dao.

"Going to Shenwu Second City!"

The other Yuan masters had a look, and they all knew Yuan's purpose, but Yuan was equivalent to their emperor, and naturally they would not question his orders.

"Shenwu Emperor, bloodbath the Holy Emperor Continent, and build a third city, this era will be surging, and it should be time for me to make a choice."

After taking the Yuan Jie away, Yuan immediately went to the Second City.

"Yuan, see the emperor."

Yuan said in a very respectful voice.

"come in."

Chu Yuan already knew that it seemed to Yuan that he waved his hand as a golden avenue, bringing Yuan in.

With firm steps, Yuan walked onto the Golden Light Avenue and met Chu Yuan. This was the first time he saw Chu Yuan again after hundreds of thousands of years, although it was a very short time.

But the moment he saw Chu Yuan, that eternal and invincible aura, he knew that he had made the right decision.

"Meet the emperor."

Yuan Dao.

"Yuan, before you took the initiative to block the Great Emperor, I already know about this. When you come, I won't let you go back empty-handed. I will give you the reward you deserve."

Chu Yuan smiled.

The emperor must distinguish between rewards and punishments. Even if Yuan is not a strong man in the empire, he did contribute to the empire.

"I don't want anything. I am here today to be loyal to your Majesty and join the Shenwu Empire. With my strength, I can also contribute to the Empire and make great contributions."

Yuan said his purpose, very shocking, he turned out to take refuge in Chu Yuan.

Although Chu Yuan once beheaded the strong of the deep realm in the multiverse, and sent troops to threaten him, it was all the power of the strong, and he was not qualified to care about it.

"You want to join the empire."

Chu Yuan looked at him.

"Exactly, I am willing to join the Empire."

Yuan didn't conceal his purpose, "I joined the empire, and I also have my own purpose. In this world, only the emperor can help me. Of course, I also know that I will probably die with the empire."

"Because of eternal calamity, you are afraid of human calamity." Chu Yuan said.

"A few epochs ago, I had great confidence to My path is an endless abyss, but I don’t have it. I know that once I break through, I will die. Will stop me."

Yuan said: "In this era, the Cangsheng Emperor is much stronger than me. He still failed. I clearly understand that I can only become eternal only by relying on his majesty and with his power. I am willing to take a bet."

"If I don't join the empire, I will attack eternity ten deaths and no life, but I am loyal to the **** emperor, but I have a great possibility."

He told his inner thoughts very truthfully.

He was willing to take refuge in Chu Yuan just for the eternal grade.

He is also a character like the ancestor of the spirit, but because of the hunting of others, he dared not attack.

Emperor Shenwu is his only hope.

He is not afraid of any eternal class, and if he can become the strongest, he can also be more brilliant with it.

Be willing to have something.

If he didn't join Shenwu, he would be like an emperor, but he had done that kind of landlord for too long, and he had done enough.

"You are welcome to join the empire. All the forces in the deep realm are still one, and you are the leader."

Chu Yuan gave him the most benevolent will.

Yuan's refuge is a great help to the empire, and Yuan will become the first powerhouse in the empire besides him.

Yuan is not an eternal class, but his strength is that it is difficult to kill him even with an eternal class.

"Yuan worships the emperor. From now on, Yuan will be a courtier of the empire, and he will follow your majesty's dispatch!"

At this moment, Yuan gave his faith to Shenwu. At this moment, he also felt the turbulence and tolerance of the imperial nation.

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