The empire is open to all rivers, and Chu Yuan welcomes the strong who come to take refuge.

The addition of Yuan brought the top combat power to Chu Yuan, and it would be much easier if there was Yuan in the bloodbath of the Holy Emperor Continent.

And Yuan joining the empire also has Chu Yuan's emperor charm, which makes people willing to follow him.

"Emperor, the empire opened up the third city, and I am willing to take my troops to guard the third city."

Yuan Dao, he knew that the third city was an extremely dangerous place.

Why does he want to join Shenwu? If Emperor Shenwu wants to protect him with all his strength to achieve the eternal level, the safest way is to become his person.

Otherwise, why should others protect you.

You are not his people, his people.

"You don't need to go, stay in the second city. The third city is a symbol of the empire for the time being. If someone destroys it, I will dispatch it. Now you are waiting for my order."

Chu Yuandao.

Long-shou must lose, he has no idea of ​​guarding the third city at all now, everything is dominated by the second city.

Yuan nodded, and from this moment on, he became a strong man in the empire.

Regarding Yuan's joining, Taiyi Tianzun was the most embarrassed and sighed. He couldn't imagine that the Yuan who suppressed him in the past was transformed and became a strong man in the empire.

They are now colleagues.

Taiyi Tianzun had no hatred for Yuan.

time flies.

In a flash, more than ten years have passed.

Chu Yuan looked at it, and the countdown of the system was still a long time away from being guarded for 100,000 years. As long as the time was up, he would be rewarded with a divine residence of the Dark God and mysterious rewards.

I don't know what reward it will be.

The second city is very peaceful, and the third city is very unstable.

Although Chu Yuan had established a blood power, many people did not dare to offend him, but the Eternal Grade would not be calm. They might not take action by themselves, but some would let the people under their own hands cause trouble.

"Your Majesty, there is blood chaos in the third city. Someone is destroying the third city and killing many people who enter the city."

Yi Tianzun said.

Chu Yuan also felt that the luck in Third City was very unstable.

"It seems that some people want to make trouble."

Chu Yuan's face was extremely cold, and he said with iron blood: "Yuan, it's time for you to go to war. We are going to take the initiative. They are not deceiving us that there is no top powerhouse in the gods. Go and kill the saboteurs one by one. There is an eternal level to shoot, with me, don't worry, Yi Tianzun will follow you."

"Finally you can play."

Yuan took his orders and set out immediately.

Chu Yuan didn't seem to send a garrison in the third city, but he was not unprepared. Using the second city as the connection point, he had already built the gate of time and space, so that he could travel quickly.

Yuan went.

His arrival was sudden.

And one thing, no one knew that he would actually be a strong man in the empire and had already taken refuge in Chu Yuan.

As soon as he came, he used a very iron and **** wrist and directly started to kill. Some people relied on the eternal level backing behind them. The Emperor Shenwu was not here and began to be presumptuous.

And Yuan's killing was extremely sudden, and no one expected that he would kill many troublemakers.

Yuan's strength is also very strong, is the top ninth stage, the kind that can escape when encountering the eternal level.

"Yuan, he actually took refuge in Shenwu!"

This news shocked everyone again.

Some Eternal Grades will be unfamiliar if they don't show up for a long time, but the strong like Yuan will be much more familiar.

"Why would Yuan take refuge in Shenwu?"

Many people were shocked.

"Yuan, he also has a foreboding danger. Someone is staring at him, and he will hunt him when he breaks through the eternal level. He has first allegiance to Shenwu and wants his protection."

It's a bad mood to have eternal class.

Some people have already booked Yuan. If they are like herding sheep, they will kill and eat meat when needed, but Yuan has found a backer for himself in advance.

A Yuan surrendered, although it was a bit troublesome, it was nothing.

However, this revealed a very bad signal.

On the Eternal Road, there are still some like Ruyuan. He found himself a backer, and it is inevitable that those people will have ideas and turn around to take refuge in Shenwu.

After all, some eternal level hunts have given Yuan such a powerful person a terrifying feeling.

If they break through the eternal level under the protection of Emperor Shenwu, it will be really troublesome.

The appearance of Yuan has made many people afraid to attack at will.

Except for the real eternal level, otherwise who can keep him.

"We don't need to guard in the third city. There are too many opponents and no one can hold on. Instead, they will become a living target. With Yi Tianzun, who dares to be presumptuous in the third city, Yi Tianzun can calculate it, and we will immediately Start, and even some dangers can also have signs and avoid them in advance."

Chu Yuan asked Yi Tianzun and Yuan to cooperate this time.

Yuan is powerful.

Yi Tianzun’s calculation.

The two became the best partners, and Yuan succeeded in attacking again and again.

"Yuan's joining, his strength is second to me. The most important thing is his momentum, the direction of his heart, and the fear of the eternal level. Those who are likely to be killed will have one more choice. That is, I, and my dynasty will become Their choice is a safe haven."

Chu Yuan carried his hands on his back and stepped in the second city, with eternal heart, and he could feel the change of luck.

Many people's hearts are already toward him.

"If Yuan achieves the eternal level with my help, the sensation will be even greater. This will cause many wait-and-sees to gather. If they want my help and protection, they hunt and kill those who are going to become enlightened, and I want to protect them. "

Chu Yuan wants to do the opposite with the other Many eternally infamous, not many people will believe them, but Chu Yuan is different here.

The matter in the third city has come to an end, Yuan's attack temporarily stabilized the situation.

The years are in a hurry.

Thousands of years have passed in an instant.

The third city is also gradually prosperous, but the second city is still a pure military fortress.

Yuan's refuge has also made a good start. Some Origin Gods have come here admiringly, but there are no strong people like Ru Yuan. After all, not everyone is Yuan and can make this decision.

However, some people secretly passed the news that they were willing to be friendly with Shenwu.

For these news, Chu Yuan also smiled, this is paving the way for himself, or Yuan came simply, but this also shows that his strength makes some people who have been oppressed by the eternal level to resist.

Another big event happened.

Shenwu opened the fourth city even after it was established in the third city for a thousand years.

This fourth city is in the land of Xuanming.

Yes, Chu Yuan had already regarded Xuanming Land as his own territory.

Once this fourth city was built, it was not prosperous, only some ascetics practiced there.

Chu Yuan was going to use this method of building cities successively, laying down strongholds, connecting the entire Eternal Road, and all of them would be his territory, bringing together the invincible general trend.

In this way, all the eternal roads become his and complete his great plan.

He also knows that every time he builds a city, many people are jealous and angry.

he does not care a straw.

This is his eternal layout.

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