Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1896: Murderer, Niluantianzun

The establishment of the third city brought shock to the world.

But the establishment of the Fourth City is even more angry.

"This Shenwu Emperor hasn't been able to reach the eternal rank, is he so arrogant? He really thinks he is invincible in the world. He despises the world's strong in nothing, and does not wait for me. He is too arrogant."

There are eternal glare.

This kind of behavior does not take them seriously.

Continuously building the city, this is going to swallow eternity.

Chu Yuan knew that his behavior was indeed very arrogant in the eyes of these eternal grades. If so, he would be arrogant and arrogant to the end, seizing this time to allow them to break through the ninth realm under unexpected circumstances.

If oneself unknowingly becomes the nine realms, the soaring strength will shock them.

But in the face of this situation, it doesn't matter if there is an Eternal Grade option, let him move, as long as he doesn't impact the Eternal Grade, he won't make a move for the time being, and wait for the moment when he impacts the Eternal Grade to capture the greatest Taoist fruit.

There are also more radical ones.

"Shenwu, you want to turn the entire eternal road into your path and build it arbitrarily. The deity will tear your path."

At this time, on the road of the empire, a figure appeared with a deep breath. He looked at him coldly. In his eyes, in the scene of nothingness, several giant cities in the empire were connected in series with the multiverse as the starting point.

This is the road of empire connected in series.

He went directly to the Fourth City, the land of Xuanming. The construction of these cities was like a shame to him. He immediately grasped it with one palm, and enveloped the entire Fourth City and crushed it directly.

"Destroy the fourth city, and then ruin your third city. In short, don't want to build it."

This eternal class is cold, some eternal class have self-esteem, and may not directly attack the city, but some do not matter.

The long years have made them forget their dignity and face.

But at the moment he shot, endless light burst out on the road of the empire. If you look back down, it becomes a road connection, and then the endless air transport is submerged in the ocean.

A huge light man condensed out and gave a high-five to this man.

This person is very strong, and with a single blow to the light man, although he smashed his palm, it did not make him retreat.

The sea of ​​light kept surging, and the giant said in the emperor's tone: "I am always watching you."

"Shenwu Emperor, a good method, build a city, gather faith, and still swallow the eternal breath, flood your path, so as to achieve materialization, your ability is indeed great."

This eternal level can be seen.

These cities are like the eyes of the formation, similar to the eternal killing array. They are sucking the eternal aura and replenishing their strength. Although they don't have the mystery of the eternal killing array, they are more majestic.

"You have entered my way."

There was a loud voice, Chu Yuan was still in the second killing formation, but when the gate of eternity opened in his own way, he actually came directly to the land of Xuanming, as if there was no distance in front of him.

He stared at this eternal class, very strange, he had never seen it.

This method is indeed formed by his comprehension of the eternal killing array and his own understanding, absorbing the eternal power, as if it were really built, and turning it from nothingness into substance.

He also knows that with so many eternal levels, it is impossible for everyone to do nothing, there will always be people who can't help it.

"Come on, how can you take the deity?"

This eternal class has a slight contempt on his face. He is an eternal class, disrespectful to the world, self-respecting, and has absolute confidence in himself.

He just came, just to destroy your way, see what you can do with him, and he really wants to see Chu Yuan's methods today.

"I'm here, I have to give something."

Chu Yuan waved his hand, and the images here were seen by the people of the empire through the dreamy time and space.

"Emperor, I... I have seen him!"

The old man Xuantian in the second city shuddered suddenly, pointed at him and made his own voice.

"You know him?"

Chu Yuan teleported the old man Xuantian to his side and said, "Look at him carefully."

"Yes, it is him. Although I don't know his specific identity, I know this era. He hunted and killed the Great Emperor and captured his eternal Tao fruit. At that time, there were still a few people who besieged and killed the Great Emperor!"

An extremely angry brilliance shot into Old Man Xuantian's eyes.

Thinking how benevolent and great the Emperor Cangsheng was, it was because of these people's hunting that he lost his life.

Now, he has appeared on the eternal road of the empire, to be destroyed.

How could he not hate all kinds of hatred.

"Hunting the common people, you have another sin."

While Chu Yuan was speaking, the common people's seal flew out, condensed into the light and shadow of the common people's great emperor, and suddenly, this big seal burned.

"Oh, you also got some inheritance from the Great Emperor Cangsheng. Yes, the Great Emperor Cangsheng was killed by me. His origin is indeed all over his body, and he has absorbed the power of his way, and I can live a long time."

This eternal grade did not deny it either, and said with a light smile: "There is also the name of the deity called Niluantianzun."

"I don't care what Heavenly Venerable you are, but because of you corrupt people, this eternal road is extremely chaotic."

Chu Yuan said coldly.

"Haha, what right do you have to accuse the deity, you are now young and There is no yoke of eternal catastrophe, the deity was like you back then, but when you reach this age, you will still be like this Is it like this now? What ambitions, what breaks eternity, that is impossible!"

Niluantianzun didn't care, and even laughed wildly: "Everything else is false, and only living is the most real."

"You are right, but now, you are my enemy."

Chu Yuan's dazzling gaze scanned the void at this time, and there were several breaths of eternal gods who were all watching here. They were not eager to make a move, but rather willing to see Niluan Tianzun make a move first.

"I see how you go against the chaos!"

Chu Yuan stepped on the torrent of light, indifferent and merciless, his domineering, and his coldness formed a powerful mana and launched an attack on Tianzun Niluan.

He builds four cities, brings luck and eternal breath together, and at this moment strengthens him more mana.

He slammed, like the judgment of the eternal lord, covering his hands.

"Inverse chaos!"

Niluantianzun stood still.

Although Shenwu's reputation is great, he always has some contempt in his eyes. As long as he does not reach the eternal level, the essence of life is not at the same level, no matter how strong he is, it is still not the eternal level.

The darkness and brilliance surging in his eyes, the world rebelled against chaos, and everything turned upside down.

His dark palm instantly patted Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan attacked directly, invincible in the world.

This Niluantianzun is more radical. If he wants to guard his eternal path today, he must make Niluantianzun pay the due price for his arrogance.

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