"This deity has experienced battles in this life, and has seen more powerful men than you. How can you be afraid that you have not achieved the eternal level? A joke, what a joke!"

Niluantianzun's tone was dull, he was crazy.

Facing Chu Yuan's killing, he slammed his fist out, subverting the universe of Yin and Yang, violently oscillating around him, and directly confronted Chu Yuan.

He wanted to use his strength to tell Chu Yuan that the Eternal Grade was stronger than he thought.

His way of rebelling against chaos has the ability to disrupt and subvert.

"Ni Luan Tianzun, he can't help it anymore. He is about to fight Shenwu Emperor. Okay, no matter what, Niluan's heart is stubborn. Let him fight Shenwu Emperor first, so we can analyze his power."

Lights and shadows flickered, and the incarnation of an eternal powerhouse watched the battle in the hidden time and space.

Chu Yuan knew this well, and when he raised a punch, it was the most brilliant emperor's fist.

And the power of this fist carried the power of the entire empire, bombarding the luck of the empire.

His empire strength is not weak, and the addition of Yuan is even more powerful, like adding oil to the fire.

If there are truly eternal-level powerhouses in the empire, the power of Qi Luck will rise to a higher level. As the highest authority in the empire, his strength will be even more fierce.

This is the benefit of opening up a country.

His punch was too powerful. Although Niluan Tianzun was an ancient powerhouse, the moment he confronted Chu Yuan, he felt the irresistible infinite majesty, and the force of Niluan collapsed immediately.

"Some means, the power of national luck, but it's not enough!"

Niluan Tianzun was calm enough and didn't have the slightest fear of Chu Yuan. He controlled the boundless power and killed it with a single blow. It was a storm of chaos. Being blown by this, it seemed that the soul of the law was in chaos.

Chu Yuan carried the vast divine power, strode forward, slashing away with a palm, and trembling in nothingness, the chaotic storm was directly torn apart, and then he punched, and the fierce power hit the Tianzun.

Niluantianzun's face changed slightly.

This man's combat style was too brave, and he swiftly killed him. The thunder was huge, and his eternal power was destroyed in one fell swoop.

However, as an eternal class, you don't necessarily really fear this person.

He wrapped his hands around the law of rebellion, and shot forward.

In Chu Yuan's eyes, the divine light pierced through, his arm had lightning, three consecutive lightning strikes, thunder trembling, and the bursting force hit Niluan Tianzun. In this kind of frontal battle, Tianzun couldn't stand it, and he backed away.

"If the eternal level only has this strength, then I will kill you long ago, waiting for me to kill you."

Chu Yuan was brilliant, the eternal fire was burning.

He is very arrogant and arrogant. He puts on a posture of fearlessness. It is not a bad thing to kill Tianzun. He wants to turn it into a good thing and let everyone see his strength.

He also doesn't know how many eternal levels want to kill him, but he also knows that there are not a few.

"You will die miserably if you are so arrogant."

Niluan Tianzun's words contained the ultimate killing intent to Chu Yuan, and this emperor must not let him enlighten him, otherwise he would be miserable.

"I have arrogant qualifications, and you are not my opponent."

Chu Yuan surpassed eternity and said coldly: "Ni chaos, believe it or not, you can only run away like a dog in front of me."

Although he hasn't really been baptized to the ninth stage, his strength is stronger than the strength that just broke into the eighth stage. The bloodbath of the Holy Emperor Continent and the establishment of four cities also brought his cultivation to the peak of this stage.

"Flee? Ha ha!"

Ni Luan Tianzun's eyes grew colder.

This Shenwu Emperor actually compares him to a dog. What kind of humiliation and contempt is this. Does he really think he is invincible in the world?

He whirled his big hand and slammed against the law of chaos, and ripples spread out like a blade. On top of his head, a circle appeared, which was his eternal level **** soldier, the ring of the **** of chaos.

With the power of the ring of chaos, he split the world and attacked Chu Yuan again.

"Eternal Road!"

Chu Yuan stood here.

The heaven and the earth are shining, and the eternal road constructed by the city is sweeping with terrifying majesty, burning the eternal divine fire.

At this moment, everyone sees such a scene and feels that the Eternal Road has materialized.

People with profound wisdom have already seen the true purpose of Emperor Shenwu.

"I understand!"

An ancient eternal class saw this scene, and Ming enlightened: "The ambition is too big. He is realizing the eternal road. The city is just a pawn. He is using the city to spread his road to all parts of the world and then control it. The entire eternity, his path is the entire eternal path, he must use a way of complete control to make this world his path, annex it, and form a more independent time and space!"

"His ambition is so big that I have seen it, the only one!"

Although they are eternal grade, they are just opening up an independent time and space on the path of eternity, and they are actually inclusive.

But Emperor Shenwu is different. He just wants to make this mysterious eternal road his own, and even the eternal rules are under his control.

Jump out in this way.

They also understood why there was no special power in the evolving path of Emperor Shenwu Emperor, but it seemed that all power was contained in it.

He regards himself as the eternal master.

Yes, it is the master.

Their guess is not wrong~www.ltnovel.com~Chu Yuan’s plan has changed again and again, and it has become what it is now. In the beginning, it was to create a road to the end of eternity. Later, it gradually evolved to The eternal road becomes his.

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many epochs have existed, and countless methods have been tried, and the final result is failure.

Chu Yuan wanted to walk a road that no one had ever walked before. He wanted to turn the entire eternal road into his, control all the rules, and break this curse with the strongest eternal power.

"If he succeeds, he will become the strongest and strongest in history!"

Someone gave him a very high evaluation.

The strongest and the strongest, this is more powerful than the strongest, but the premise is success.

"He chose this hardest path. I understand why he is so strong before eternity. With eternity in mind, the world is invincible, but at the same time, it is too difficult, most likely to die halfway, although eternal rules are emotional. , But it has its own rules of operation, it will not let him succeed!"

The eternal emperor, watching the battle here, his expression was solemn, and his soul was shocked, unable to despise Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

If Emperor Shenwu didn't take this path, perhaps no one could stop him to become eternal grade with his strength, but correspondingly, he would not have such a strong strength.

There are also benefits.

"If he becomes enlightened, he will naturally be irresistible, but now, I may already know where his weaknesses are, and his weaknesses will gradually show up as he expands. If he doesn't succeed, he will become benevolent."

Some people think that the weakness of Emperor Shenwu has been seen.

Four shifts

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