"Being so arrogant, now it's not as your Majesty said that he fled like a dog."

Elder Xuantian stepped forward respectfully, his expression extremely cold.

The chief culprit who killed the Cangsheng Emperor, wish he died.

"This is exactly the lesson for him. It is difficult to kill him now, but it is enough to make him pay some price."

Chu Yuan knew well that in order to kill the eternal rank, he must first ascend to the ninth level.

The Nine Realms was the moment when he achieved great momentum.

And he had an idea, no one knew that he was still in the eighth stage, taking this opportunity to wait for him to quietly wait for the ninth stage, could he set up a huge trap to calculate them severely.

"Unfortunately, if the Great King Cangsheng, he can not rush to the impact, this era, your majesty is also this era, he waits for your majesty, he will not be hunted to death, under the protection of your majesty, all this can be restored."

Old man Xuantian deplored.

The emperor of the common people was too anxious.

There is no if in this world, even the eternal grade can't live to the past, the common people would not have thought that after his fall, there would be an unreasonable existence like the Shenwu Emperor.

However, it may not be a good thing that the two emperors are in the same life.

"I also regret his death."

Chu Yuan got some inheritance and treasures from the common emperor: "Ni Luan Tianzun is one of the criminals who killed the common emperor. At the same time, there are several people who took action. The hunt is very happy. I will pick them out one by one. ."

"Damn these people!" Old Xuantian also bitterly said.

"Now after this battle, many people have seen my strength. If they fight with me alone, they will definitely be injured by him. At this moment, they have also seen my path. As they wished, they all planned and calculated. I am."

Chu Yuan's eyes swept across, knowing this well.

Sure enough, as he guessed, after Niluan Tianzun ran out, he was always very angry, and he yelled: "Why don't you take action? Seeing the terrible Emperor Shenwu Emperor, you should take action together and let the deity suppress him and interrupt his road!"

He is very angry.

This group of people want to watch the show, and they want others to contribute first.

"Tian Niluan, don’t worry, I won’t know the truth, but in this battle, we have also seen his strength, which is difficult to deal with. Even if we all take action, there is no problem in suppressing him, but it is extremely difficult to kill him. Done."

"Just calm down first."

"Not bad."


There are many voices.

"You are scared, let him be stronger again and see how you end up!"

Niluantianzun is difficult to calm down.

"Ni Luan Tianzun, before you still questioned that Daqian and I are useless and can't suppress him. Now you have fought him and saw his strength, is it not as easy to deal with as you said? If he is so easy Eradication, will I gather when I wait?"

The sound of chaos came from within nothingness.

"The situation is different. It was you and Daqian before, and at that time he was not so strong."

Niluantianzun is ironic.

"Ni Luan Tianzun, just now you were in a battle with Emperor Shenwu, but you were injured, right? Your path was also damaged."

There was a gloomy voice, like a cold light on his back, his ferocious eyes staring at him.

"Don't think about the idea of ​​hitting the deity. Although I was injured, it did not hurt the root. If you want to hunt the deity, it depends on whether you have such a hard mouth."

Ni Luan Tianzun sneered again and again, some people still wanted to hunt him.

"I was just joking with you."

No matter what the gloomy voice said, he knew that Niluan Tianzun was not so easy to deal with.

But it also shows their disunity. If anyone is seriously injured, someone will form a group to hunt.

And they actually didn't have much unity at all, they were originally a lawless existence, but it was for the appearance of the Emperor Shenwu that one after another appeared.

"Okay, don't talk about it."

A respectable and very powerful man, said: "In fact, through this battle, Emperor Shenwu is unparalleled, but in fact, I also see some of his weaknesses, which may be very useful to us."

"You are weak, I can see it too."

"Shenwu built the city, his purpose is to control the entire eternity, and this is not without drawbacks, the counterattack of the eternal rules is one point, he now only has four cities, which is not too many, if we continue to continue, ten cities, 100 cities? The larger his territory is, the strength will not be dispersed. By this time, his weakness will be revealed as much as he can save."

"Yes, by that time, one person will smash a city, and see how the Emperor Shenwu responds?"

"This way, it ruined his way and ruined his painstaking efforts!"

"You can’t place everything on the eternal rules. After his power spreads out, there will be more eternal awakenings at that time. We unite and fight a battle of destruction, blooming on all sides. At that time, he It will definitely be defeated."


They were all speaking, thinking that this was the best way to deal with Chu Yuan.

Launch a devastating blow with the strongest and more power, and few people are willing to take the lead.

"Safe is safe, but I am afraid that there will be variables." Niluan Tianzun made a cold voice at their plan.

"The appearance of the strongest this time is different from the past. His true common enemy, he has become more terrifying than anyone else, so there will be more Eternal Grade actively joining in."

Only the most secure way can make more people willing to take action.


After Chu Yuan defeated Tianzun Niluan~www.ltnovel.com~, he returned directly to the second city.

He also knew that after this battle, he would get a temporary respite, and his weakness was indeed seen by many people, but he didn't care, he had the confidence to suppress everything.

Although he is backed by the multiverse, he actually doesn't want anyone to destroy his way.

"Take this opportunity to go to the third city."

Chu Yuan stopped for a while, and immediately quickly reached the third city.

In the third city, there is no empire powerhouse, but everyone knows that this is the territory of the Shenwu Empire.

"The Emperor Shenwu is here!"

Emperor Wei is like the sea.

The Emperor Shenwu appeared majestic, and everyone saw a towering existence standing on the sky and the earth. His power was infinite, and they couldn't bear it, and they all knelt down.

"Emperor Shenwu cannot reach the eternal rank, and he can repel the great powerhouse who wounded the eternal!"


Niluan Tianzun's provocation brought him a wave of great momentum.

Chu Yuan ignored them, just stared at the past with majestic eyes.

That Emperor Prestige, the majesty of the Soul Art, made many people tremble, as if all the secrets in their hearts were seen through.

"See the emperor!"

Yi Tianzun, who had been fighting on the Emperor Road, Yuan and the others came.

"You are doing well, I am very satisfied."

Chu Yuan said gently to them: "I am here now to use the power of time and space to see the Burial God Sea, and see how many tombs of the gods are left here to gather resources for the empire."

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