Buried in the sea of ​​God.

This is where God’s impact really failed forever.

There are tombs of gods and spirits here. In many epochs, eternal grades have also searched, trying to find the largest tomb left by gods, but unfortunately they have not succeeded.

God is the strongest.

The period of his dominance was even ahead of the holy emperor.

The civilization of God left behind by God is still passed on from time to time.

"In the burial of the gods, the **** may have left his tomb, but it may not be here anymore. The civilization of gods is endless, and there are countless powerful people who practice gods. Just like the founder of the gods, I don't know him until now. Whereabouts."

Chu Yuan led the crowd and descended into the Sea of ​​Burial God.

Although the heaven and earth environment where Shenhai was buried was extremely dangerous, with his current strength, he wouldn't be afraid of anything.

His understanding of the time and space is extremely thorough, and Yi Tianzun calculated from the side.

His eyes pierced fiercely, and he could see the universe of time and space.

Under his blast, he directly saw many of the tombs of the gods hidden in the time and space of different dimensions.

It was hidden deep enough, but most of them couldn't hide Chu Yuan's eyes.


He grabbed it directly with a big hand, and a **** tomb was in an extremely deep time and space. With his hand, he saw that the **** tomb surrounded by divine light was directly caught by him and sealed in a spherical space. Inside.

"This tomb of God is a ninth stage left."

Chu Yuan didn't bother to explore the tombs of gods at this level, and just collected them and became a resource for the development of the empire.

"There are tombs of gods there."

Yi Tianzun also waved his hand and appeared a light curtain, forming a map of the burial of the Shenhai. The place where the light spot flashed was the place where the tomb of the **** was.

Chu Yuan swept the discovery with tyrannical strength, but Yi Tianzun relied on his calculations.

"Yi Tianzun, your method of calculation is too terrible. It operates with the wheel of heavenly secrets. There are few things you don't know. For example, the eternal Tao fruit that the Emperor Ji Dao dreamed of before was also your calculation."

Yuan exclaimed.

"Calculation is not a panacea, and it is also vulnerable to the strongest strength."

Yi Tianzun smiled and said: "Destiny can also be controlled. Only the strongest strength can break all obstacles."

"Yi Tianzun, you are still in the eighth realm. When you reach the ninth realm, your calculation will be higher. I can see that the ninth realm is not a problem for you, and if you reach the eternal grade, the calculation of your fate will be Reached a peak."

Chu Yuan also hoped that the strong man in the empire would be stronger and could share more for him.

The opponents he faces are too strong and too scary.

"As your Majesty said, it is not a problem for me to achieve the ninth level, but to achieve the eternal level, the minister needs something extremely critical. I still can't think of it. I have to wait until I reach the ninth level. Your Majesty’s help."

Yi Tianzun said.

"After you think about it." Chu Yuan said.

Yi Tianzun said: "If I reach the eternal level, I can calculate more, countless epochs, there are not a few people who have been sitting in my eternal road, and they have left many treasures in my own road. At that time, I can calculate it to Some roads to death."

"I wait for you to reach the eternal level."

Chu Yuan was marching in the God Burial Sea, and various chaotic fields could not hinder him.

While he was traveling, he also sensed many **** tombs, and except for some of the most valuable tombs, the rest of Chu Yuan did not move.

He wants to charge.

He could find countless tombs of the gods in this sea of ​​burial gods, but this is meaningless.

The value of the sea of ​​burial is that there are many treasures of the tomb of the gods, which attracts many powerful people to explore here. If he takes all of them, the Third City will not attract people.

And the empire can also come here to experience.

Staying here is gathering momentum.

His brows also frowned slightly.

At this time, he had been buried in the sea for a while, and walked from one end to the other, but he did not find the tomb of the gods.

He walked a few times again, with his strength, eternal time and space penetrated into the sweep of different dimensions, if there really is a tomb of the gods, there will be some reactions.

But not.

"Could God's tomb not be here."

He formed the three portals of time, space, and dimension into a character shape, which immediately penetrated into the space and time, forming a dragnet search.

The rumbling vibrations, after he searched for a period of time, the three portals suddenly slammed into an extremely solid place, causing the time and space of the burial sea to vibrate crazily.

This shock is very powerful.

"Could it be that the tomb of the **** was found!"

Yuan was startled: "Such a big movement is definitely not something ordinary **** tomb can make. I feel an eternal majesty."

"It is not the tomb of the god, but it is also the tomb of the eternal grade. At the time of the god, there was also an eternal grade under his command."

Chu Yuan used his amazing mana and bombarded the three portals a little bit, and he immediately saw the divine light erupting, and then tore it fiercely, a solid spirit barrier appeared, and a great **** tomb appeared.

"Eternal God Tomb!"

The strong empires are all excited. Although it is not the tomb of the gods, an eternal **** tomb also represents endless wealth.

With Chu Yuan's blow, the power blasted onto the tomb of the gods, and there was a tyrannical counterattack, but under his sweep, all the barriers were unbearable, and they were shattered.

"Follow me."

Chu Yuan was shocked in all directions and walked directly to the tomb of the gods. His power that shook the mountains and rivers and the world, as soon as he approached, ushered in a strong counterattack ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ the horrible penetration of the light of God.


Chu Yuan didn't even care about the real Eternal Grade, would he still be afraid of some restrictions imposed by a dead Eternal Grade?

With a blast of his power, the prohibition of counterattack collapsed, and then he saw the closed door of the tomb of God, forbidding others to enter.

He didn't talk nonsense, the thunder anger divine halberd appeared, and the halberd broke the door directly.

This is pushing in with madness and invincible strength.

After he entered, the scene he saw was a bit familiar. He had been given a tomb of the gods before. There was no difference in the layout, except for the strong burial.

Chu Yuan went all the way, and he didn't care much about some of the gods inside.

He stepped quickly, and there were many small spaces in it that would burst out extremely terrifying attacks.

Ordinary Origin Gods, even if they dare to come here in the Ninth Realm, are in danger of falling.

Chu Yuan's gaze swept across, and he saw through the pattern of the tomb. At this time, one blow penetrated a layer of space, and suddenly an eternal power swept over, mighty, piercing flesh and blood.

Eternal class!

At this moment, all the powerful empires saw that in the center of the tomb of the gods, there was a tall and burly, giant-shaped mansion that exudes the majesty of the infinite god.

The mansion was covered by divine light, and circles of divine circles enveloped him.

His eyes are still open. Although everyone knows that he has fallen, his power is like he was alive.

"Eternal level, God Zhantian!"

Chu Yuan said his name.

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