This immediately blasted the Lord of the Great Thousands.

Although he did not cause any serious harm to him, he revealed a very bad news, that is, his strength is not as good as Chu Yuan, he is a level better than him, and he already has the power to suppress him.

"How could his strength suddenly become so strong? He will have the strength to defeat me before the eternal level, how did he cultivate!"

The Lord of Great Thousands was horrified in his heart, a little hard to understand.

Of course, he didn't have any humiliating thoughts in his heart. Strong is strong, and weak is weak. After all, the world is respected by strength, and there is nothing to say.

"Daqian, he has advanced in strength. I don't know what he has gone through. He reveals weirdness. I will join hands with you!

Chaos expression is solemn, and the strength of Shenwu has already brought him a lot of pressure.

He strode forward, the power of the chaos was exploding, and he suddenly ran the chaos divine fist, booming, shook the world, the most direct attack.

He also knew that this battle was completely different from before.

The Emperor Shenwu Emperor facing the two is even more powerful.

Chu Yuan covered the sky with only his hand, and the divine light burst in his eyes. He didn't evade, and directly fought against chaos. With chaos against chaos, he exerted his power to the extreme.

Chaos and Chu Yuan fought each other, and the divine body shook violently.

Time and space freeze.

Chu Yuan is another trick.

In this kind of freezing, it is naturally impossible for the eternal chaos to be completely immobile, but it also feels that it is deep in the quagmire, it is difficult to get out, and it is in great trouble.

"The Creation of Chaos!"

Chaos tried his best to use his mana. Seeing Shenwu slamming his fist, he couldn't make any other reactions, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

boom! With this punch, the vast national luck hit him, causing him to fly out.

Chu Yuan slashed again with a palm, like a heavenly sword, with great power.

Chaos Divine Soldier appeared, Chaos was holding it in his hand. With this blow, he opened the world and had the power to break through infinite obstacles. The eternal level of force contained strong principles.

Da Qian Jing!

The Lord of the Great Thousand appeared behind Chu Yuan, he ran the Great Thousand Mirror, and suddenly shot out a brilliance, trying to freeze Chu Yuan and create opportunities for Chaos.

Eternal class, the top powerhouse on the eternal road.

The eternal level magic weapon is also the most powerful magic weapon.

Now the two are doing their best to stop Shenwu alone.

"I don't believe it, your strength is so strong that you can't stop it!"

Chaos also shouted.

However, at this moment, when the great thousand mirrors shone on him, Xuan Huang Guanghua surged, matching his strength, and could not stop him at all.


A violent collision.

Although the power of the eternal chaos weapon blasted Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan also blasted him with a punch, which was very bloody, directly causing the place where the fist collided to burst, and the flesh and blood was blurred.

"I used the Great Thousand Mirror, and you didn't hurt him with the Chaos God Soldier. He must also have an eternal artifact, and it's a defensive armor!"

The Lord of the Thousands shouted.

"Yes, but he didn't refine this artifact. I don't know which eternal grade left and got him, and his strength has indeed been greatly improved than before!"

Chaos is very heavy.

"Take you to perfect my eternal road."

At this moment, Chu Yuan's eternal road turned into an eternal sky, covering the chaos and Daqian, and now he is completely pressing the two of them.

His path is also different, as if in another time and space.

He strode forward, the emperor's fist, and the power of the empire were all gathered, one move, one move, majestic, with the power of inclusive of all rivers, and he went horizontally, really watching his direction.

His majestic emperor body stood there, unstoppable, and raising his hand was the mana of destruction.

In his path, he is the strongest master, all laws must be manipulated by him, and the power slashed by a single blow is enough to hurt the eternal grade and make them pay the price.

"He is directly forcing us, and he has to deal with him in his own way, otherwise he is not an opponent at all!"

Chaos roared.

He could feel the difference in Chu Yuanlu, in his path, he had already broken away from the original eternity, although he hadn't fully achieved it, but this kind of power shocked him.

"Chaotic Road!" Chaos shouted.

There is no way, it must be blocked in this way.

The Lord of Great Thousands also displayed his strongest power.

This is no longer equal to the Emperor Shenwu Emperor, but the possibility of being severely injured at any time, although they are not as old as the Saint Emperor, it is also very bad for them.

Chu Yuan didn't care about the Lord of the Great Thousand at all, but instead focused on chaos.


He attacked, directly hitting Chaos, and his whole body was bursting with eternal blood spattering.

Chu Yuan's moves were fierce, opening and closing, and Daqian knew that Shenwu could not attack Chaos like this, so he rushed over, and the two combined as much as possible to maximize their advantages.

However, Chu Yuan swallowed the eternal anger and repelled the Lord of Great Thousands.

He strikes like lightning, and swiftly like thunder, smashing into Chaos again and again, hitting him with flesh and blood.

In this fierce attack, Chaos suffered a lot of losses, and realized that he would never fight this person for a long time.

"Daqian, you can't fight with him. His strength is not something we can handle. We penetrate his eternal road and escape."

Chaos is also a little frightened.

Physical damage is second, but road rupture is the big problem.

"Penetrate his way!"

Daqian and Chaos united again, the two eternally sublimated, the divine light shining through the ages, their strength was several times stronger than before, condensing their own way into a powerful offensive, and penetrated.

However, Chu Yuan pressed his palm.

His incomparable power, the true eternal road turned out to directly withstand the two rays of light offensive, and the power of control and containment actually suppressed them forcibly.

In the battle, he kept studying his own way and became stronger and stronger.

"He wants to lock it inside!"

The Lord of Great Thousands had a gloomy face.

He has thoroughly felt it, the strength of Shenwu has become stronger in the battle, and they have become sharpening stones.

"He doesn't want us to leave. Is this going to kill us?"

Chaos also had to sigh the man’s ambition, and said: "I feel his path has a power of infinite control. Just now we attacked, not because our power is not strong, but our path is controlled by him. His path , Too ambitious!"

He is not afraid of heaven or earth.

However, when he felt Chu Yuan's path, he would actually feel fear.

"If he really wants to kill us, UU reading will also make him pay the price of blood. As an eternal class, he is not afraid of death!"

The Lord of the Great Thousand, who has always been calm, is now hideous.

He already knew the strength of this person. If he was alone with the Eternal Grade, he might be beheaded. He was much stronger than before.


However, at this moment, another strong man appeared. He was shrouded in the holy light, his face was ugly and mysterious, and the truth of the Holy Land of Truth appeared.

"The truth is here!"

The two knew that the truth was older and stronger than them.

Truth strikes out and shines the light of truth.

But Daqian and Chaos also shook. They reconciled inside and outside, bursting out with the strongest strength. Only when the truth was accepted, they left here in embarrassment.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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