Truth shot, at a critical time, led Chaos and Daqian out.

???? Chu Yuan glanced there indifferently, speechless, although he did not kill an eternal class, but the purpose of this battle has been achieved, and the reputation will be passed on again.

???? He disappeared as soon as he left.

"Truth, if it weren't for you to appear, Chaos and I would suffer a big loss this time, and I would be seriously injured if I die. How could his strength be so powerful? Chaos and I confronted him and felt that my power was under control. , All laws are destroyed, it is not an opponent at all."

???? Da Qian looked at the truth, remembering the previous battle, still lingering in his heart.

???? It's been a long time, and he hasn't experienced this kind of dying feeling for a long time.

???? He said that he is not afraid of death, but that does not mean that he wants to die.

???? "I was able to appear in time because the Holy Land of Truth is near the Great Thousand Heaven Sect, and my people called me."

???? Truth slowly said, the truth is still hard to see.

???? What he said, it feels like the only truth in the world.

???? "Fortunately, the Holy Land of Truth is nearby."

???? The Lord of the Thousand is fortunate that he has allowed the Holy Land of Truth to stay nearby, and then frowns: "He is so strong, what should we do, Emperor Shenwu is too domineering, and his vision is eternal hegemony, he is more than ever Anyone who contends most for hegemony will be terrifying."

???? Chaos also said: "Those who follow prosper, those who oppose perish, this is his domineering will."

???? "Shen Wu is so strong that no one can resist it."

???? Truth said: "No one denies his power, and because of his power, he will become a common enemy in the world."

???? There are too many Eternal Levels who want to eradicate Chu Yuan.

???? In fact, there is no one who can take the lead, and has real prestige, to launch a devastating blow to the Emperor Shenwu, otherwise they can only fight separately, and they can only be scattered soldiers and bravely scattered.

???? The Great Thousand Heavens Sect's battle was also passed out with a boil.

???? "The Emperor Shenwu almost...Chapter 1905 Circle Four (page 1/4). Killed an eternal class, if it weren’t for the truth to appear , His current strength already has the strength to fight the eternal level alone."

???? Eternal Road is shocked, even Eternal Grade can't calm down.

???? Individuals, those of average strength, must be jealous, this is a battle that has really happened, and they must worry that Shenwu will find them alone.

???? The post-war influence is great.

???? Everyone is more afraid of Emperor Shenwu Emperor, but also has more fear. The speed of his strength growth is too terrifying, it is impossible to guess, it is incredible.

???? And if it weren't for the fact that there was no eternal catastrophe, many people would think that he had reached the eternal level.

???? After Chu Yuan caused the big fluctuations, he ignored these, he began to cross the Eternal Road once again, and every step he took was an endless distance.

???? The infinite vastness of the Eternal Road, I don't know how big it is.

???? This time Chu Yuan crossed, he also wanted to see where the end of Eternal Road was, but after crossing for a while, his mood became more and more calm.

???? He has a weird feeling.

???? The emptiness around, the emptiness around, the immutable color, make people crazy.

???? He knows that the eternal road is originally nothingness, and what you see is nothing but a strong person, who absorbs the eternal breath and changes it by means of creation.

???? His speed is too fast, it is still hard to see the end.

???? "The ordinary law cannot find the end of eternity. Even if I spend my entire life and travel infinite distances, I will not really find its end. The end is not found like this."

???? Chu Yuan felt a little bit.

???? This is like a circle. You don't understand the essence of seeing through this circle. How far you go, you are in this circle and you can't get out of it.

???? Eternity is the same, but it is trillions of times more profound than the circle theory, just an analogy.

???? You don’t even understand the eternal itself, how can you talk about going beyond eternity,...Chapter 1905 Circle Four (page 2/4),. Break the shackles.

???? Of course, even if you understand this truth, you still can't jump out.

???? But thinking of this, Chu Yuan understood what to do. He wanted to jump out of the eternal circle, break it with another method, and see the blue sky aside from the clouds.

???? He continued on the path of eternity.

???? In this kind of forward, empty, his mind is getting calmer and calmer.

???? He does not deliberately calculate time, as if he has forgotten everything, so that he also changes the state of nothingness, melts into eternity, and understands its essence.

???? I don't know how long it has been.

???? He stopped suddenly.

???? His hollow eyes suddenly burst into the world's color, he found something, and opened it with a palm, it turned out to be a way.

???? He walked in.

???? When Chu Yuan walked in, there was a rumbling sound, the sound of heaven and earth cracking, the brilliance of lightning and thunder, and the sight of the universe shattering.

???? "Eternal road, but also a road that has been shattered."

???? Chu Yuan took a look and knew what was going on.

???? This is the path opened by an eternal class, but this eternal class has long since fallen, sitting here, and the time is extremely long, even his own path has collapsed.

???? Throughout the ages, there are not a few people who sit silently like this. If they can't resist, they will die in their own way.

???? Chu Yuan walked on this broken road.

???? He understands that the path of the eternal level is a path of detachment, to penetrate into the eternal dimension of nothingness, and to put himself in another time and space.

???? The longer the road extends, the closer to eternal detachment.

???? "Everything is going to be played out."

???? After all, this was only left by the development of an eternal class. Chu Yuan soon came to the end of the road. He saw there was a tree there.

???? This tree is a transparent color, an eternal sacred tree cultivated by the eternal level. #br......Chapter 1905 circle four more (page 3/4),. UU看书www.uukanshu.comr#???? But it does not have a creature of its own, it is energy condensed, after all, all living things are subject to eternal rules and cannot exist for that long.

???? "Originally there was spiritual wisdom, but the eternal level of death, its spiritual wisdom is also destroyed, leaving the body here."

???? Chu Yuandao.

???? Time turned back in his eyes, and vaguely saw a man sitting there before eternity, the eternal rule of killing was everywhere, reaching his limit.

???? As a result, his whole body has become feathered.

???? In the place where he emerges, there is still an artifact, a transparent long knife.

???? "Eternal artifact!"

???? Chu Yuan caught him immediately.

???? This is a transparent knife. There is no tool spirit inside for a long time. Only its material is amazing. With a light wave, the void will split. It can also blend into the space and time, launching a terrorist killing .

???? "The nameless knife."

???? Chu Yuan touched the blade with his palm and said lightly.

???? The nameless knife, I don't know what it is called, let alone who the owner of the knife is, because all the will has been wiped out, and I can't find the slightest place.

???? The dead body can stay, but the will cannot last forever.

???? Chu Yuan felt a little bit, put away the knife and left this road.

???? This kind of road has some on the eternal road, but whether it can be found depends on luck.

???? He continued to move forward, and he didn't know how long it had passed. There was a voice in his ear, but he was very friendly and not hostile.

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