Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1909: Eternal Killing Array, Rubik's Cube

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"See your Majesty the Dark God."

In the boundless darkness, with no fingers reaching out, a woman's voice came out, it was the voice of the Dark God.

She controls the power of darkness, like the goddess in the night, the king in the darkness.

The cultivation base of the Dark God is in the ninth state.

It was also because of Chu Yuan's cultivation that he reached the nine realms.

"Dark God, very good."

Chu Yuan's gaze pierced the darkness, and he saw a graceful woman with a very cold and arrogant temperament, present in the dark night.

Now in his empire, there are two ninth realms, Yuan and Dark God.

And he also has a **** of light, only eight realms.

"Darkness and light, with the power of darkness and light."

Chu Yuan suddenly shouted: "God of Light, I urge the door of light and darkness to help you break through the nine realms in the shortest time!"

This time he will directly help the God of Light with boundless mana.

Suddenly, he saw that the dazzling light was like a sea, and then there was boundless darkness. Originally, these two opposing forces were incompatible, but under the control of his will, they actually coexisted.

When these two forces were in harmony, a more mysterious meaning erupted.

"Where there is light, there is darkness, where there is darkness, there is light, and neither is indispensable."

Chu Yuan manipulated two laws, as well as boundless eternal energy instilling towards the **** of light.

He looked around and knew that the breakthrough of the God of Light was a matter of time.

Then he looked at the gate of the pill world.

The door of the pill world: Inspire the door of the pill world, which can open the pill ancestor pill world and directly teleport into the pill world.

"The gate of the Dan realm, the Dan Zu Dan realm."

Chu Yuan thought about it.

Danzu is the greatest powerhouse on the path of eternal alchemy, he is also an eternal class, but his existence period is longer than that of the holy emperor.

Even the holy emperor is the strongest living to the present, and it has been extremely difficult to support it, and with his strength, it is bound to be sitting.

His pill realm must be his eternal road.

In one fell swoop, he could find his pill world.

Rumor has it that Dan Zu has refined countless divine pills in his lifetime, and the strongest divine pill he refined is called Eternal Divine Pill, which is said to be made by Dan Zu with his life.

At the last moment of his life, he refined all the strength of his life.

If the eternal **** pill is born, it will be very attractive to the eternal grade, and even the strongest will be extremely excited.

Like the holy emperor, if he gets it, he will definitely live longer.

"I have the door of the pill realm, and I can directly open the pill realm of the pill ancestor, but I don’t need to open it now. Even if I refine all the divine pill, it is impossible for me to break through the eternal level. With the gate of the pill world, complete my plan."

Chu Yuan looked at the door of the pill world, with a huge plan in his heart.

This plan, once implemented, will inevitably cause a sensation forever.

He closed the door of the pill world, and then continued to look at the **** of light.

He baptized him with endless energy, and time passed by little by little, and after a hundred years of eternal road, with a sea of ​​surging light.

At this moment, the God of Light had already broken through to the ninth state.

And without Chu Yuan's help, he didn't know how long it would take him to complete this step.

Chu Yuan saw the breakthrough of Guangming God in his eyes and was pleased in his heart.

He joined forces with the Dark God, and the power of darkness and light allowed them to become extremely powerful in the nine realms.

Now that the empire has the abyss, the **** of light, the **** of darkness, and the three nine realms, it can be regarded as temporarily dissolving the weakness of the **** of origin.

"The emperor actually helped the **** of light to ascend to the nine realms."

When the empire's strong men saw it, they were all amazed by the emperor's great mana, and his ability to directly help others baptize.

Chu Yuan also understood that the breakthrough of the God of Light lies in his having a portal of darkness and light, plus his ability to build an eternal road, otherwise it would not be so easy.

"When the construction of the eternal road of the empire becomes more complete and the eternity is in control, all beings in the world and all the people will be eternally sublimated. I will transform myself into eternity, and the people of the empire will have eternity.

He made a mighty voice, causing the empire's luck to explode violently again.

"The God of Guangming breaks through, and our other plan will also be implemented."

Chu Yuan's stalwart emperor body appeared above the second city.

As soon as his emperor body moved, the mighty and mighty will permeated the entire eternal killing array, and his eyes directly saw through the operation of the entire killing array.

The time has come.

He already has absolute certainty to control this killing formation.

And when it's time to make a move, make a move.

"Your Majesty has seen through the Eternal Killing Array. He is going to attack the Killing Array and take control of it."

Yi Tianzun said: "We are looking at the emperor's great mana!"


Chu Yuan waved Fang Qiu and saw the most central part of the killing formation. With a big wave of his hand, the whole killing formation became violent, and the endless formations came out in terror and attacked and killed him.

Eternal killing array is very scary.

However, Chu Yuan just stood there, and any array bombardment would have no effect on him. Around him, an absolute taboo vacuum was formed, which could not affect him.

Now, it seemed that Chu Yuan was only standing in the killing line, but his great spirit had already penetrated in.

Boom boom boom! The bombardment of the killing array is its self-defense mechanism.

Chu Yuan didn't care, his emperor's big hand shook, and the entire eternal killing array was shocked, the boundless nothingness was torn apart, layers of heaven and earth were revealed, and the mystery was to be solved.

"Your Majesty, is this going to shake out the eternal temple? I don't know what the eternal temple looks like?"

The empire powerhouse looks forward to it.

During this period of time, the empire powerhouse has obtained many temples, but it is not yet known what the eternal temple looks like.

Someone looked at Yi Tianzun and wanted to ask, but he just shook his head.

With invincible power, Chu Yuan suppressed it with one hand, and swallowed the heavy mist with the other with swallowing power. At this moment, after a thunderous explosion.

Everyone saw the eternal temple.

"This is the Temple of Eternity?"

After the empire powerhouse saw it, his eyes were extremely surprised, which was completely different from what they had imagined.

The three temples of bronze, silver and gold in the past are all temples.

But the Temple of Eternity is not. This is a square object measuring several feet in size, reflecting an unusually bright light on every side, which looks very dreamy and mysterious. You must indulge in it.

When Chu Yuan saw this square object, he thought of a word.

That is the Rubik's Cube.

Each aspect seems to represent a formation method, which is different from what ordinary people understand, but this is indeed the core of the eternal killing formation.

Some people imagine it as an eternal palace. This is all kind of speculation. After all, the several palaces that have appeared are very misleading.

"Although it is not the appearance of a palace, this is the core of the eternal killing array, and it can also be called the eternal palace."

Chu Yuan looked at the eternal palace.

He already knew how the Eternal Killing Array works, and how those temples came into being.

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