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All formations, all temples, and all sources come from the eternal temple, which is exactly what is like a Rubik's Cube.

Those temples were not built one by one, but a certain formation he set up, created by the eternal temple.

Eternity is nothing but nothing, and this Rubik's Cube swallowed the breath of eternity, and used the means of the creator to create all the temples.

Such as fixed settings.

As long as the formation is not destroyed and the eternal aura still exists, there will be an endless stream.

"The formation has fallen. He gave his life to the Temple of Eternity. He sacrificed his life."

Chu Yuan's voice was loud and loud.

The value of the eternal temple is much greater than the eternal fruit.

He opened his big hand and grabbed directly to the Eternal Temple. The value is too great and must be captured. With this thing, he can completely control the killing formation and form a place to defend the Eternal God.

In fact, the position of the killing array is not the most important thing, only the eternal temple, this Rubik's Cube-like thing is there, and it can naturally form an array wherever it is placed.

And at the moment.

When he grasped the palm of his hand, this eternal temple also experienced a monstrous counter-shock, and that kind of power was resisting his power.

Boom! Suddenly, a **** of formations appeared, swallowing vast energy, and launched an earth-shattering counterattack against Chu Yuan. That punch was formed by countless laws.

Its strength is completely comparable to the eternal level.

This is where the strength of the formation lies. He portrays the formation and forms this kind of power.


Chu Yuan covered the sky with his hand, and he killed the God of Eternity, and with the swallowed domain, he isolated it from the eternal energy swallowing, and isolated it somewhere.

The power of destruction, the law of chaos, this eternal **** collapsed after a fierce battle with him.

After it collapsed, Chu Yuan's hand was enveloped.

But at this moment, the tetrahedron of the Eternal Temple blasted out a ray of brilliance, self-defense mechanism, when encountering an enemy that cannot be resisted, it will completely self-destruct and burst out the power to destroy everything.

Chu Yuan wanted an eternal killing array that wasn't destroyed.

For so many years, he has been studying and understanding its essence, and it is the most difficult to control it. Many eternal grades can't do it, but it is very likely to be blown to death.


Chu Yuan's eternal road was immediately inspired.

His eternal path is very unusual. Reality and dream coexist. A sealed portal appeared, and the eternal seal was displayed, as if a wall confined all energy in one place.

Jing Guang was suppressed and returned, hitting Chu Yuan's eternal seal.

His great path to eternity, with a will to dominate the heavens, is to control the entire eternity, completely suppressing the eternal temple at this moment, making it impossible to escape from his control.

Communicating with Hongmeng is of great benefit, and Chu Yuan's body becomes eternal, like a different kind of existence.

"Eternal control."

All the power of Chu Yuan and the endless national fortune were swept out.

His mighty will suppressed, completely suppressed the power of the eternal temple, and under the boundless control of his power, it actually became smaller and smaller.

In the end, it turned into a small model, imprisoned in the formation, and was caught by him.

The Temple of Eternity has been completely suppressed, and can no longer be violent, but it is not completely owned, and suppression must be turned into real control.

But it is only a matter of time.

His abilities are too powerful, and he has done many things that the eternal level cannot do.

Of course, he also knew that in the era of the fall, there was no strongest person, otherwise others would get it. ,

"The power of the Eternal Temple is still growing. Every epoch will absorb energy and strengthen itself. When the power reaches a certain extreme, the mansion of the gods will be born, the strongest man who controls the formation, and in my hands, The divine residence can be born in advance."

Chu Yuan fell silent.




After he got the Temple of Eternity, the people of the empire were shouting invincible, pushing the empire's momentum to the extreme again.

Outsiders only saw the Shenwu Empire's fortune grow at an alarming rate, but they didn't know what was happening inside.

After Chu Yuan got it, he began to instill the luck of the empire and his will. He began to build the divine residence with the great soul technique. In this evolution, a **** of formation technique slowly appeared.

The **** of formation is a new formation.

Of course, he and the array are not the same concept.

"Very well, now what we have to wait for is time. The eternal killing formation empire is under the control. This is a trap. Whoever dares to step into it without authorization, the force of the formation will let him know what pain is."

Chu Yuan nodded.

In his multiverse, there is also a time-space island, which is also left by an eternal class.

However, with his current strength, Chu Yuan knew that Sky Island was even more weird at that time, and if he rushed to it, it would escape to the depths of time and space, but he was not in a hurry to collect it immediately.

When his incarnation becomes eternally taller, he can do it.

Now, the empire is also very peaceful.

He wanted someone to step into the second city.

However, although the Eternal Class wanted to kill him a lot, they weren't all fools. They knew Chu Yuan's strength, and how could they dare to attack and break into his base camp.

And these eternal grades are even more difficult to unite, they are all fighting.

Another thousand years have passed.

The sword shattered the sea, and the sword **** held the eternal knife to split the barriers.

Chu Yuan gave him the knife directly.

"The realm of the nine realms, I should also be ascended to the fullest."

Yi Tianzun slowly floated into the air shortly after the sword **** broke through.

There is a mysterious brilliance on his body, and a mysterious power descends from a different dimension, like a long river scouring his body, sublimating his body.

This kind of sublimation, Yi Tianzun does not seem to be pure flesh and blood.

"Yi Tianzun's breakthrough."

Chu Yuan looked over.

He saw that Yi Tianzun was absorbing an inexplicable power from a place that was difficult to explore. With that power, Chu Yuan seemed to have seen a strange river.

"The river of fate! The land of fate!"

Chu Yuan suddenly produced this term.

He had long known that Yi Tianzun had a mysterious and extraordinary origin at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com.

"I am waiting for your breakthrough."

Chu Yuan quietly watched Yi Tianzun's extreme sublimation.

Now, Yi Tianzun has completely incorporated this power into his body. Above his head, the wheel of heavenly secrets is running wildly, calculating various destinies.

His body is like a crystal, reflecting bright and dazzling light.

Looking at him, those who are weaker seem to see their own future, their own destiny, they are doomed, not under their control.

Of course, their strength is too weak to be affected by Yi Tianzun.

His extreme sublimation did not make a sound of earth-shaking, but it was very calm. After that power completely dissipated, he successfully sublimated and reached the ninth realm.

Yi Tianzun has a big secret.

After he broke through, he went directly to meet Chu Yuan.

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