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"Yi Tianzun, you have broken through, I am very pleased."

Chu Yuan looked at Yi Tianzun with satisfaction.

His breakthrough made Chu Yuan happier than Yuan's joining.

Yi Tianzun's own combat power is second, as he ascends to the ninth level as much as possible, and his calculation ability will rise to a higher level, able to calculate many relics on the path of eternity.

With him, many opponents' data can be calculated.

"For your majesty's strength, my cultivation base is nothing."

Although Yi Tianzun had ascended to the nine realms, he looked at Chu Yuan like a mass of blank, white paper, and he couldn't guess at all.

If a person is shrouded in mysterious power and obstructed, it would be fine.


Like Chu Yuan, like a blank paper, this is truly terrifying, and that means that he has no traces of the past, present and future, and it is impossible to calculate it at all.

He sighed inwardly, His Majesty is too terrifying, and his own destiny calculations have no effect on him.

"My mystery I know."

Chu Yuandao.

"I know."

Yi Tianzun said: "With my current ability, although the eternal level powerhouse can't calculate, but I can calculate many ninth levels, such as the Great Emperor."

Yi Tianzun demonstrated his ability.

The wheel of heavenly secrets was running. In front of His Majesty, he didn't need to be guarded, and calculated with all his strength. After a while, he shot a picture directly, and a person appeared immediately.

This person is the Great Emperor, sitting in a very silent place, enlightening Dao Fa.

"The Great Emperor."

Chu Yuan looked at his calculation and praised him: "With the calculation of your fate, the Great Emperor Jidao has nothing to hide in front of you."

"If he is truly eternal, I won't be able to estimate him."

Yi Tianzun calculated for a while, and said, "I know, the Great Emperor is cultivating in the deepest depths of eternity. He is lucky. He has found a fallen eternal path and has obtained great benefits. He is waiting for Timing hits the eternal level."

"He is waiting for the complete chaos of the world, and many eternal grades deal with me, and break through when he has no time to take care of him. What a calculation."

Chu Yuan didn't care, he really didn't put Yi Tianzun in his eyes now, and said, "Can you figure out how likely it is for him to reach the eternal level?"

"He has a 50% chance, and he himself has hidden part of his hole cards, which may be even greater."

Yi Tianzun said: "If there is no one to rob, he has a greater grasp."

The confidence of 50% is already very high, and how many ninth realms will risk a breakthrough when there is no one in Chengdu.

"Ignore him first, and tell Yu Zhen when he hits the Eternal Grade."

Chu Yuan said indifferently: "I know that when you reach the nine realms, there will be things to come to me."

"The minister does have it. I can't do this alone. Only the emperor can help me. The minister originally wanted to wait for the emperor's eternal rank, but it was too late at that time and he didn't need the ability of the minister."

He naturally knows.

After the emperor eternal rank, there will be no one to beat.

"Just tell me, my courtier, I will do my best to help."

Chu Yuandao.

"Emperor, eternity is nothingness, but eternity is also the source of everything. The extreme of nothingness is to nurture all things. There is a long river of destiny in the road of eternity. That is the place of destiny, which belongs to the rules of destiny, and is also part of the rules of eternity. ."

Yi Tianzun said.

Water has rules.

Fire has rules.

There are also rules in time and space.

All the rules constitute the eternal rules.

"The river of destiny, the power of destiny." Chu Yuan said slowly: "You are a force within the rules of destiny."

"The emperor is right."

Yi Tianzun closed his eyes, calculated for a long time, and said: "The minister is just a force swallowed out by the rules of fate of this era, turned into a source of life energy, in the multiverse, and fell on a certain creature. , I was born."

"I can find the way to enter the long river of destiny, to find a treasure of the mirror of destiny, if I get the mirror of destiny, the power of destiny calculation can be raised to a higher level, and I can also understand the mirror of destiny, hopefully Eternal class."

When it comes to Destiny and Divine Realm, Yi Tianzun, who has always been calm, also has a strong desire for greed.

"The mirror of destiny, I know that if you want to get it, you must go to the land of destiny, but you are a force born there. With your current strength, it is very likely to be assimilated by the long river and sink into it. You need my Help, help you suppress the assimilation of the long river of fate."

Chu Yuan knew everything.

"Your Majesty is incomparable."

Yi Tianzun said: "I need your majesty’s help, but the power of the destiny river is too terrifying. If your majesty enters, it is likely to be affected. If you don’t see your majesty’s destiny as white paper, the minister would not dare to ask your majesty. There is a danger there, even the eternal grade may get caught in it."

He felt the inviolable and incalculable power of the emperor's destiny before he proposed it.

Now, it is difficult for other eternal grades to help him.

"The river of destiny, it doesn't matter, I will do my best to help you, even if I can't get a glimpse of the rules of destiny that are born within the eternal rules, then don't want to challenge the entire eternal rules."

Chu Yuan deeply understood.

His ultimate opponent is not the holy emperor, it is not the truth, it is not all the eternal class on this eternal road, those are just stumbling blocks, they can all be pushed away.

His real opponent is Eternity itself.

There must be a problem with eternity itself that prevents the world from eternal.

This time, he is going to see the powerful rules of destiny that are eternally born.

And if Yi Tianzun could get the Mirror of Destiny, it would help him too much.

"Experiencing the power of fate personally, you can also see the mystery of some of its eternal rules, which is of great benefit to me becoming an eternal class."

Chu Yuan said, "Go, you will lead the way."

"Your Majesty, come with me."

Yi Tianzun uses himself to sense the place of entry into the Land of Destiny. Without him, he would not be able to find the place where this long river of destiny is.

"It's not the first time a power of destiny like mine was born, but it can only appear one at a time, and one can only appear when one is destroyed and returned to the eternal rules."

Yi Tianzun said, "In this era, I don't know if it is because of your majesty or other reasons, it is very different."

"There is no difference."

Chu Yuan just said such a sentence.

After that, he said again: "I suspect that the founder of the God Realm is related to God, but there is not enough evidence. There is no God’s tomb in the God Burial Sea. This is enough to make people suspect. When you get the Destiny Mirror, maybe You can snoop out some of the wonders."

"Not only gods, but also Tao, demons, demons, and Ming, they are also very weird."

Yi Tianzun said: "Although I follow the aisle, I also know that he is very unusual. He has left his own Taoism in the multiverse, and he does not appear. For example, the founder of the gods does not appear. I have a destiny god. Circumstance, you can see part of the fate."

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