Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1905: Conspiracy with Lingzu

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Chu Yuan left the land of fate with Yi Tianzun.

He looked back and looked again, this is a kind of regular force in eternity.

When he was weak, he had thought about various portals such as system rewards. After opening, he could draw endless sources from a mysterious power.

And where did these origins come from?

When it is strong, he knows that the system reward portal can directly open the rules and draw the power of the rules.

Therefore, each portal represents an eternal rule.

Eternal rules can be divided into countless rules, and countless rules can be combined into one.

"Yi Tianzun, go control its power."

Chu Yuan handed the Mirror of Destiny to Yi Tianzun. If he still couldn't control a divine object, then don't think about transcendence and eternity.

"The Mirror of Destiny!"

Yi Tianzun took it cautiously.

He fought with one force, the rules evolved, and he was still the Great Emperor, but this time through the mirror, he showed a clearer side, as if he was on the scene, watching him.

Regrettably, the Great Emperor Jidao didn't know that someone was spying on him and was still dreaming of his eternal dream.

"Go back to City One first."

Chu Yuan is dominated by the first city.

What he has to do now is to comprehend his own eternal path, and train the empire to give birth to more powerful men, and strengthen the empire's national fortune to its strongest moment.

"Your Majesty, I have a magic mirror of destiny, which can be calculated to many fantastic places in the eternal road, even some eternal roads that have been cut off. The empire needs more resources, and now I can't sit in the empire to practice."

After getting the Mirror of Destiny, Yi Tianzun came to see Chu Yuan for a while.

"Very well, the empire does require a lot of resources. Although you can't calculate to a living eternal level, you can avoid danger in advance. Also, let Yuan go with you, and he may also become eternal level. Second, let Yuan get a greater baptism."

Chu Yuan gave the order.

After he gave the order, he also entered a deep retreat.

His emperor body was dazzling, burning a raging eternal divine fire.

Once this fire bursts out, it can burn all realms, and all tangible and intangible will be completely destroyed.

He seemed to be standing on a commanding height, trying his best to see through the whole face.

He waved a hand.

This is just the ability to turn hands for clouds, cover hands for rain, manipulate the situation, and change the general situation of the entire eternal road.

The words and deeds of the strongest are huge changes in the situation of heaven and earth.

In front of him, there is an eternal door connecting his eternal sky.

And this portal is extremely brilliant, like a detachment door, a portal that can truly break the curse.

This door also has an eternal majestic dominance.

in fact.

With Chu Yuan's current ability, he can choose another path to achieve the eternal level, and no force can stop him.

But he was unwilling, such a weak eternal grade might make him the strongest.

Can't make him detached from eternity.

Think about it, unable to break the curse. In his long life, his relatives and the people who followed him to fight the world will die in front of him one by one, unable to stop him.

If that happens, maybe he will be indifferent when watching his own era be bloodbathed like the holy emperor.

At that time, his heart was already cold, and he no longer had invincible domineering.

Time is passing.

The undercurrent is raging.

Although the empire was still calm and there was no war from all walks of life, Chu Yuan had already smelled the blood of the war. With the passage of time, when the eternal level reached a certain number, it was his time to attack.

He couldn't sit back and watch, but wanted to seize this opportunity, when everyone hadn't united, and cause something to happen.

"We not only want to be strong, but also need more eternal grades to be with me."

Chu Yuan thought.

The teleportation portal of the spirit world appeared in front of him, and then walked in one step later.

Ling Ancestor knew that the complex situation of Eternal Road was now closed in her spiritual world. She suddenly saw that an undisguised force appeared in her spiritual world.

"What kind of power is this, I don't think I can stop it!"

Ling Ancestor couldn't calm down, she couldn't control this power, staring there, she actually saw a figure walking out of it.

"Someone is coming to my spirit world, who has such terrifying mana!"

Lingzu knows her strength, and she has the ability to protect herself when she encounters the Eternal Grade.

In the next instant, her expression eased, and said: "Shenwu Emperor, it is you!"

"It's me."

Chu Yuan smiled and walked towards her.

This is the second time he has come to the spirit world.

"Before I thought which one would come, I didn't expect it would be the emperor."

Ling Zudao.

"You don't need to think too much, I have the means to reach your spiritual realm directly. I came from the second city."

The spirit ancestor was shocked, and she could reach her spiritual world from anywhere. It was hard for her to imagine what this means, but as long as she knew, the Emperor Shenwu would not come to harm her.

"I came to the spirit world because I have something important to look for you." Chu Yuan said.

"What's the big deal?" Lingzu asked.

"Regarding your becoming eternal, with your ability and spiritual path as eternity, the eternal rules cannot kill you, and you don’t have to worry about the human calamity you fear most. With me here, I will do it for you. Block it."

Chu Yuan's expression was serious. He came to make the Lingzu become the eternal grade. She became the eternal grade, and she would stand on the side of the empire.

"The emperor is fighting for me!"

Lingzu's expression also became solemn, "With the strength of the emperor, it is not a problem to block the calamity for me, but I guess the emperor has other plans."

"Yes, I want to see which of the eternal grades like to hunt others and prevent others from becoming enlightened. If they like to prevent others from becoming enlightened, then their way should be cut off."

Chu Yuandao.

Lingzu already understood what Chu Yuan meant. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

He wants to use himself as a bait, his breakthrough to cross the catastrophe, to lure him to the eternal level to his spiritual world, and then he is shooting, even thinking of killing the eternal level.

This plan is too bold, and it poses a great threat to the spirit ancestors.

If she is a little careless, she may die by herself, and only dare to do it with absolute trust.

"I believe in the emperor. After I prepare for a period of time, I will break through in the spiritual world by myself. I will place numerous restrictions to interfere with their perception."

Lingzu did not refuse, this was indeed her best opportunity to break through the eternal level.

"You can rest assured to break through. Everything is there. When you break through, I will not be in your spiritual world. I will be in the first city. The first city is far away from your spiritual world. The critical moment has come, and the most deadly blow will be given. The enemy will not know this."

Chu Yuan said, "In order to ensure that you will not be associated with me, I will let everyone in the first city see me."

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