Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1906: Lingzu's breakthrough

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Shenwu's every move, even if the Emperor Shenwu emperor uttered a word casually, can cause changes in the world and the attention of countless people. The Emperor Shenwu used the four eternal cities to attract many powerful people to gather, and released the news, recruiting troops and horses, as long as he became a citizen of the empire, he would be protected by him.

He scolded his troops and put on a posture of conquering the world.

Some Eternal Class saw Shenwu's posture, and their hearts were also angry. They were too rampant and didn't put the world's strong in their eyes. Is this trying to fight for hegemony and cruel them.

However, they didn't have the courage to let those eternal ranks face the Emperor Shenwu alone.

They also saw the Great Thousand Heavenly Sect. One or two ordinary eternal grades faced him, that is, looking for death, and the ancient powerhouse who added truth on that day could escape from his hand.

Chu Yuan returned to City One.

In fact, the four cities were built, the luck and luck converge, forming the Emperor Road, no matter where Chu Yuan was in the city, he could reach it instantly, there was no difference.

This is also the reason why many eternal levels fear him.

If he builds the city everywhere on the Eternal Road, wouldn't he be able to move instantaneously and sweep the boundless space and time, causing a blow?

Who can compete with him at that time.

However, many people now want others to get ahead and don't want to pay the price themselves.

If you want them to unite completely, you must make them feel the pain.

"You can join the empire and maintain the ancient roads of the empire, I am very pleased."

In the first city, Chu Yuan used his true body to receive some of the origin gods who came to take refuge in him, and revealed the news of his presence in the first city.

Now, many Origin Gods have received news that they are weak and many want to join the empire and strive for a bright future.

"Yi Tianzun, some people have been hunting recently. Those people are unable to strike a blow to the four cities of our empire. They specifically intercept and kill those who want to take refuge in our country, Yuan, God of Light, and God of Darkness. You are responsible for dispatching them."

Chu Yuan ordered.

At this moment, he is standing high above the multiverse, staring at the starting point of the eternal road.

His mighty thoughts spread out, revealing his true body, and a path was extended in front of him, as if he was the starting point of the path.

He is the beginning and end of the road.

This is the beginning of eternal incarnation.

Although he is not the eternal grade now, he is not the origin god, and he has reached another weird realm.

If you want to break the curse, you must be equal to Eternal Road.

"This martial arts, to understand the multiverse, turn itself into the starting point, but there is also the meaning of the end, the starting point, the end, like a cycle, he takes himself as eternity!"

"The ambition is too great, and it will eventually backfire itself. When the arrogance reaches the extreme, it is the moment of destruction!"

"He does not destroy, and there is still a way for us to survive?"


Many eternal gods are colliding.

For some prying eyes, Chu Yuan knew that this was exactly his plan.

"According to the fact that it has been two years since I came back from the spirit world, the spirit ancestors should also be ready. This time it is not only necessary to elicit which eternal grades are hunting, but also to let the spirit ancestors successfully cross the catastrophe and send a signal that I can shelter. Others will survive the robbery and avoid being hunted by others."

Chu Yuan was thinking about it.

The first two are one aspect, but also an important aspect, attracting powerful people like Yuan and Lingzu to join the empire.

He knew that there were some like Ruyuan, they didn't dare to cross the catastrophe. If they had their own shelter, it would be impossible for each to succeed, but having one or two people would also be a huge gain.

Another year passed.

Three years.

In the spiritual world, there is finally a world-shaking vision, as if the infinite energy has been extracted, and in an instant there is an infinite aura diffused.

The aura is shining, like emeralds, with the ability to turn stones into gold and let the dead start life.

Her spiritual path also swept out, showing a bizarre vision, containing a powerful force.

The strength of the eternal class lies in the way they have opened up.

Some eternal roads are very ordinary, and their strength is not strong, while the spiritual ancestor’s road is definitely extremely powerful.

Her breakthrough caused the shock of Eternal Road.

The suppressed breath, the countermeasure of the eternal rules, each eternal path is equivalent to opening up an independent, self-controlled rule, to break away.

No matter where you hide, you will be found by the eternal rules, and then the rule power that bursts out will let other eternal grades know, and then strike you.

The spirit ancestor is about to break through.

If Chu Yuan hadn't come to her, she would not choose to break through at will.

She was shining all over, with dim aura, stepping on the Nine Heavens, from a distance, she was the most dreamy goddess, and the essence of life was sublimating.

Eternal achievements are difficult to complete in a short time.

Ling Ancestor is condensing her eternal Tao fruit.

"Someone is going to break through the eternal level!"

"The last eternal grade to break through was a man named Cangsheng Great Emperor, but his final fate was to be beheaded by Niluantianzun and others. It was extremely miserable!"

"It's the ancestor of the spirit, the ancestor of the spirit world, she is about to break through!"

Everywhere in the world, due to this volatility, many strong men were alarmed.

This is a big deal.

"Ling Ancestor is also very powerful and terrifying. She is not weaker than the common people of the year. No one else can stop her. The achievement of Eternal Grade is unstoppable and unbeatable!"

There are eternal level know some situation of Lingzu.

"How could she choose to break through at this time? Isn't she afraid of being hunted down by others?"

"Now that many eternal grades are awakening, her breakthrough will attract the attention of many people."

"She must know this."

Spirit Ancestor's breakthrough also attracted the attention of many people. Now this situation is very dangerous. When she hits the Eternal Grade, someone will definitely be hunted.

"The guy Niluan has already gone, and he can't hold back his anger. The last time he went to kill the Cangsheng Great Emperor, he was there, and he was also there when he went to hunt the Spirit Ancestor this time."

"If he goes, let him go, but I'm surprised that with the wisdom of the ancestor of the spirit, it is impossible not to know this. Will she have other reliance?"

"Yes, it is very possible. No one is a fool. I suspect that there is someone behind the spirit ancestor who is supporting him."

"Is it the Emperor Shenwu Emperor?"

The great ideas are colliding and speculating.

"Where is the Emperor Shenwu!"

Someone urgently went to see the whereabouts of Emperor Shenwu Emperor. UU reading

"The Emperor Shenwu is in the first city. He has shown endless visions and is still comprehending his eternal path, as if it has nothing to do with the spiritual ancestor."

"The first city is extremely far away from the spirit world, even if I wait to hurry, it will take a while."

"That Lingzu does not have any other support."

"Pay attention to Shenwu's every move and see if he has any visions. It's best not to let him go and leave him here."

Lingzu's tribulation, on the contrary, made Emperor Shenwu the focus of worldwide attention.

Chu Yuan stood quietly in City One, his sharp gaze pierced through the sky, and he saw multiple figures, his heart was cold.

This is exactly the effect he wanted, deliberately making multiple eternal grades stare at him, and ignore the spirit ancestor.

He has a teleportation door that can go directly to the spirit world, giving them a shock that will never be remembered forever.

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