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Lingzu attracted worldwide attention.

The location of Shenwu has attracted worldwide attention.

If it were normal, the Spirit Ancestor breakthrough would definitely be the most dazzling focus on the Eternal Path, but her current aura had already been taken away by Shenwu.

The ancestor of the spirit.

The power transformed by the eternal rules is bombarding her with the most terrifying power. The light is flooding the sky and various attacks and killings. Under this power, the general nine realms will fall within a short period of time.

However, the ancestors of the spirit are outstanding, standing in the sky, like a peerless goddess, unmoved.

Her eternal road penetrates into the dimension of nothingness, condensing another time and space.

It stands to reason that the eternal level is surpassing the original rules, which is not tolerated by heaven, but there is a ray of life on the four or nine major roads, and all roads will not be sealed.

Once sealed, it would be a severe blow to eternity itself.


Another peerless divine power blasted down in the air, the power was astonishing, but the spirit ancestor was unmoved, she was already emitting eternal light.

At this time, she has reached a crucial time, and she will achieve it at any time.

"If the Emperor Shenwu comes to ferry the catastrophe I have experienced, he will certainly be able to survive it easily. His calamity is more terrifying than mine."

The ancestor of the spirit slammed into nothingness, and suddenly said coldly: "Don't hide, I know you are already here, if you want to take the fruit of the ancestor to prevent me from enlightenment, it really came."

"Ling Ancestor, who gave you the courage to survive the eternal catastrophe."

Sure enough, as her voice fell, a shadow appeared, and this person was not unfamiliar, the Niluan Tianzun, the last time he shot and killed the Great Emperor.

"Ni Luan Tianzun, you hunted down the great emperor, do you still want to hunt the ancestor this time? The ancestor dares to come to cross the calamity, naturally I have my confidence, and I am not afraid of your hunting."

The ancestor of the spirit stands tall with a cold face.

"Enough, what is your confidence? Now you have reached the most critical moment."

Another figure appeared, and said lightly: "I heard that you have a relationship with an ancient eternal grade, called Changsheng the Great, that is a very old eternal grade, is it your confidence, but he can't easily shoot it anymore, right? , Even if he shows up, he can't stop us."

"Xuanzun." Lingzu said coldly.

"Haha, Lingzu, your Tao fruit, the original **** has long been salivating, and now it's finally time to harvest!"

At this time, another eternal class stepped out.

The fire blazed through the sky, and then, a huge flame god's mansion came across the air, and he appeared as if he had fallen into the lava field, evaporating and refining everything.

His identity is called Yanshen.

Niluan, Xuanzun, and Yanshen three eternal grades appeared at the same time, only to hunt down the spirit ancestors.

They were not eager to make a move at this moment, but were waiting for the moment when the spirit ancestor was about to achieve.

Once you try to shock, you can never stop halfway, you can only bite the bullet.

"It's a big battle, Niluan, Xuanzun, Yanshen, who appears to be the ancestor today, eternal grade, and there is no dignity and no bottom line."

Ling Zudao.

"What's the bottom line?"

Niluan Tianzun didn't care and said: "Ling Ancestor, you slowly cross the catastrophe, don't worry, the time has not yet arrived."

"I am waiting for the creatures in the eternal road, and I have only one purpose, which is to break the curse that cannot be eternal, but you who are the first to become enlightened are cutting the way of others, making the latecomers unable to become enlightened. You are decayed and spurned."

Lingzu tit-for-tat.

Their behavior is indeed despised and shameless.

It was not just them who hunted and enlightened others, but because of their hunting, in these hundreds of epochs, there were very few who could become eternal.

The ancient emperor died.

The common people died.

There are more people who dare not cross the catastrophe.

"The deity doesn't care. Human nature is selfish. I can get your spiritual path, and I can live many more epochs."

Niluantianzun looked around and said lightly.

"Be careful, if you cannot hunt your ancestor, you will be hunted by others and become prey. There is no eternal hunter."

Lingzu said deliberately.

"Haha, you are talking about the divine emperor, you are asking for his help."

Yan Shen laughed and said: "Don't think about this. He can't come. He has been stared at by others. It is temporarily impossible to kill him, but it is still possible to stare at him."

They don't care at all.

According to the news, the Shenwu God Emperor is still in the first city, even if he breaks through many eternal-level blockades, such a long distance, it is too late.

"She wants to use the Emperor Shenwu to startle us, but don't worry about the Emperor Shenwu, he can't come."

Xuanzun said.

"She made a mistake in her wishful thinking, but we still have to pay attention to the spirit ancestor who dares to cross the catastrophe. I think she has other cards, and I cannot underestimate her."

Niluantian Zundao.

Yan Shen smiled and said: "If you have it, you have it. Whoever can have the confidence to hit the eternal level has no means. Before the Great Emperor did not have it, blame her for bad luck. She exists in this era."

"When she is about to succeed, her eternal Tao fruit is condensed, which is when she is weakest!"

Niluantianzun's eyes were sinister: "Two, just at this moment."

"Haha, this is not the first time we have done this, we all know it."

Yan Shen laughed.

They are all watching Lingzu's breakthrough, and they have already regarded her as their own plate of Chinese food. If they seize her way, they can make their way stronger.

Yes, this is a kind of plunder.

How slow you can practice honestly and rob others, this is a lucrative business, and how expensive it is.

The Great Emperor Zhutian was the strongest in the previous one. After his fall, many strong people believed that the strongest could no longer appear, and this situation is the best.

Lingzu looked at them coldly, and continued to overcome his calamity.

In her spiritual path, with the passage of time, a divine residence with dim aura has appeared. This is exactly her eternal Tao fruit, and it is time to achieve it.

in fact.

In addition to these three.

Some people who have not reached the eternal level are also secretly paying attention, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, they hope that the spirit ancestors will break through, after all, such first enlightened people are too shameless.

"The time is almost here." Xuan Zun is good at timing.

"It's already here, Emperor Shenwu is still in his first city, so I can be sure that Lingzu's trump card is not him." Ni Luan Tian said.

"Then what are you waiting for? At this moment, directly capture the eternal Tao fruit and kill the spirit ancestor herself. Her power is the same as before. You and I are equally divided!"

The myth of Yan falls.

The three eternal powers were extremely strong and grabbed the spirit ancestor.

At this time, if the spirit ancestor faced the one, she still had the power to protect herself, but the three, she was absolutely impossible to stop, and would definitely be cut by the three.

However, in the eyes of the three people, the look of Lingzu was calm and unusual.

When these three forces were about to strike, an eternal figure suddenly appeared, and he blasted the world with a blow, directly dissolving the power of the three.

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