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Although the giant has fallen, it still possesses the strength of invincibility.

Don't know his name, just call him the Lord of Time and Space.

At this time, the Lord of Time and Space is refining himself into a universe of heaven and earth, and the crystals of time and space reflect extremely bright divine light, which seems to be able to pass through the world without being blocked.


The moment Chu Yuan's swallowing black hole enveloped him, the Lord of Sora exploded with extremely vicious power, and this huge body unexpectedly rushed out.

The force that rushed out was so violent that it was almost impossible to stop him.

Eternal day!

No matter how the Lord of Time and Space impacted, he couldn't even rush out.

Chu Yuan walked over to the Lord of Time and Space. He was in the form of eternity. Everywhere he walked was eternity. With one blow with two palms, ten fingers sealed him inside like a pillar of heaven.

The Lord of Time and Space seemed to stand up, his terrifying body, Chu Yuan might not even count as a dust in front of him, it was extremely small.

With one punch, he blasted out, and the storm was surging, which was a cosmic bombardment that violently swept him in.


The power to subvert the ages has caused confusion in time and space.

Chu Yuan actually didn't move at this moment, his emperor was mighty and mighty, and then the emperor punched, and the shocking power hit the Lord of Time and Space.

At this time, the Lord of Time and Space was as tough as the Eternal God Soldier, and he suffered a punch without breaking, and it reflected a brighter light on the crystal body.

He grabbed it with a big hand and frightened it out, and the endless sky was in his envelope, but the Lord of Time and Space would never let Chu Yuan catch it, so he was struggling violently.

The power of his time and space makes the world bright.

This is the divine body he left behind. If he is alive, it will be extremely difficult to deal with all kinds of time and space laws.

He is not only strong in his body, but also strong in time and space.

Chu Yuan was invincible and immeasurable. If he wanted to refine the Lord of Time and Space, the first thing he had to do was suppress his will to counterattack and disintegrate the divine power in his body.

He has blocked him with his eternal road, and there is nowhere to escape.

His great will descended rumblingly, his invincible hegemony penetrated every inch of the Lord of Time and Space, and his remaining will was being madly suppressed.

Completely suppressed.

Completely controlled.

The fierce impact of the Lord of Time and Space, the obsession he left behind was manipulating his body, unwilling to be bound by anything, but it was useless.

A huge black hole appeared at this moment.

Chu Yuan manipulated the black hole. Under his pull, this huge body started from the head and began to be swallowed a little bit.

His body was also vanishing, turning into a torrent of time and space, and escaped from his control, but couldn't escape.

After all, it is dead, no matter how strong it is, it can't function perfectly.

Perhaps his power was incomparable in the eyes of others, but in Chu Yuan's eyes, it was nothing. He directly swallowed him in with the most domineering power.

As soon as the Lord of Time and Space was swallowed into Chu Yuan's black hole, after a kind of refining transformation, he became a strong time and space force, which rushed into his eternal road.

"Create your own eternity!"

As soon as he obtained this power, Chu Yuan immediately began to practice, eternity appeared in the eternal road, internally defeated, and seized control of the world.

His Fa and Dao are growing, and it seems to be reaching a state of lawlessness and lawlessness.

He wants to cut the connection with Eternal Road.

"The authorities are obsessed with onlookers, and they are only in this mountain."

Chu Yuanming knew that eternity was a weird circle, but still couldn't know the commanding heights. It was like a huge mountain. If the sky looked down, you could get a full view.

However, it cannot be done now.

He stared at nothingness, as if there was no limit to the sky above, but Chu Yuan had another feeling that if he wanted to break, he would be suppressed by terrorist forces.

"For me to be eternal, I am the real eternity, and I can find the end of eternity."

Chu Yuan deeply understood that he could not break through eternity with ordinary methods, otherwise he would still be trapped forever.

Now he sits in the Empire.

The empire’s fortune is rising violently, and all of them are united as a surging force, showing the eternal vision of Qi swallowing.

Even without him, the empire's luck is condensed, comparable to the eternal gods.

It seems that the powerhouses of the empire can't join the supreme duel, but everyone is a force that can be blessed on him and provide him with a strong combat power.

"The eternal world is nothing. I want to create my own eternal world."

Chu Yuan was practicing.

Yi Tianzun, Yuan, and Huangfu Taotian were exploring at this time.

Na Yi Tianzun urged the Mirror of Destiny to cast a light of destiny, and suddenly there was a path reflected by him.

"An ancient eternal road that has been sitting down, follow me."

Yi Tianzun said.

"Yi Tianzun, with you, we have found several eternal fall places."

Yuan sighed.

There is no Yi Tianzun, if you want to find it, it is to try your luck.

"This is the calculation of fate."

Yi Tianzun's expression was mysterious and solemn. After he opened a road, the mirror of destiny suddenly moved, and a vague figure appeared on it.

"What happened?" Yuan asked.

"There are eternal level powerhouses!"

Yi Tianzun said: "After we opened the road, we leaked a breath of energy, which was felt by others, and came here."

"Ready to fight!"

Yuan did not dare to relax.

But after a while, the figure on the mirror of Destiny quickly approached, but suddenly left, the breath disappeared, and even Yi Tianzun could not catch him.

"He's gone." Yi Tianzun said.

"Just leave."

Huangfu frowned, "Each eternal road has a lot of treasures, precious eternal artifacts, and they just left like this. They didn't even come, just left like this."

This is really weird.

"Don't doubt, he felt that the people of the Shenwu Empire opened this road. He is not afraid of us, but he is afraid of your majesty."

Yuan smiled.

"Yes, he is afraid of your Majesty. His Majesty's previous battle in the spirit world is terrifying. He doesn't know if this is a trap set by His Majesty. He doesn't dare to gamble. If you lose the bet, you will probably die."

Yi Tianzun said.

The **** record of Emperor Shenwu.

Let now, even if they meet the people of the empire alone in the outside world, those who have been so solemnly do not dare to gamble, they are afraid that the Emperor Shenwu will ambush where they are, waiting for them.

He can go from the empire to the spirit world in an instant, but it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be able to reach the strong side of the empire in an instant.

This is an amulet for them, even if it is better than an eternal powerhouse protecting them.

This is the deterrent power of the emperor. He is not a holy emperor and cannot attack at will. He was too scary in his heyday.

"Some eternal levels have spoken out, and they themselves have to worry about the emperor's hunting."

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