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The power of Shenwu, now just a title, can frighten the eternal level escape.

His **** cruelty is terrifying.

His domineering strength is hard to beat.

Shenwu’s air transport is in the sky, and there is a huge air transport gathering at every moment. Looking at that air transport from afar, it is like a big pot of oil, eternal grade can directly kill it.

And under this boundless luck, a great emperor, like God, is looking down at the sky.

Chu Yuan was doing his own cultivation, and his strength was creating eternity.

With the creation of eternity, his strength has become stronger all the time.

Under these threats, Yizun Eternal Grade awakened, they also felt the tremendous pressure from Shenwu, and they couldn't help but take action.

If you don't make a move, they will be unlucky.

Killing the three eternal ranks, this can be done by a few people.

At the beginning, they thought that Shenwu was strong, and that he was just a **** of origin. As long as he was not at the eternal level, there was nothing to fear for him.

But the reality is cruel.

Even if Shenwu does not have the strength of the Eternal Level, his strength can still kill the Eternal Level, and everyone can see that the Shenwu Emperor's cultivation method is different and cannot be treated according to ordinary experience.

Originally, some people wanted to wait until Shenwu hit eternity to take action.

Depending on the situation, this is not enough.


In the deepest depths of eternity, a great breath appeared, and then I saw a man of light.

These light people are not eternal real bodies, but their power incarnations, discussing major issues.

A breath of breath rushed straight into the sky, from one to several, then to a dozen, and finally to twenty, and the number was still increasing.

"Shenwu can't keep him strong anymore!"

"His strength is too strong. He is like a different kind in eternity. The deity has lived for so many years. Where have you seen this kind of character? If you don't reach the eternal level, you already have this kind of universal power. Have you seen it?"

"Give him time again, he is getting stronger, who can resist his universal power."

"We hadn't seen the three Niranzuns that day, but I heard that he used his own power to kill him with the most **** and cruel means before the spirit ancestor could reach the eternal level."

These eternal ranks are all gathered together, the meeting has been discussed, Shenwu has seriously threatened them.

"One person directly kills three statues. This time should be very fast. It shows that killing three statues is not his limit. His strength is even stronger, beyond our imagination. Like the strongest in the past, who will be at his stage, Shows such terrifying strength?"

They were extremely afraid of Chu Yuan's strength.

They are also very aggrieved.

Because of the existence of Shenwu, when they hear the name, they must hide themselves.

"So today, we all unite, and we have only one purpose, which is to kill the Emperor Shenwu Emperor and get rid of him completely. Before he dominates the heavens, he chooses this time to do it, and he can cultivate to the eternal level. , I believe you can see through this."

A strong man shrouded in a thick divine glory made a strong voice.

"Shenwu's strength is weirdly strong, kill him, you can also get many of his secrets."

"Don't think about the benefits, killing him is the most important thing!"

Someone scolded, don't always think about your own advantages, Shenwu is the enemy of the world.

If it is not united, it is not his opponent at all.

"Shen Wu turned out to be born, less than an epoch of cultivation, he possesses this kind of world-wide supernatural power, in a short period of time, he smashes the heavens, his brilliance is too strong, and his will is too domineering."

A person spoke up, like a peerless existence coming out of the ancient legendary world, every move has the power to burst.

He sounded like Hongzhong and said: "Shen Wu will not die, I will either fall or succumb!"

He is called the Lord of the Wild, and he is extremely powerful. He opened up the ancient and wild world and created his own myth.

The fluctuations caused by Shenwu awakened an old antique.

"The Lord of the Wild, you are right, Shenwu wants to smooth out all the decay, and he said that decay is not us? In his years of dominance, we only have death!"

A divine brilliance shattered the world, accompanied by a strong killing intent, and then one person appeared.

It gives people the feeling that he is not a human, but more like a magic weapon.

And he is indeed not a human being. He is called the Lord of the God Soldier. His body is an Eternal God Soldier, refined by the strongest man from the ancient years.

After the death of the strongest, after a long time, a new divine residence was born, that is, the lord of divine weapons.

The most proud record of the lord of the gods is that he has killed an eternal class.

It can be said that there are old antiques who have come here today.

As time goes by, there will be more.

"Shenwu, he must perish, he is immortal and it is impossible to tolerate it."

There was another cold breath, the world was dead, and then a thin man in a gray robe came out, he was called the Nirvana.

Ni Luan Tianzun is his friend, he was the one who hunted the common people, but now Ni Luan is dead, he is also angry.

"Silence, you are here too."

Someone said: "It just makes me wonder, what kind of state Shenwu is in now, he is obviously not eternal, why is there such a strength? Weird, too strange, I can't see through him."

"It would be the greatest stupidity to treat him as the **** of origin."

At this time, there was a faint voice. Most of the others showed light and shadow, but when this person walked over, he was the real body.

This is an old man in black, who directly said something eternally stupid.

"who are you!"

Each eternal class has spanned a long time, and hides itself, it is impossible for everyone to know it.

"Gongsun Fan, it's you!"

But some people still recognized it, "No, you haven't appeared for hundreds of epochs. According to your strength, you have reached the limit long ago, how could it still exist!"


The Lord of the Wild and the Lord of Divine Weapon said: "You are not the real Gongsun Fan, you have a body without a strange soul, you are controlled, the soul ancestor, you are here!"

As soon as the word soul ancestor came out, it shocked the audience.

Soul Ancestor, this is definitely a taboo and scary name.

He manipulates the soul, the soul seizes the house, and goes to the extreme with the soul. Sometimes, the closest person around you will unknowingly be controlled by him.

"You controlled Gongsun Fan's soul!"

The gaze of Ling Li, the lord of the gods, pierced through.

The soul ancestor, no one has ever seen his real body before, and no one knows what he looks like. Every time he appears, he appears as his incarnation.

The strongest want to deal with the soul ancestor.

But you can't find him at all. Sometimes he becomes the most ordinary person, and you don't even know it is him.

"My ancestor is here to help you deal with Shenwu."

Gongsun Fan controlled by Soul Ancestor smiled gently.

"To deal with Shenwu? You also feel his threat. You also want to control Shenwu's soul and manipulate his soul."

The Lord of the Wild said: "However, I will wait for the gathering today. I will not talk about other things, just to deal with Shenwu."

No matter how weird the soul ancestor is, but with the great enemy of Shenwu in front, he is not afraid of making some moths.

"Holy Emperor, my ancestor knows that you are also spying here, so you have to deal with that divine weapon."

Soul Ancestor said with a smile.

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