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"The emperor will take action at the most critical moment, giving Shenwu the deadliest blow."

The holy emperor's dull voice came in.

He also knows about the gathering of powers.

"is it?"

The soul ancestor still had a faint voice.

He wanted to fight invincible all over the world back then, domineering and mighty, the holy emperor who dominated the Eternal Road also lost his heart, and instead of confronting Shenwu directly, he had to choose the opportunity.

It's so sad.

The holy emperor is old and has no arrogance anymore.

But such a person is not only the Holy Emperor.

When other people heard this sentence, they knew what the Holy Emperor was thinking about. They just didn't want to confront Shenwu head-on, and didn't want to pay the greatest price. They had a good calculation.

However, the Holy Emperor will definitely stand on their side.

"Shenwu, don't treat him as a **** of origin."

Soul Ancestor Road.

"You said."

The main road of the wild.

Although the soul ancestor was weird and didn't have any good intentions, but at this time, the clearer you understand Shenwu, the better you can deal with him.

"He can no longer use the God of Origin to show his strength. He is going out of his own way, independent of eternity, making himself eternal, out of his own realm, his own way, and his own law. Eternal, ordinary realm has no meaning to him."

The soul ancestor is worthy of being an ancient existence. He saw through some of Chu Yuan's methods, but this was also what Chu Yuan showed.

"Eternal incarnation, a mountain cannot accommodate two tigers."

There are all eternal-level powerhouses with profound wisdom, and you can understand the meaning with a little touch.

And after knowing Shenwu's thoughts, they all felt that Shenwu was too powerful, more terrifying than the strongest in the past, and definitely a big alien.

Nirvana Tianzun said: "No matter how overbearing he is, he can still deal with him if he has not yet succeeded on this road. There is no tactics to gather the strongest force and destroy him in an upright manner!"

"Yes, I will take action all the time, destroy him, and don't give him a chance!"

Someone agreed.

"Why hasn't Yuwen Wudi come yet, won't he take action with us?"

"Yuwen is invincible. He must be disdainful of using this method to deal with Shenwu. He wants to fight Shenwu alone, but this person is arrogant. He will not stand on Shenwu's side."

"This Yuwen is invincible, when are you thinking about a fair fight."

Yuwen Invincible is extremely strong, and he is helpless with his character.

"Hongmeng did not come either."

"Hongmeng won't come. He doesn't like to participate in any battles. If he comes, our strength will be stronger. Unfortunately, Hongmeng will not find him either."


The soul ancestor said: "Hongmeng has the strength to become the strongest."

"Hmph, in addition to Hongmeng, there are Universe, Immortality, and some people. They know what's happening here, so they don't come to participate. They understand it very clearly. They don't want to contribute at all!"

"This kind of swaying is the most hateful, all thinking about getting cheap, without effort, damn, absolutely damn!"

"Neither Daqian nor Chaos appeared. Shenwu almost beheaded both of them before. Are you afraid of him this time? Don't even dare to take revenge?"

"I think that before attacking Shenwu, we should find out these wall grasses first, kill them one by one, in an eternal battle, no wall grasses are allowed to appear!"

"Yes, kill them first, and use their blood to sacrifice the flag to strengthen our strength!"

Immediately, most people responded.

This shows their disunity. Before the war started, they had thought that they would fight a wave first, but after all, they came from individuals.


The Lord of the Wilderness immediately shouted: "You go chasing them, it is equivalent to our own strength. When we are invincible, those walls and grass are naturally not enough to prove, they will not contribute, and will not get any benefits after the war."

"But when we deal with them, we will undoubtedly push them to Shenwu's side. This is not a good thing."

"Well, let's give up chasing them for now."

Those eternal level gods moved slightly and gave up one after another. If Shenwu were an ordinary struggle for hegemony, they would definitely not be united in this way.

"Set a certain time, and then contact some who have just awakened, contact those you know, and gather into a crushing torrent, directly attack Shenwu, and now block Shenwu, causing tremendous pressure on him."

They have made a plan.

Take action together to fight Shenwu and see how many people he can deal with.

The rumbling of the wind.

On the Eternal Road, the situation is very tense.

Many eternal ranks gathered, they did not hide, but deliberately gathered for the mighty momentum. Of course, Chu Yuan knew their union well.

His face was calm.

He is fearless.

And his realm at this moment has also reached an extremely weird point, self-contained eternal time and space.

He knows his cultivation.

His current strength is stronger than when he killed the three statues that day.

"No one dared to fight with me alone, and no one dared to spy alone."

Chu Yuanjun came to the world and said indifferently: "Unite to deal with me, okay, I am waiting for you, but I will not let you attack so easily."

Although many powerhouses are uniting, he also knows that their plans cannot be so complete.

This is not a unified empire. Everyone represents an empire, has his own will, and thinks that others will work hard to achieve the greatest victory.

As long as this idea exists, their union is flawed.

Of course, if they push it sideways and can't resist it, there is no loophole.

However, Chu Yuan naturally knew that this kind of team could only fight tailwinds. Once they encountered a headwind, they would collapse without being dealt with by others.

Lingzu also knew about it, and came to the empire several times to ask Chu Yuan how to deal with this battle.

Ling Ancestor also understood that although the Emperor Shenwu Emperor was powerful, he faced too many powerful men. Hearing the news, the soul ancestors had all appeared, and there was no guarantee that there would be any ancestors.

Chu Yuan told her to keep her in her spirit world and notify her when she needs to be dispatched.

"Still waiting, still gathering more people."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

Two months have passed since they discussed, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com still has not launched an attack on him, and is still gathering and waiting.

this means.

Although they have united many powerful men, they still have no confidence in their hearts. They feel that the strength in front of them is not enough, and they have to gather more strength to deal with Shenwu.

If it were Chu Yuan, he would have launched an attack long ago.

These eternal grades, who would really listen to orders.

"Grasp the disunity, there is no contradiction, I will create contradictions for you, the so-called union? Before my eyes, there is a fragile alliance, which will be broken in one blow."

Chu Yuan is also waiting for this opportunity.

He wants to wait for the best time to release the gate of the pill world, let the pill world appear in front of everyone, and attract others with the wealth of the pill world.

Chu Yuan wanted this plan.

Use static braking, and then use motion to control static. You can't be led by the nose by others, but you have to hold the control in your own hands.

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