With each passing day, the situation gets more and more serious.

In the near future, there will be a terrifying battle, and even an eternal fall will happen.

Outside the Shenwu Empire.

A towering light and shadow like a giant appeared, all of them were as powerful as the sea, vast and infinite, all of them were eternal.

Although they haven't launched a real attack yet, the souls of those who can be suppressed by this breath have collapsed.

The number is extremely large, and now there are more than twenty eternal grades appearing, and the number is still increasing. They suppress the Shenwu Empire and gather the strongest power.

"A lot of eternal grades!"

Many people know that most of the eternal powers have gathered to Shenwu.

They understood that Emperor Shenwu was an alien to the Eternal Grade, a demon king, and once he was enlightened and succeeded, it would be them who would be unlucky.

Although these eternal ranks had not taken action, they had already sealed Chu Yuan's empire.

They did not appear alone, and they were afraid of Chu Yuan's hunting.

"The war hasn't completely exploded yet. When the powerhouses launch an attack on Shenwu, it is when we hit the eternal level!"

Many people are waiting, the strong attacking Shenwu.

"It's almost time."

But Chu Yuan's expression in the empire was extremely calm.

He pierced his eyes and looked at these lights and shadows. Is this trying to completely block him? In all directions, there is no possibility for him to leave.

He is not worried at all.

Now he is moving towards true eternity.

With a move of his palm, the gate of the pill world appeared at this time.

After a while, the gate of the pill world blasted Huaguang, connecting the mysterious pill world time and space. He opened it at this time and immediately walked in with one step.

Transmission across time and space, direct arrival.

This is the power possessed by the system reward portal.

As soon as Chu Yuan descended into the pill realm, a huge torrent of torrents rushed over, and he breathed in the aroma of various pill medicines with different flavors.

The aroma of these pills can be condensed into a supreme divine pill by just grabbing it.

He looked at this world, not completely dim and silent, inside was a pill universe, with stars, galaxies, brilliant stars, all scary **** pill.

And some **** pill, also turned into flowers, trees, mountains and rocks, etc.

Not to mention ordinary **** pill, even the origin **** pill is a handle, and it exists in this universe at will.

It can be said that in the entire universe of the pill world, anything can be a pill.

"Eternal God Pill."

Chu Yuan saw some eternal grade **** pill.

These eternal grade **** pills are not persuasive and can become eternal grade, but they are also very useful for the cultivation of such strong people, and can help the **** of origin baptize and sublimate themselves.

Danzu is worthy of being the strongest alchemy king in history.

Over the long years, there have been many who are the strongest, but Danzu can be called the strongest of the alchemy, and throughout the ages, there is only one, no one can surpass him.

It's a pity that such a powerful one still fell.

If it is an ordinary eternal level sitting, his path will continue to collapse, but the Danzu's absence still has bright brilliance and abundant energy.

"Eternal God Pill!"

At this time, Chu Yuan had already reached the core of the alchemy world, and he immediately saw a bright and dazzling object like a burning star.

This is the eternal **** pill!

The brilliance it blasted and burned seemed to have a **** color, and extremely tyrannical power was surging. Chu Yuan vaguely saw an ancient strong man with powerful power.

Although Danzu died, before he fell, he refined his flesh and blood into the eternal **** pill.

This is also a pill of flesh and blood.

And even though it was only a **** pill, at this moment, every wave of power that the **** pill swayed had the terrifying power of shocking the world and destroying the gods.

"This is the eternity chosen by Dan Zu, and the eternity of helplessness!"

Chu Yuan's eyes can see through the essence, nothing can hide his eyes.

This is certainly a **** pill that has a shocking effect on the eternal grade, the biggest tonic, but it is also equivalent to a strong man with infinite majesty.

Chu Yuan knew.

If Dan Zu died in the eternal calamity in an ordinary way, his Dao Fa would be completely destroyed.

And in this way, turning himself into a pill, without a real life, he survived forever.

Chu Yuan understood that if anyone seizes this eternal **** pill without authorization, he will suffer a strong counterattack. It's okay for the pill of the entire pill world if you don't touch it, and once you touch it, there will be a forbidden rebound.

"Even if the eternal **** pill, what about? Still can't let me break through eternity."

Chu Yuan's path was too horrible. He was creating an eternity within an eternity, and it was not something that a pill could do.

He now has the ability to forcibly suppress and seize the eternal **** pill, and when he takes it back, he can create a powerful eternal class.


He did not do this.

Even the **** pill here did not move.

Because now, even if the empire has more than one or two eternal grades, it can't change the big battle, after all, there are too many to deal with him.

He wanted to kill, to kill, so that these eternal grades did not dare to shoot, and he was scared when he heard his name.

"Very well, the powers are united. They seem to have a huge momentum, but each has its own mind. What I want to do now is to turn them into stragglers, eternal gods, and the essence of Danzu, which is of great value. Such giants can live longer and live longer."

Chu Yuan felt the power of the eternal **** pill, and knew that its value was too great to resist his temptation.

"The pill of the pill world, I don't want it, what I want is your life. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Chu Yuan looked cold.

Originally, he was directly transmitted through the gate of the pill realm, and there was no fluctuation, but at this moment, his stalwart power exploded, erupting from the inner pill realm, blasting brilliance outward.

He actually took the initiative to let the pill world appear, so that all the strong can see it!

This is exactly Chu Yuan's plan.

Those eternal ranks are not united, and now they are only temporarily united, only because Chu Yuan has the power that attracts them the most.

But if the pill realm appeared, the eternal **** pill and so many pills inside, this would be a huge temptation.

With this temptation, it will easily break their alliance, allowing some people to temporarily move into the Dan realm.

There is only one eternal **** pill, everyone wants it.

Although they also know that dealing with Shenwu is the most important thing, there is another crucial point, that is, they might think.

Shenwu can't run away there, but in the pill realm, if he doesn't go, what will happen if others go? Wouldn't those pill be completely someone else's?

This is the human heart.

Even if it becomes an eternal class, it is no exception.

Unless they are powerful, they have reached the point where they are truly wantless.

And they didn't even know that the door of the pill world would be opened by Chu Yuan.

Once they dispersed, Chu Yuan could begin to crack down gradually.

Taking 10,000 steps back, even if they were not moved, the Bulaian realm would still continue to attack Chu Yuan, and he would not suffer any loss. The big deal would be to take the medicine first.

"Can you really resist this temptation? Eternal God Pill, which eternal grade will not move your heart. I believe that most people will not move rashly, but as long as there are a small number of people, even if there are only one or two, I can make you dead. The place of burial."

With the passage of time, pill energy has swept into the world.

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