Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1929: People have different hearts

Chu Yuan had quickly passed on the situation of the Dan Realm through his means.

He wants to turn the pill world into an eternal graveyard.

Especially now that many eternal grades gather, they are better able to know these situations.

The appearance of the pill world is no small matter, and it represents the eternal **** pill.

After they knew it, how could they not be moved.

"Pill Realm has appeared!"

"What, how could the Dan Realm appear at this time? That Dan Zu is the strongest Dan Dao. It is rumored that he is actively refining himself into an eternal divine pill, the world's great medicine, with the life of Dan Zu, who can If you get it, you can directly become the eternal level, and even if you get the eternal level, your strength will break through and you will live longer!"

"It's very strange. It's not that no one in the pill world can find it, but no one can find it. Why does it appear at this ten moment."

After the news was known by many eternal class, their faces changed.

This kind of moment is too unusual.

"Who knows? Maybe it's the change of the current situation, the wind is surging, and someone accidentally discovered where the pill world is, but there are countless great medicines in the pill world. If I get the eternal **** pill, then..."

Some people's xinxing has changed.

Pill Realm is on the other side of Shenwu, very far away. If you go to Pill Realm, you will inevitably not be able to block Shenwu any more, which would be a very bad thing.

"Don't rush to explore things in the pill world, wait a minute, maybe there are traps there, it's not too late to figure out the situation."

Although the appearance of the pill world caused a shock, it would not be a fool who can cultivate to the eternal level. Some people are still very calm, thinking about the reasons for the emergence of the pill world at this time.

"Not impressed."

Chu Yuan said that a single message can't make this group of people take action, there must be greater temptation.

Some eternity grades seem to be motionless, but it doesn't mean that they don't care, but they are all about to move.

They let their subordinates have already gone to the pill world, and they can check the situation in the shortest time.

Soon, a group of Origin Gods appeared in the Pill Realm.

"Good... a lot of **** pills!"

After the origin gods came in, they saw the gods like mountains and seas, and almost blinded their eyes. How could they have seen so many gods?

One by one Dan rivers drew across the universe, and there were a huge number of divine pills to fish at any time.

Once a **** of origin is caught, there are hundreds of **** pills in hand.

The divine pills that turned into stars were even more precious. One person tried to bombard them, and immediately there was a strong divine light to forbid and kill them.

"Don't move these divine pills casually. The flowing Pill River can be captured. The purpose of our trip is to see if there really is an eternal divine pill here!"

Someone reminded.

"Forever... Eternal God Pill!"

When they came to the core of the pill world and saw the eternal **** pill queen, their voices stammered, and their faces were shocked hard to hide.

This eternal **** pill is too dazzling, and the pill energy that just breathes out makes them all intoxicated.

Who can get the eternal **** pill is the eternal grade.

However, their brains have not been completely occupied by greed, and they clearly know that the eternal **** pill is not something they can touch, and the power of restraint is enough to kill them.

Chu Yuan ignored the entry of these origin gods, and let them take some **** pills.

And they don't even know that at this moment there is someone looking down at them like the gods, but let alone them, even the eternal grade can hardly detect his existence.

The layout hunts the eternal level, splits the blow.

"Let's go and spread the news inside!"

After they had obtained a lot of the **** pill they could get, they left.

"The news from the pill world is true, my people have already seen the eternal **** pill!"

"Eternal God Pill, it really exists there!"

After confirming the authenticity of the news, some people moved their minds.

Some people are even wondering whether it is possible to go quietly first when many eternal ranks are now banning Shenwu, so that they can be done and seize the Shendan first.

There are many people who have this idea.

"Don't go to the pill world first!"

At this time, a strong person realized this kind of change in human heart, and immediately shouted: "Our biggest goal now is to destroy the Emperor Shenwu first. The matter of the pill world can be set aside first, and its coordinates have been exposed, that is, The meat on the cutting board can go anytime!"

Actually all understand.

There is only one eternal **** pill, but there are many eternal grades.

If it is really for this eternal **** pill, they themselves will fight first, and the plan to siege Shenwu will be stranded.

At that time, who knows what will happen.

"The siege of Shenwu is not in a hurry. At this moment, the affairs of the pill world will soon be over. We have divided up the sacred pill inside. Isn't it more certain to besiege Shenwu like this?"

They are all afraid, afraid that when they are dealing with Shenwu, someone will take the first step to take away the eternal Shenwu.

Such as Hongmeng, Universe, Immortality did not join in.

They are not the only ones who have not participated in the hunt for Shenwu.

"Yes, first settle the matter in the alchemy world. I don't have to worry about it, and it will not be too late to deal with Shenwu. UU Reading"


Things are uncertain in the Dan world, and I feel uneasy.

After all, the benefits that can be gained by besieging Shenwu are unknown, but the real benefits of Pill Realm are in front of them.

"Can't go to the Dan Realm!"

It is difficult to gather these eternal grades, but it is easy to disperse them.

"Hey, you still want to order us, we'll go to the pill world, what can you do, my ancestor has never seen anything before."

An old man uttered a very cold laugh: "You besie Shenwu first, and after scraping the pill boundary, turn your head and continue to deal with Shenwu."

"A mass of scattered sand, stragglers roaming bravely, how to deal with Shenwu like this!"

The Lord of Wilderness looked very unsightly, because of a Dan Realm, the plan to deal with Shenwu was so stranded.

He knows better that if no one goes there, it's okay, but as long as one person goes, other people will go there.

"I didn't show up early, and didn't show up late. I chose to show up at this time. I doubt that the thing behind this is not that simple. Could it be a conspiracy?

"But no matter what the plan is, the situation has changed drastically now. For the eternal **** pill, they are more fierce than dealing with Shenwu."

At this time, Nirvana Tianzun said coldly: "Honghuang, what do you think of this matter? It depends on the situation. You can't deal with Shenwu in a short time. Are you going to the Pill Realm?"

"No, I don’t know why the pill world appeared at this time, but I know that this will not be a good thing. Let them go and fight. There is only one pill, let them seize it. Mie, how about getting the eternal **** pill with his dominance?"

The main road of the wild.

If you want to restrain the eternal rank, you must have the strength to suppress them, but in that case, isn't that the strongest.

He also understands that some people cannot be restrained.

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