Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1946: Kill the beast ancestor

The ancestor of the beasts at this time, the brutal beast claws directly slapped it down, showing its fierce dominance over the heavens.

Chu Yuan should be smashed directly, and then eat the Beast Emperor.

In fact, it was about to run out of oil and the lamp was dead, and couldn't hold on.

There were a lot of powerful people who had been sealed in the land of Eternal Tribulation, but most of them were eaten directly by it, and the few remaining were far away from it and it was difficult to find.

There is no external supplement, only waiting to die.

This giant claw tears the sky.

Chu Yuan's aura was overwhelming. With infinite power, he threw an eternal wave with a monstrous punch, and then blasted the ancestor of the beasts.

The power of this fist is the fist of national luck, the eternal fist.

"Idiot, I still want to fight against my ancestor with strength, my ancestor let you know what terror is!"

The beasts are fierce, and the ancestor of the beasts is most proud of its physique. Eternity has given it the largest body, and even the eternal gods can't easily cut its body.

It has no gorgeous magical powers and direct power, but it is also this direct, beast-like brutality that makes people fearful when they see it.

However, Chu Yuan's fist changed its expression drastically.

Its infinitely powerful claws can't be pressed down, and that person's punch has more terrifying power than it.

"I will make you pay!"

The ancestors of the beasts rushed, the beast blood boiled, the wild aura carried a fishy wind, and the huge beast body directly hit.

Chu Yuan didn't care, and his expression was free. He stood upright like a pillar, grabbed it with a big hand, and the power of God enveloped him, and directly grabbed its beast body.

With a bang, the ancestor of ten thousand beasts seemed to hit a piece of heaven and earth directly.

As soon as it slammed into it, every part of the beast's body was performing a way of ten thousand beasts.

It is a pity that it encountered Chu Yuan, and no matter how it collided, it was blocked by its power, staring at this person as if it was not in the same world with it, but in another world.

Its huge mouth was biting, and its teeth were extremely sharp, and it was directly about to bite at Chu Yuan.

This most wild, direct attack method is the most daunting.

Chu Yuan's breath shook, and the entire eternal calamity land seemed to be spinning. He raised a punch, and his strength was mighty, directly hitting the mouth of the ancestor of the beasts.

The ancestor of the beasts was hit and knocked out. There was blood in his mouth, and he spit out broken teeth.

The blood won't make it fear, but it arouses its cruelty.

But in the next moment, Emperor Chu Yuan dominated the world, and his infinite light and shadow spread, setting off his sacred glory, and the world's invincible power descended.

He grabbed it with a big hand, and time and space froze.

Then the ancestor of ten thousand beasts saw that this person seemed to have descended from a world, with a pair of feet, shaking the sky, trampling time and space, and stepped directly on its back.

Once stepped on by this tyrannical force, the ancestor of the beasts almost vented, his limbs softened, and he almost fell down.

"Get off the ancestor!"

Chu Yuan stepped on its back like this, as if he was using it as a mount. As the ancestor of ten thousand beasts, how could it bear this humiliation.

It trembled violently.

However, the person on its back seemed to be fixed on it, motionless.

A great power came.

This time Chu Yuan was not trying to surrender the ancestor of the beasts, but to kill it. His even more shocking power, eternal divine light, and mighty, swept over.

He pulled the ancestor of the beasts into his domain.

"here is!"

After being forcibly pulled into this person's path, the ancestor of ten thousand beasts instinctively felt extremely dangerous, what kind of eternal road this was, it brought him such a huge oppression.

Break the world!

The ancestor of all beasts already knew that this person was an extremely terrifying opponent, even more terrifying than Jie.

It did not forge the eternal magic weapon, because its body is the strongest magic weapon.

A piercing blow can tear everything apart.

Chu Yuan walked in the eternal time and space, a little bit forward, and a beam of light penetrated. The color of this beam was extremely strange, and there was no word to act, as if this was the real eternal beam.

The beam hit directly through its claws.


There was blood dripping down.

The ancestor of ten thousand beasts was shocked. It looked at its beast claws and broke open a big move, making its defenses useless.

What kind of great power is this to possess this kind of mana?

But this didn't scare it, it became more ferocious, and between the breath, there was a black rage blowing out.

Chu Yuan stared indifferently, and the hand of God covered the sky again. This was a kind of will. With the strongest strength, he completely suppressed the will of the ancestor of the beasts.

The power of the eternal God, vast and ruthless, directly slapped the ancestor of the beasts down.

"You angered me!"

The eyes of the ancestor of the beasts were blood red. It was going to eat people and ate Chu Yuan. It didn't know what fear was, and it was like a wild beast that only knew how to kill.

Ten Thousand Beasts!

It frantically swings ten thousand beasts' fists, which are its limbs.

And this punch was able to exert the most powerful force in every part of its body. The seemingly random impact, but it broke out the most beastly power.

Thousands of beasts gallop.

That kind of violent aura, this makes people seem to see the beast tide, countless beasts rushed out.

Chu Yuan waved his hand, and the boundless thunder turned into a sea of ​​thunder. He was also creating the power of eternal calamity, and then the huge thunder light and shadow waved the fist of thunder and lightning.

The ancestor of ten thousand beasts was very violent, but unfortunately it met Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan's power looked at the world, he was even more domineering, and directly used the most domineering means to obliterate the ancestor of the beasts.

"Why can you block my power!" The ancestor of ten thousand beasts was also violent.

Chu Yuan would not answer him. He was under control. The huge destructive power filled time and space, and the boundless wind blowing made the ancestor of the beasts unable to stabilize himself.

That horrible life-killing will is depriving it of life.

I saw an invincible emperor stepping out, and the destructive power of his divine lord suddenly hit it, directly piercing its defenses and splitting its solid divine body.

The divine body of the ancestor of beasts is constantly exploding.

It was Chu Yuan's destructive power, UU reading completely tore him apart.

He flipped his hands for the clouds and covered his hands for the rain, and the powerful ancestor of the beasts was beaten by him in a short time.


The ancestor of the beasts uttered the most heartbreaking screams, and it could not even think of why there are such powerful people in this world.

No, he is not a man, but the **** who rules everything.

Its body exploded, and every explosion exploded its power into chaos and transformed it into the most original source.

It struggled desperately, trying to escape Chu Yuan's death control over it. Although it was ferocious, it also knew that if it was destroyed by him, its origin would belong to the Beast King.

"You can't kill me!" it roared.

Chu Yuan was too ruthless, well, an eternal portal appeared, brilliant and hot, and the Shenwu divine sword cut through the sky.

Yijian cut directly from the gate of eternity.

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