Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1947: Control the eternal land

The eternal edge cut it in half.

The ancestor of ten thousand beasts had strong vitality. After being cut in half, he did not die immediately.

Its two halves were twisted, and it turned into the ancestor of two beasts, but its strength was also divided equally, just making the final struggle.

Its eyes are panic at the moment.

Although it was ferocious and brutal, the opponent's aura had already suppressed it, Chu Yuan's eternal and invincible aura had defeated its mind and will, and its strength had been completely crushed.

Its heart has collapsed, like a wild beast running around.

This is a sign of Dao Heart's collapse.

The ancestor of ten thousand beasts was fierce throughout his life, and countless strong men died in its hands, and even the strongest one dared to provoke.

However, Jie only suppressed it, but Chu Yuan wanted its life.

With a single point of Chu Yuan's finger, the Shenwu Divine Sword swept out endless radiant light, and every light was fierce and extraordinary, and the huge ancestor of the beasts was cut into millions.

Each piece of flesh and blood contains a thick essence, and one bite can immediately break through to the original god.

Wow! The flesh and blood fell and turned into the ancestor of millions of shrunken beasts.

Every ancestor of the beasts was trembling, it saw that its life had come to an end.

Chu Yuan's power swept the world, the scorching eternal sacred fire was burning, and every ancestor of the beasts was blazing.

This eternal divine fire does not seem to belong to this eternal road, but the fire of Chu Yuan, the real fire of rules.

The screams of the ancestors of the beasts were earth-shaking and extremely tragic, spreading to the entire Eternal Calamity Land.

But just after a few breaths, its screams stopped abruptly, and a **** origin appeared slowly, condensing a small ancestor of the beasts.

This is its origin, the origin of the beast.

Chu Yuan stared at the origin of the beast. He knew that everything in the eternal road was born by eternal rules. If the current origin returns to eternity, another ancestor of the beasts will be born in a certain era in the future.

The Beast Emperor looked at Yuanyuan with hot eyes and swallowed continuously.

"The origin of this group."


Chu Yuan flipped his palm, and this group of origins penetrated into the body of the beast emperor.


This was not a scream, but a large amount of energy poured into the body, causing the Beast Emperor to make a refreshing sound. There was never a moment where the joy of today is, and the strength is directly climbing.

The nature of its life is changing.

It exudes the breath of the ancestor of the beasts.

In this kind of refining, it deeply knew that if it weren't for the emperor to help it, it wouldn't be able to do it with its ability, and the emperor was reversing it with eternal and invincible means.

The power of the beast ancestor is rippling all over, this is the empowerment.

The Beast King has become the ancestor of the new beasts. The previous self, it can defeat ten, and it is the purest way of beasts.

"At this moment, you are the ancestor of all beasts in our empire."

Chu Yuan's golden mouth and jade words aroused the shock of eternal rules.

"In front of the emperor, I dare not call my ancestor!"

The Beast Emperor said in fear.

It was in deep awe under Chu Yuan's majesty, thinking that it had thought that it was a shame to be the emperor's mount before, and he couldn't wait to slap himself.

This is its glory, a blessing that can't be cultivated for several lifetimes.

If the emperor proves eternal, then it is also an eternal beast.

"Carefully comprehend the power of the ancestor of the beasts."

Chu Yuan said: "I have now killed the ancestor of the beasts, which is equivalent to preventing the origin of the beast from returning to eternity. This means that a part of the eternal power has been deprived of me and imprisoned in my empire. Of course, eternity killed me. , Everything we control will return, provided that it can destroy me. This is a cycle."

In an instant, Chu Yuan realized more.

He came to the highest point of the Eternal Calamity Land, looked down on the vastness, and his gaze swept one by one. He was using an even more invincible power.

"Ah! The brutal and brutal ancestor of the beasts was actually beheaded by him."

"Who is he and what great existence is he!"

"Even the ancestor of ten thousand beasts can be killed. Could it be that the strongest one has been born in eternity? Thousands of epochs have passed, and what a storm is happening outside today!"

"Let's visit this great existence!"


The exclamation resounded.

Chu Yuan's image at the moment is too stalwart, and his eternal and supreme aura makes people want to worship him when they see it.

Five eternal grades came out.

They are also all the remaining masters in the land of Eternal Tribulation. Just now, Chu Yuan's gaze shot one by one, and all fell on them, letting you know that this great being has already seen them.

"Meet the great emperor!"

These five eternal ranks immediately bowed to Chu Yuan.

Although the eternal class is dominated by one party, and they are strong enough in this realm, but they must salute when facing the strongest.

This is respect for the strongest and awe for strength.

They don't know what happened to the outside world, but in their eyes, the ability to kill the ancestor of the beasts is no different from the real strongest.

And they have been imprisoned in the land of eternal calamity for too long, and their hearts have long been smoothed.

Then quietly glanced at the Beast Emperor, they seemed to have seen another ancestor of the beasts.

Killing the ancestor of ten thousand beasts and creating a new ancestor of ten thousand beasts is also very terrifying.

"They are all eternal grades trapped in the land of eternal calamity." Chu Yuan said: "I will give you a chance to leave the land of eternal calamity and contribute your strength to our empire. I am opening a path that can truly be eternal. ."

"Great Emperor, I am the Lord of Countercurrent."

A black-haired old man walked out and said sincerely: "As long as the great emperor can take us away from the land of eternal calamity, we are willing to rely on you!"

He is also witty and clever at this.

If the emperor can take them out of the land of eternal calamity, then his strength is really comparable to the strongest, and it is not a humiliation to take refuge in the strongest.

Chu Yuan could see their thoughts clearly, and he didn't reveal them.

"I will not only take you away from the land of eternal calamity, but also refine the land of eternal calamity."

Chu Yuan made a loud voice.

His current cultivation base has become more and more terrifying, UU reading earth-shaking, he will directly step out of the land of eternal calamity.

All the strong are watching, and they have tried countless times.

boom! The great will seems to have recovered, and a strong man who represents the calamity of heaven and earth appeared.

This place of eternal calamity is easy to get in, but difficult to get out.

This is the brand of the robbery, with a light movement, there will be infinite calamity light, rumbling down, and each robbery light will not only attack the physical body, but will also be shattered into the soul.

If you want to leave, you must fight the brand of Jie.

Although this is not a real calamity, its strength can't even beat an eternal level like the ancestor of the beasts.

Chu Yuan was a stalwart body, he used the most incredible means to cover all directions with his big hands. He was shocked suddenly, bursting out the most dazzling brilliance, and stepping directly out of the land of eternal calamity.

The power of that robbery can't be stopped at all.

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