The Lord of Countercurrent saw Emperor Shenwu directly break through the blockade of the robbery, that kind of unrivaled strength, majestic and invincible domineering.

While shocked in his heart, he was also thinking about how he would control the Eternal Calamity Land.

At this moment, Chu Yuan's power was mighty, mighty and mighty, he actually wrapped the Eternal Calamity Land directly, plunged into his eternity, and swallowed it directly with the Great Devouring Technique.

It's like swallowing an egg in one bite.

Yes, the land of Eternal Tribulation is a nutritious egg in Chu Yuan's eyes!

If you swallow it, your own strength will grow again.

Now, with his strength, he would not care about any strong on the eternal road at all. What he really regarded as the ultimate adversary was the eternal rule, and he did not know what unexpected counterattack would erupt afterwards.

"The great emperor, he...he actually wants to swallow the land of eternal calamity!"

"It's almost impossible to do. The place of eternal calamity is synonymous with terror. If it is swallowed rashly, it will suffer the condemnation of heaven, and the eternal grade will also disappear!"

"This will be a big backlash!"

Feeling that Chu Yuan's power had penetrated every corner of the Eternal Tribulation Land, their eyes were dull.

They just wanted to be able to escape here, and Tun Na was something that they couldn't even think of.

However, Chu Yuan would not care about their shock.

This is also Chu Yuan's plan to swallow this power that represents Jie directly into his eternity, perfect his eternal path, and completely become his mana.

Once this kind of power is obtained, Chu Yuan will have a deeper understanding of the power of the robbery and understand more of the essence of the eternal road.

"Heaven, earth and universe, eternal time and space, I swallow everything!"

The power that Chu Yuan swallowed was too strong at this moment.

This gives people the feeling that Emperor Shenwu is stepping in another time and space, and he wants to swallow a different dimension directly. The mana is so strong and mysterious that it is unimaginable.

Boom! But his devouring caused a huge counterattack from the Eternal Calamity Land.

Hundreds of thousands of lightning and divine light whizzed away like a tsunami, and the overwhelming eternal calamity burst on his body one after another.

The creatures still in the land of Eternal Tribulation all felt an absolute tremor.

But it was a pity that he met Chu Yuan, no matter how many tribulations exploded, he remained motionless.

Life and death.

Inner Demon Tribulation.

Destroy the world.

Heaven and earth robbery.

God and evil robbery.


Waiting for countless kinds of calamity, they all fell violently.

He is now like an egg swallowed in his mouth, trying to digest it.

"The calamities in the world are all controlled by me."

As soon as Chu Yuan said this, the world was shaken, and then all the calamity was scattered.

Eternal swallowing is turning it into a power that Chu Yuan should control.

However, the matter is not over yet.

"The power of a thousand tribulations will last forever!"

The calamity that should have dissipated unexpectedly appeared again at this moment, a tall shadow, vaguely saw that this was a tough, domineering, and unyielding middle-aged man.

As soon as his eyes condensed, the eternal catastrophe came wherever he was.

This is robbery!

To be precise, the real Jie has fallen, but his power has stayed here, and the eradication of time after time is also increasing the power here.

The entire land of Eternal Calamity shrank and condensed and became a huge divine residence.

As soon as he appeared, there would be no more calamity, and he had control of the ultimate mana of calamity, just like a true eternal true god, eternal true king, and eternal immortal.

"Eternal catastrophe!"

This is the sound that directly impacts the soul.

His five fingers snapped, and the power carried by the sky gave people a tremor as if the eternal divine calamity that destroyed all was reappeared, and it snapped madly at Chu Yuan.

His attack is not a simple force, but to evoke your true inner calamity and echo the eternal rules.

As the Lord of the Countercurrent, they all trembled when they saw this calamity.

They clearly know that if Jie launches an attack on them, he will definitely lose his soul.

Chu Yuan's body is so stalwart that he cannot be shaken forever.

He is the Great Devouring Technique, and the great eternal will suppressed everything.

"The power of the calamity evoked is fierce, but it can't really compare with the eternal calamity. The eternal rules are the most powerful. Now your power is under my control!"

Chu Yuan grabbed it with a big hand, the world changed hands, and the sun and the moon changed color.

Jie waved his fist, the power of terrifying Jie, he was not going to resist Chu Yuan, but an instinctive self-defense mechanism.

Rumble! He was shaking violently, Jie was originally the most domineering force in the world, so how violent the force he killed.

However, Chu Yuan didn't directly fight him at this time, but his devouring had already wrapped the Eternal Tribulation Land in it, so he kept fighting back within Chu Yuan's devouring.

More intense fluctuations.

Jie's attack triggered the eternal rules, and in the emptiness, a crystal-like Jieguang also descended.

The robbery shot, hundreds of millions of waves.

"Incited the eternal rules!"

At this time, Chu Yuan was equivalent to two forces, inside and outside. How could ordinary people bear it?

But he was really unmoved.

"It's not that I'm motivating the eternal rules, but the robbery."

Chu Yuan could see that Jie was unparalleled in the world at the time. Few people dared to fight him with the strength of the strongest person. A move of his power can trigger the eternal Jie superimposed on you.

At that time, he almost merged with the eternal calamity.

If he is not very ambitious and wants to change from coexistence with eternal rules to a controlled relationship, he will not fall, and he can live longer.

"I understand your helplessness."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

Jie is helpless.

If he chooses to coexist, he will be able to live for a long, long time, better than the other strongest.

However, he also understood at the same time that if he did so, he would be assimilated by the eternal rules over the long years, and he would no longer be himself in the future.

So he took advantage of his peak and most powerful moment to fight the sky!

Although Chu Yuan could understand his helplessness and sympathize with him, Tun still wanted to swallow. His eternal emperor's will completely suppressed Jie at this moment.

His great eternal power, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com accompanied by his devouring, the robbery is shrinking rapidly.

Jie's instinct's counterattack was useless, and the remaining power was fierce. After all, this was not his peak period. Wherever he could stand it was Chu Yuan who was in the midst of the sky.

Accompanied by his devouring, the magical and ferocious place of Eternal Calamity disappeared.

The power of Jie was also deprived of refining by Chu Yuan, and became a power he controlled.

At this moment, he can feel the shock of the eternal rules, it is truly locked to him, there is a regular will to destroy him.

The Lord of Countercurrent and the others also followed Chu Yuan to swallow the land of eternal calamity and escaped from the trapped land.

"The fundamental purpose of the cycles of epochs and the eternal catastrophes is."

Chu Yuan’s spirit flashed in an instant, “Balance, this is a kind of balance. Although the eternal rule has no life of its own, it has a revolving mind. Everything it does is probably for the continued existence of the eternal road, and it is not allowed to break. Regular."

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