Facing the eternal change that the empire encountered, a group of top powerhouses such as the Beast Emperor did not fear.

The eternal rules have actually been given special care, specifically staring at the empire powerhouse to descend the divine calamity, and at the same time, it shows that the emperor's strength has truly threatened his operation.

Check all the records, in which era such things happened.

In their minds, the great emperor will be the first person in history, and some people even feel that it is an honor and the greatest blessing to receive such special care.

Look up and look outside the empire.

In fact, the eternal rules are also bringing calamity to the empire, but the vast fortune of luck, like the ocean, shelters the people of the empire and forms a huge protective umbrella.

But this is only within the empire and can be peaceful and peaceful.

"The matter has a great impact. This reveals two signals to the outside world. One is the strength of your majesty, and it also makes people know that the eternal rules have begun to kill your majesty, and anyone who joins the empire will be bombarded and killed. Many people are afraid to join the empire easily."

Yi Tianzun deeply knew the horror of eternal rules, and said: "After all, no one has ever lived forever. Although it is not a real creature, it is actually the strongest. It is well deserved, the real strongest!"

He speculated that the eternal rule is the strongest will.

"My spirit world has also been bombarded."

Ling Zu frowned.

Although she didn't really join the empire, she was not a citizen of the empire, but an alliance, Chu Yuan's alliance.

However, she voluntarily became an empire alliance and allowed the rules to determine that she belonged to the empire and was inevitably taken care of.

"The soldiers come to cover the water and earth, there is no peace on the eternal road."

Chu Yuan slowly said: "It can't directly destroy me, so it will inevitably use various methods, and there will be more methods in the future, and the more it is like this, it will have two camps."

He is fearless.


"As long as the people of the Shenwu Empire are contaminated with their national fortune, they will be ruthlessly hit!"

"In the long years, even the strongest have appeared, but who has ever received this kind of treatment? That Shenwu Emperor is really the first person throughout the ages."

"But under this kind of change, let alone eternity, he can't even become the strongest!"

"Warrior must die, Shenwu must die!"

The world-wide power of the gods and martial arts suppressed them so that they could not breathe. They knew that after the eternal rules were suppressed, some people secretly cried out in their hearts?

The mind is rotten.

Times are different.

If it were in the age of eternal Shenzhou and such characters appeared, they would definitely be united closely to grasp this very small hope.


There have been too many failures. The vast majority of the Eternal Grade have long been hopeless, knowing that standing with Shenwu will inevitably be cruelly hit.

Too many people hope that Shenwu is dead.

They just want this world to be so peaceful and they can live longer.

In the dreamy and real time and space, Tu Meng interprets the power of dreams, muttering: "Is she the Emperor Shenwu? His strength is already so strong, I don’t know in the future, I only know, when I can In the years I saw it, only he could break the eternal curse."

In the Hongmeng universe.


The Lord of Hongmeng's expression is unusually firm: "If you really have the possibility of breaking eternity, I will dedicate all my strength, even if I can see the essence, for this goal, even if my body is broken?"

And in a more mysterious time and space.

The goddess Yanran created countless illusions of reincarnation. She was too mysterious and said: "Chu Yuan, you have a mysterious power, the eternal road? The eternal rules? When you see through the eternal road, you will know where you are. What is the eternal picture? His true face is..."

Chu Yuan's gaze swept across at this moment, it seemed that the entire Eternal Road could be seen through him.

But he knew better that all he could see through was only the inside, the opened up world had not yet reached the full picture.

He vaguely saw an extremely vague area, enveloped in heavy mist, but these mists were also torn apart due to the vibration of the sky and the earth.

Soon after, a different dimension appeared autonomously on the path of eternity.

This different dimension showed the divine light that illuminates the infinite world, and it was condensed into a portal, the light was too dazzling, and the power was too strong.

The power of the myth is being released, the breath of the myth is being released.

This door turned out to be the door of myth.

"The gate of myth has appeared!"

"This gate of myth has a great power, an eternal god, and that majesty can only be created by the great mythical emperor Gutian before the Era!"

"The ancient **** of myth, created the age of myth, the strongest man who suppressed heaven and earth!"

"How could his gate of myth appear at this time!"

The powers are shaking. Many of them have heard of the ancient mythology. It is a powerful era that has left many myths and legends.

But this era is too far away, and even the holy emperor appeared after them.

Such names were passed down at that time.

However, after the end of this era, they completely disappeared, and it is difficult to find the remains. The appearance at this time reveals a big unusual.

Someone felt weird.

"Behind the gate of mythology is bound to be connected to the myth Nine Heavens. That was the time when the ancient mythical emperor opened it, leaving behind countless resources of the mythical age!"

Inside the gate of the myth, the nine heavens of myth faintly appeared, which made people's heart moving.

But the strange thing is that no one dared to go after seeing the gate of myth.

Once bitten, twice shy.

They are also a little scared.

Danzu Universe, which has never appeared in many eras, ended up being a trap set by Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

They were not sure whether this gate of myth was opened by Emperor Shenwu, and if they had gone, they would have been hunted by him.

There is a shadow in their hearts.

Even if the possibility is only one in ten thousand, they dare not gamble on their lives, which has caused the current weird situation.

"I don't even dare to go anymore. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

In the empire, many powerful people gathered together.

"They are all afraid of your Majesty, these eternal grades, where they dare to go against your Majesty, now your Majesty will release some news casually to frighten them, not to be afraid."

"Yes! My Shenwu Empire is the most powerful!"

They were also wondering whether the gate of myth was created by your majesty, but they did not dare to ask.

"The gate of myth has appeared."

Chu Yuan's gaze penetrated through the sky, encompassing the heavens and all realms, and his expression was extremely plain: "The appearance of eternal rules has torn the seals of many ancient roads, and a large number of relics have appeared in the world, but the gate of myth Not a trap I set."

He also knew that those people were afraid to go.

"No one dares to go, then it belongs to our Shenwu Empire."

Chu Yuan made a voice, "Follow me to the Ninth Heaven of Myth."

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