Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1952: The real myth 9th heaven

The myth has appeared on the Nine Layers, but no one dared to go weirdly, they were all afraid of Chu Yuan's power.

Many people are also secretly resenting, if it is not for the suppression of the eternal rules, some ancient powerhouses will not be able to take action, otherwise, where will they get the arrogance of Shenwu?

Since these people didn't dare to go, Chu Yuan would be disrespectful and accept the gift.

He led the strong of the empire to the gate of myth.

But the moment he left, a life-deathing will suddenly locked him.

"Are you remembering me?"

Chu Yuan walked for eternity, the light became more and more intense, the silent nothingness, there was the most eye-catching brilliance shining hundreds of millions of holy lights.

Rumble! The sky was shocked, and the ocean-like divine light washed over him. At the same time, a new calamity erupted, called the Great Tribulation of the Empire.

This great tribulation of the empire seemed to transfer the great tribulations of all the people of the Shenwu Empire to Chu Yuan through the special force of the rules, leaving him to face countless tribulations alone.

Various methods have been used.

Uuuu...The wind is surging, and the great tribulation of the empire hit Chu Yuan's body. He will suffer the most violent tribulation almost every time he almost leaves.

The terrifying power washed Chu Yuan's emperor body.

The sacred splendor, he created eternal swallowing, his eternal space was generated, any power coming to his side, his power would be wiped out.

This is his great power.

"Let me bear all the calamity for the people of the empire."

Chu Yuan made a magnificent voice, gathered all the robbery on him, and let him bear it alone.

This is his eternal detachment.

"The emperor's mana is invincible!"

The people of the empire were deeply shocked when they saw this scene.

That Chu Yuan's eternal door opened, and his great figure stepped in and reached the door of myth in one step.

"Enter the Ninth Heaven of Myth with me."

Chu Yuan stared at the gate of mythology and cast a strong seal, but his footsteps were shaken, and the gate was pushed open directly, vaguely revealing a world of mythology.

Beautiful mountains and rivers, mythical world.

The whole world is bright and bright, there is no dimness, and there is a mythical vitality everywhere, making people breathe extremely comfortably, even the inner demon is gone.

With the light shining, the heavens and the earth are magnificent, just like the real eternal world.

No one has been to the real eternal world, but everyone is thinking that it must be a very beautiful world.

This is the first heaven of myth.

Chu Yuan once visited Jiuzhongtian when he was in the multiverse.

But here is the real nine-layer myth, the myth world opened up.

This mythical vitality has been brewed in the eternal era, and no one has absorbed it. It has become extremely mellow, let alone ordinary people, even if the origin **** breathes day and night, the body will be tempered and reach a higher realm.

Within the nine-fold day of the myth, it is a holy place for cultivation.

"The vitality of mythology, although the ancient **** of mythology has fallen, he has left behind the nine heavens of mythology, which can draw breath from the outside world and refine it into this. The countless mythical powers have all died out one by one."

Yi Tianzun said.

"Here, there is a source of myth."

Chu Yuan walked in the nine-fold day of mythology, the magnificent mountains and rivers, although there were no living creatures at that time, but he also seemed to see the brilliance of the original prosperity.

He soared from heaven to heaven.

There are rare treasures and things that are hard to see everywhere.

Countless treasures are piled up here at will.

However, Chu Yuan didn't directly collect it either. He could see that every treasure here was set under the prohibition of destruction, and if it was moved randomly, it would be bombarded and killed.

This entire nine-layer myth is a stronger killing array.

However, Chu Yuan wouldn't be afraid, but he completely regarded the myth Nine Heavens as his own property and would not destroy it.

The vast and vast Nine Heavens and Earth, then the people in the Mythic Heaven and Earth could ascend to their own world one after another.

"The great wish of the ancient **** of myth."

Chu Yuan said quietly: "He also sees that the Eternal Road does not belong to him. He opened up his own mythology, the Nine Heavens. This is his eternal world, and his fall is also very likely to be caused by a scourge."

Soon, he came to the eighth day.

The myth of ancient heaven!

It is almost endless celestial palace that stretches for hundreds of millions of miles, and throughout the eighth day, there are palaces, the world of palaces.

These palaces are majestic, tall and majestic, and laid out in a great pattern.

"Countless strong men of the mythical era survived in these palaces, and they believed in the greatest mythical emperor!"

"In that remote era of mythology, there were not only the ancient mythical emperor, but also many eternal powers."

"The mythical ancient heaven at that time, the only holy place in heaven and earth!"

The empire powerhouse was in awe of the stalwart ancient heaven, and the vast power throughout the past and the future.

This is an extremely great view of God.

In fact, looking at the past, you will find that the longer the record is in the era, the stronger will be more united at that time, and they will be closely connected with the strongest, and enlighten the eternal law.

Just like a word, times have changed.

Too many failures wiped out their edges and corners and wiped out their ambitions.

And the powerhouses of the empire have their eyes fiery at this moment, they have already felt the breath of too many gods, and they are all sealed in the palaces.

This is the treasure of an entire era, how many epochs have passed through.

"The scorching sun of myth, the source of myth!"

Chu Yuan looked up and saw a round of mythical scorching sun no matter where he was in the heaven.

The power of that mythical scorching sun is extremely huge, and the entire myth of the Nine Heavens can have such abundant vitality, in fact, relying on this round of scorching sun, it is like an eternal killing array.

"This round of mythical scorching sun is the source of power, equivalent to the greatest godhead!"

Chu Yuan looked straight at the mythical scorching sun.

Godhead, UU reading He has seen a lot in the mythology of the multiverse Nine Heavens, which can make people directly become the God of Origin.

But the myth in front of me can make people directly eternal. It is the essence of the power of many powerful people in the era of myth.

It can be said.

This godhead contains the essence of the age of mythology, and it is countless inheritance methods. If anyone obtains the godhead, the eternal level after achievement is the most powerful.

The heritage of the ancient times cannot be underestimated.

"It is rumored that the cultivation method in the age of mythology is somewhat different from ours. They will cultivate a godhead, their life and soul are in the godhead, and after sitting down, the godhead will be preserved. Those who are suitable can pass the test and get the godhead. Strength, directly become the top powerhouse."

The Lord of Countercurrent is vaguely aware of some ancient laws.

"The Godhead is immortal, and the incense is not extinguished."

Chu Yuan slowly said: "You don't need to pay attention to this godhead first, the entire myth of the Ninth Heaven belongs to the empire, and we go to the last heaven."

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