Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1954: Eternal rules, unscrupulous

No one is suitable for this set of mythological artifacts.

The same goes for Chu Yuan.

He is the emperor of the empire, not the emperor of the myth age, and he will not use their imperial robe.

That being the case, he used the mythological godhead and his eternally against the sky to instill infinite power to once again create a mythical emperor.

This is the same as Emperor Zhutian.


One was gathered by Chu Yuan himself.

And one is rewarded by the system.

But what came out again was not the real myth, Gu Tiandi, he was called a myth, just like the Emperor Zhutian, in his empire, that was Zhutian.

But this is scary enough.

The two former strongest men have become an eternal part of the empire, and how many people will be scared if they say it.

"Another myth, the ancient heavenly emperor, who is hostile to the emperor by the current eternal rules, then a more terrifying scourge will descend, but with the emperor's current power, he will not be afraid of him."

Yi Tianzun said.

He understands that the eternal catastrophe that ordinary people fear, His Majesty is not at all in his eyes.

"Turning it into the myth of the empire, all the powerhouses in this world, their demise, are branded in the eternal rules."

Chu Yuan said calmly.

He left the Ninth Heaven of Mythology, swallowed the gate of myth in an instant, took the heaven and earth away, and then led the empire powerhouse to leave.

The gate of myth has disappeared.

"Sure enough, the gate of myth was taken away by Emperor Shenwu. This is really his conspiracy. Fortunately, we are not fooled, otherwise we will fall into his trap!"

Until now, many people still think this is a trap set by Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan had to thank the eternal rules, because the vibration of the rules made the myth of the nine heavens appear, otherwise he would not get it.

The years passed.

The situation is violent.

In the following time, some people were afraid to join the empire because of the eternal rules, but at the same time, some people joined the empire one after another to fight for a bright future.

And Chu Yuan got too many resources from the Ninth Layer of Myth this time.

These resources, plus those from the Alchemy Realm, were selflessly provided to the people of the empire, so that the powerhouses of the empire sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, pushing the empire to a more brilliant future.

For example, Yi Tianjun.

He is an expert in archery, and there is also an ancient archery eternal grade in the mythology of Nine Heavens, which has left his own inheritance, which he obtained and directly raised his realm to a higher point.

The sky of the empire is a thick ocean of national transport, mixed with strong energy, forming an umbrella, sheltering the creatures inside.

A beam of luck also lased.

"Eternal magical powers, the myth reappears."

And now, Chu Yuan was standing in an eternal time and space, and that mythological godhead was refined by him, and his power was flooded into the mythological artifact.

The robe swelled again, and a mythical ancient emperor appeared.

However, this is not really complete yet.

The myth that was created in front of the ancient Tiandi was only energy, without his own wisdom and thoughts, let alone real life.

Now is to use the means against the sky to create a truly alive myth, the ancient emperor.

He even wanted to shape the law of life and death, revert to the past, and take his life for the mythical Emperor Ancient Heaven.

In fact, what he is doing is also his cultivation. The myth that he has created belongs to his empire, and it has nothing to do with the eternal road today.

Just when he recreated.

Oh oh oh!

There was a strong voice in the empire, it was the eternal divine calamity that was coming, and the fluctuations that came out were just someone hitting the eternal level.

The person who made this breakthrough was Yuan.

With so many resources and many inheritances, he finally fully understood his eternal way.

"Yuan is about to break through."

Chu Yuan saw Yuan and had already stepped out of his own national destiny to welcome the advent of the divine calamity.

With Yuan's ability, it was inevitable that he would become the eternal rank, and this divine calamity could not help him.

I saw him, and under the bombardment of Divine Tribulation, Yuan exuded eternal fluctuations, and his path was an endless abyss with a mysterious great terror.

Chu Yuan looked down on his breakthrough and nodded slightly.

Yuan's eternal Dao is also very strong, and he will be a strong person in this realm if he succeeds.

And every eternal breakthrough can contribute a huge amount of luck to the empire.

The clock is ticking.

"Eternal level, I made it!"

Yuan's expression was calm at the moment.

If it was before, he would be excited and ecstatic, but following the emperor to see so much shock, it made him feel that even an eternal class is nothing.


Just when he is about to achieve.

The breath of death fell, and the power of the final calamity suddenly soared to ten times.

Yuan's life is like a bright star, a stronger rule, which seems to have caused these stars to fall into darkness, obliterating his destiny and future.

It was the eternal rule that came under the punishment to kill Yuan directly.

Yuan's fate has decayed and perished.

Just because he is a citizen of the Shenwu Empire.

This hundredfold surge of power has exceeded the limit that Yuan can bear.

Under this kind of power, he will undoubtedly die, this is not the calamity he wants to survive at all.

"The rules of eternity, in order to deal with me and destroy my eternity, you have used whatever means."

Chu Yuan had already guarded against this move.

He knew that this was the special care given to the people of his empire by the eternal rules, and he had begun to use some unscrupulous means to prevent the people of his empire from hitting a higher level.

Chu Yuan appeared.

His magnificent divine power spread out to resist the catastrophe for Yuan.

"His Majesty!"

Yuan Dao!

"Don't worry, with me, your destiny is magnanimous, with a bright future, and you will not decay!"

Chu Yuan's words made Yuan's already dusty darkness brighter again. He stood in the sky, watching the shattered calamity, and hitting him with a punch.

This punch produced an infinitely huge force, which directly shattered the calamity.

But this was only the beginning, and the more terrifying calamity came down again.

Chu Yuan had blocked the Lord of Countercurrent once before, but now the power of the calamity is ten times a hundred times that of the time, holding the will to destroy him.

But Chu Yuanshen stepped into the sky with mighty power, shattering all the power.

He just stood there, he couldn't perish.

Eternal Fury!

The eternal anger grew stronger. ,

"You have your anger, and I have my emperor's anger!"

Chu Yuan's various restrictions on him imposed by the eternal rules, UU reading also had a monstrous anger, booming, his emperor's fury condensed into a majestic flame giant.

The two angers collided and burned, bringing about even greater drastic changes.

angry! angry! angry!

This is the will that everyone feels.

"You complete the last step and condense your eternal Tao fruit."

Chu Yuan faced Yuan Dao.

In fact, as long as Yuan gave up the last step of success at this moment, the calamity would immediately disperse, but Chu Yuan did not let him so much.

Under the protection of Chu Yuan, Yuan continued to break through.

He supported a future for the people of the empire.

Infinite calamity light gathered, unexpectedly walked out of an eternal god's residence, filled with the power of destruction, like the **** of eternal calamity!

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