A stalwart divine residence walked out amidst the calamity of extinction.

This divine mansion is not any strong, but the eternal rules, the true embodiment of the power of calamity, called the **** of calamity.

The power that he exudes, that terrifying picture screen, makes people unable to bear it in their hearts.

The power of the **** of calamity is even more terrifying than the strongest calamity.

There is no other reason.

Although Jie is the strongest, he eventually lost to the eternal rules, and now he has condensed the God of Calamity.

This kind of divine residence represents the eternal robbery, something that has never happened since ancient times.

It's completely human.

He shook the fist of the number of calamities at Chu Yuan, how terrifying the power was, deducting an eternal destruction, and anyone contaminated with it would be destroyed.

"My eternity, my empire, and my people are protected by me."

Chu Yuan's power was bright.

As soon as his body moved, a sacred radiance exploded, and the emperor's punch immediately blasted out, and there was a fierce collision with the **** of calamity, and the waves rolled out.

This kind of calamity **** can be called the most terrifying calamity, much more powerful than simple calamity.


Chu Yuan was surrounded by boundless turmoil.

The entire empire, being wrapped by this force, swept across by the devastating storm, the Eternal Grade will also be wiped out.


The Emperor Shenwu emperor stood there like a dingtian **** pillar, stabilizing everything.

He is fighting with the God of Calamity, which is equivalent to the incarnation of eternity, not the previous emptiness, but the materialization, and a crazy collision.

"Tang Zhen, I think you can also attack eternity, and at this moment, also break through, the bombardment of the **** of calamity, with me, the calamity can't hurt you."

Chu Yuan named a strong man in the empire.

This person named Tang Zhen later took refuge in the empire, and was the only one who had the ability to attack in all nine realms of the empire.

"Follow your majesty's order!"

Tang Zhen flew into the air.

The eternal catastrophe came to him.

Chu Yuan asked him to bear the divine calamity within the normal range, but the power bombardment erupted by the divine calamity **** would have to resist it by himself, and it was impossible for it to affect the power of the empire.

Someone broke through the eternal level.

This is the biggest challenge!

His furyest anger descended upon him.

The boundless force of destruction was shaking frantically, and all of the brain was rushing towards Chu Yuan. In the future of time and space, almost everything was completely empty.

The fist of the fate of the fate of the **** of calamity is also heavily bombarded.

"Unless you have all your power, you can't help me with this kind of rule incarnation."

Chu Yuan was determined there.

Let the rules descend on the most terrifying calamity, but in his asylum, there is peace.

All the power blasted in front of him, and was calmed down by his power.

His domineering power blocked the **** of calamity.

Afterwards, he condensed the mana to the most peak moment and punched forward, and the **** of fortune was suddenly collapsed by his power, shattered into endless light.

However, this was not to kill the God of Fortune, but to temporarily collapse him.

Anger is endless anger, still burning.

Yuan and Tang Zhen also achieved eternal levels one after another.

They arrived in front of Chu Yuan one after another and said respectfully: "See Your Majesty."

"Achieved the eternal level, very good, very good. You are the eternal **** of the empire. You will encounter this kind of calamity because of the empire."

Chu Yuan nodded to them and said, "This is just the beginning."

He was thinking about one thing.

Now it is because I have not achieved eternity.

If he becomes eternal, the empire will be completely separated from the current eternal road, and the eternal level of achievement is not the eternal level of this eternal road.

It truly belongs to the empire.

Be like this.

All the calamities are under his control, even whoever wants to achieve the eternal level, he can make people succeed with a word.

Of course, when the day comes, he will make all the people of the empire become eternal grade, and if he can do it, he will be able to make gods at will.

But the consequence of such randomness is that his world will immediately collapse.

Because his eternity can't bear so much power.

The greater the eternity, the more powerful it can carry, unless it continues to be strong.

After understanding this, Chu Yuan became more sure of the way forward.

"Myth, I gather real life and real will for you!"

Some time passed.

Chu Yuan stared at the mythical Emperor Gu Tian, ​​whose shape and flesh had been successfully shaped, and his godhood evolved into his flesh.

He is sacred and inviolable.

He waved his hand with boundless mana, and a long river appeared, like a long river of destiny, constantly turning backwards, unexpectedly vaguely saw the myth of the ancient emperor, which was the imprint of the rules.

He grabbed it again and again with his big hands, as if he had caught something vital, gathering the aura of life.

"Your destiny has been severed, your laws have been collected by eternal rules, your future is dark, and I will now use my boundless magical powers to reshape your destiny and recreate the future."

Chu Yuan was magnificent and solemn.

This aura suddenly broke out in the mythology, taking root and sprouts.

The dark mist seemed to be expelled at this moment. He, who had no future in the first place, had a bright future, and his new life was appearing.

Originally, on this eternal road, he was a dead man and could not be resurrected.

However, Chu Yuan created the future for him in his eternity.


His approach violated the rules, the law of destiny, and was equivalent to destroying the operation of the heavens and the earth, and allowed the eternal rules to riot even more than he had blocked the **** of calamity.

"Will you only be angry? This can't stop me."

Chu Yuan looked at the anger coming again.

He knew why strong men like the Holy Emperor rarely appeared, because they lived too long, which violated the law of eternity, and they would be obliterated by the rules when they appeared.

The re-emergence of the myth that the ancient Tiandi violated the law even more.

Wow! There was the sound of water flowing, a river of destiny swept over, the picture flickered crazily, and there was a kill from fate.

This long river of fate is searching, to gain insight into Chu Yuan's previous life. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

However, his previous life was blank, his current life is boundless, and his future is even blank.


The whole river of fate was trembling again, and seeing that Chu Yuan could not be searched, he turned to the mythical ancient emperor, and a person appeared, it was the mythical ancient emperor.

He obliterated all the future of the mythical Emperor Gu Tian and prevented him from appearing.

"Cut off the past and shape this life!"

Chu Yuan's huge power swept out, turned into his Heavenly Sword, and directly killed the mythical ancient Tiandi.

Chu Yuan's power was already against the sky. The mythical Emperor Gu Tian killed him directly, but that was him in the past. His sword cut away the fetters between him and the rules of fate, and strived for a new future for him.


The myth that was re-formed, the ancient Tiandi suddenly opened his eyes. It was shiny, it was the gloss of life, the gloss of wisdom, and the gloss of a new destiny!

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