in fact.

After Chu Yuan brought back various books.

With his great strength, he gave birth to individual book spirits in these divine books.

Although most of these book spirits do not have strong strength, everyone is the embodiment of wisdom and the teacher of knowledge. Chu Yuan asked them to teach the people of the empire.

They are the best teachers, representing the power of a kind of origin rules.

Such as Shinto.

There was a **** and heaven in the once multiverse, and there were a lot of people who practiced God's way.

As for the founders of the God Realm, they all know their true identity, which is the reincarnation of God's Way.

With no shortage of resources, no shortage of inheritance, and the best teachers, the strength of the empire is changing day by day, and it is growing tremendously every moment.

"Civilization of Xiandao."

Chu Yuan looked at the eternal sacred book, and looked at the book of immortals, the book of immortals, thoughtfully.

Back then, when he was in the heavens of the gods, Chu Yuan saw the heaven of immortals and saw a great immortal.

The creator of Immortal Dao, called the ancestor of immortal Dao, is the strongest one.

At that time he also visited a city called Guanghan Divine Master opened up.

Now he knew that the true identity of God Lord Guanghan was called Immortal Lord Guanghan.

She is an eternal class in the age of immortals, in fact, what is within the gods is the reincarnation of her will.

"The ancestor of the immortal Dao did not sit down. I felt his breath. He did not have eternal blessings, did not join the eternal rules, but he did not join our eternal divine martial empire. He should still be raising the flag, thinking Make a choice."

Chu Yuan knew.

The ancestor of Immortal Dao is responsible for his immortal civilization, not because of his impulse, he must figure out which side is likely to win the final victory.

of course.

These Chu Yuan didn't care.

He welcomes others to join his Shenwu Empire, and will deal the most cruel blow to opponents.

Now, his empire is developing rapidly.

In fact, in his empire, the number of strong people is very rare, and the weakest are the most common.

And these weak people seem to have no effect on the war, but they are the most basic components of the empire. With them, the country will be colorful, and the strong will be born under the largest base, deducing civilization, and love and hatred. .

Chu Yuan attaches great importance to education.

Each of the subjects will be sent to the Imperial Academy for free teaching and allocated resources for their cultivation.

It is also with the people who built the current eternal Shenwu Empire and forged his eternal kingdom.

"Book of Dragons!"

Chu Yuan drank it.

Shenlong Kuanglong, a dragon flew out, this is not the dragon ancestor, but the dragon book.

This book of dragon records the civilization of Long Dao.

A long time ago, an ancestor of Ten Thousand Dragons was born. He pioneered the civilization of the Dragon Road. He was the strongest person at that time and dominated an era.

The ancestor of Wanlong was rebellious, and in order to attack eternity, he led a group of dragons to attack eternity.

The results can be imagined.

The ancestor of Wanlong died, his bloodline gave birth to Wanlong, and because of his fall, all creatures with dragon blood died in an instant, like punishment.

Therefore, it also created the disconnection of the dragon civilization.

The dragon ancestor of the empire is not the ancestor of ten thousand dragons, he is the origin of dragon aura, created forever.

"Dragon Ancestor, I bestow you the civilization of endless dragon roads and make you the eternal dragon of the empire!"

Chu Yuan displayed boundless power.

Numerous Dragon Dao runes were shot out in the Book of Dragons. These runes were all the experience inheritance of all dragon clan powerhouses in history, and they were unreservedly instilled in Dragon Ancestor at this moment.

Get this boundless inheritance, coupled with the help of Chu Yuan's power to transform.

Long Zu's cultivation is rapidly improving.

The billowing energy was quickly instilled towards him, which actually directly caused the eternal catastrophe.

When this eternal calamity was smashed, it was the most terrifying killing calamity, even more terrifying than Yuan's time.

Because as time and space passed, Chu Yuan's shaking of the eternal rules, the more perfect the eternal kingdom, the more the eternal rules would wipe out all those related to him.

But there is Chu Yuan here.

The devastating catastrophe imposed by the eternal rules was resisted by him, allowing Long Zushun smoothly to reach the eternal level.

This is changing the rules and destiny.

Eternity makes you three watch dead, you will never live to five watch.

But now, Chu Yuan lets you not die, and how long you live depends on his own rules.

"Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!"

Everywhere in the empire was roaring, and the voice of invincibility resounded across the sky. The stronger the emperor's strength, the more confidence in the hearts of the people of the empire.

Originally, if Chu Yuan did not make a pioneering move, more people would turn to the eternal rules.

But now, the splendor of Shenwu and the emergence of the eternal kingdom have made some nine realms unwilling to break through without any hindrance, although not everyone.

"The true origin of eternity!"

Chu Yuan is as sharp as a moment.

He knew how many eternal auras were not the eternal origin, but the aura that was exuding.

He was thinking about how to break the world and truly absorb the eternal origin, deprive him of all his energy, be swallowed, and be completely under his control.

He glanced sharply, his sharp eyes pierced through the emptiness of the hierarchy, as if seeing the true place of the eternal origin.

He was very clear and clear.

The origin of eternity is also the end of eternity.

At this moment, a brand-new book ancestor was created. This is an old man, white light sacred, and let people see that he is the incarnation of knowledge, the great wise man of wisdom.

This Shuzu is not the strongest person ever, and he does not have the strength of the strongest person, but his wisdom has been completely inherited.

This is exactly what Chu Yuan values.

"From now on you will be the book ancestor of the empire, the master of knowledge, the master of civilization, and record the empire's brand new civilization."

Chu Yuandao.

At this moment, the eternal sacred book also had a brand new difference. He saw that a new page appeared in the previous civilization chapter.

This new page will record the civilization and eternal history of the empire.

"Soul Ancestor. UU Reading www.uukā"

Looking through the chapters of civilization, Chu Yuan understood the length of the soul ancestor's existence, even surpassing the eternal divine book, let alone when he appeared.

According to common sense, even the strongest cannot live so long.

How did the soul ancestor survive?

What's even stranger is that he has existed for so long, and he hasn't recorded a trace of his real body.

This is very weird.

No matter how you hide it, there should be traces.

He can live so long, how could the eternal rules have not destroyed him.

"Soul, although I still don’t know what your deity is, but you have controlled the Panshen Great, and even more ancient powerhouses. This is your flaw, and your deity’s limitations are probably worse than I can imagine more!"

If Chu Yuan watched the fire, he suddenly got up and disappeared in the empire.

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