Chu Yuan was very interested in the ancient and mysterious powerhouse Soul.

His true body is so mysterious that he has never seen the strongest.

It's fine if you haven't seen one, but throughout the ages, the soul has been active on the path of eternity, appearing many times, but it is still very strange that it cannot be seen.

"This time, I personally lift the veil of your mystery to see what you are."

Chu Yuan's eyes can penetrate through time and space.

Let’s not talk about the real combat power of the soul, but according to Chu Yuan's speculation, his life essence may be higher than that of the strongest, reaching a half-eternal level, so he can live so long.

He must take a long time to complete some of his great plans.

However, if Chu Yuan does not eliminate this plan, and the eternal extinction comes, he will also fail.

At his level, there are too many things that others cannot.

He knew that Soul's own strength might not be that strong, but his various eerie and vicious methods would be very numerous.

He stepped forward and left the empire directly, and his appearance brought a great shock, the eternal bondage, and the strongest calamity, it was very sensational.

"Is this clearing the way for our emperor to travel? Add majesty?"

When Chu Yuan faced the counterattack of the eternal rules, he just smiled indifferently.

"The Emperor Shenwu left the empire, what is he going to do again? Last time, he went to the book world and found the eternal divine book. Could it be that this time he is going to some mysterious ancient world?"

"Shenwu Emperor is dispatched, there will be some gains, it is impossible to return empty-handed!"

"He is too greedy!"

When Chu Yuan appeared, his actions were too eye-catching, and every move would be followed by countless people.

"Could it be that he is going to kill the strongest and complete his grand hegemony?"

"His strength is too strong, I don't know who he will look for?"

"He doesn't look for ordinary strong people, only the strongest once, but the strongest once, even if it is not in their era, is definitely not easy to conquer!"


Many discussions resounded.

The invincibility of Emperor Shenwu is enough to suppress the world. If it weren't for the abnormal changes brought about by eternal rules, who would be his opponent in this world?

Even the Lord of the universe, even with eternal blessings, is not his opponent at all.

There is no need to deliberately search for Emperor Shenwu, eternal rules are the best monitoring.


Chu Yuan couldn't sell it on Eternal Road, he came to a place of nothingness, and suddenly stopped, his eyes scanned.

The time and space of this place, no matter what the strong destroys hundreds of thousands of times, there will be no strangeness.

"Soul, did you appear yourself, or I did it yourself." Chu Yuan said.

"Shenwu Emperor, you really surprised me. Throughout the ages, no one can find my soul world. No, there is one exception. It is the eternal rule. As a human being, you are the first, and your life level is higher than mine. higher."

Only for a moment, a slightly surprised voice sounded.

His soul world is too mysterious and has never been found by others before,

Immediately, a mysterious soul world opened, and the Great Emperor Panshen walked out, looking at Chu Yuan, a strange smile appeared on his face during the manipulation.

This is the expression of the soul.

"Soul world, he actually found the soul world of the soul ancestor!"

"He found the mysterious soul world from ancient times to the present, can it be said that the true deity of the soul ancestor can be known today!"

Astonishment sounded in the heaven and earth.

It was not that they followed Chu Yuan, but that the eternal rules manifested and let them all know it, such as passing the picture directly.

"Also." Chu Yuan said.

"It seems that nothing can be hidden from you."

There is also helplessness in the tone of the soul.

If possible, he really didn't want to expose himself. This was his biggest secret, but he also knew that Emperor Shenwu had already seen through it completely and he couldn't hide it.

Suddenly, an ancient shadow came out, and there was a force of the birth of all things. Every step taken is the birth of heaven, earth and universe, and the emergence of creatures.

"Is this the deity of the soul ancestor?"

Many people are confused.

After this person really walked out, he saw that he was a kind-looking old man, but his breath power should not be underestimated, and he even had the power of the strongest.

"No, it's not the soul ancestor!"

Someone actually recognized this old man and was shocked: "The once strongest Lord of all things, he shouldn't have disappeared in the long river of history, how could he appear here!"

The Lord of All Things is too old, the old is difficult to consider, but today it has reappeared.

Almost all the traces left by him have been wiped out, and only a few people have seen the strongest person called the Lord of All Things from the inheritance of the classics.

"No, he is not the Lord of all things, but like Panshen Great Emperor, controlled by the Soul Ancestor!"

"This soul ancestor actually controlled the two strongest men at once, how powerful is his soul control power!"

The mystery of the soul ancestor has risen to the extreme.

Chu Yuan naturally recognized the Lord of All Things and obtained the Eternal Divine Book. He knew countless ancient powerhouses, and he was also indifferent and speechless, knowing that the soul ancestor was still hidden.

"You can't hide it."

It is also an ancient strong man.

This strong man has a straight body and never bends. When he walks, he is powerful and is a middle-aged man.

"This is not the soul ancestor's deity. He is the unyielding lord and the strongest person ever. Don't think about it. He is also controlled by the soul ancestor. The three strongest are all controlled by him!"

The age of the Indomitable Lord is much earlier than the Lord of All Things, and more people know him.

This is even more frightening for many people.

These are the three strongest people, three eternal myths. After they fell, they lost their own dignity, and their gods were controlled by the soul ancestors.

This is also a shame for them.

And this even makes the world fear the ancestor's method.

In fact, although Eternal does not know how many strongest men who created an era have appeared, it is somewhat certain that the few who survive are few, and the ones who dare to work hard are the big ones.

Without this xinxing, it is difficult to become the strongest.

At this moment, another person walked out, which made everyone more shocked, who would this be?

"He turned out to be the Lord of Zhan Tian!"

This person fights heaven and earth, UU reading this day is the eternal rule.

The Lord of the Heavens is an ancient legendary myth. He has not overwhelmed the heavens, let alone created an era, but his strength is not worse than the strongest.

He disdains the title of the strongest.

The battle he really focused on was his and the eternal rules, and the tragic and strong battle to the end, let everyone know that there is actually a strong person like the Lord of Heaven.

Zhan Tian was just a title given to him by later generations, and no one knew his real name.

Even such a powerful existence was controlled by the soul ancestor.

Seeing this made many powerhouses feel uncomfortable, the soul ancestors were doing this to blaspheme them, but this kind of manipulation of others makes people jealous and scared.

"You see through the real body of the ancestor."

When he said this, he wanted to show his true body.

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