Emperor Panshen, Lord of All Things, Lord of Unyielding, Lord of War of Heaven.

The four ancient powerhouses were overwhelmingly powerful, facing Chu Yuan, unleashing the power of four Taoisms and becoming four torrents of Tianhe River.

If it weren't for knowing that this was controlled by the soul, it would really make people think that they were still alive.

The soul is too terrifying, this is not pure soul control at all, one person controls the four powerhouses, allowing them to use their own law, not completely physical control.

Many people are curious.

The true deity of the soul is finally about to be revealed. Many people are wondering what kind of existence he is, whether it is the most powerful soul origin?

"I am invisible and innocent, I am everywhere!"

Soul Road.

"Soul, I have seen you."

Chu Yuan had already seen the soul.

This has left many people astonished. He hasn't appeared yet, where is he?

Chu Yuan's eyes swept away, and the eternal divine light was shining suddenly, and suddenly he saw a transparent air current that was invisible to ordinary law, which was directly illuminated.

There are very strange fluctuations in this transparent airflow, which seems to be a soul, but also a rule, and more like an eternal creature!

The weirdness is revealed everywhere, which makes many people speculate.

"Could it be that this is the deity of the soul, what exactly is this?"

The soul's deity is beyond the cognition of many people, even many ancient powerhouses have not seen it at once.

"Soul, eternal soul, you have separated yourself from the creatures in eternity. Now you are half eternity. You don't have your own entity. You are a will and a rule."

Chu Yuan explained the essence of soul.

He can see through with a sweep of his eyes.

And he also explained it to the power of his own empire.

The soul's survival time is indeed very long, surpassing too many strongest people, this is because he has become a half eternal being, existing in immortality, and eternal calamity is also difficult to destroy.

The real meaning of this half of the eternal being is that it is becoming a life at the same level as the eternal rule itself.

It's like God and Fan.

He is already half god.

Although such a state cannot make him the ultimate eternity, it is also enough to make him change epochs and never die.

"We must use ourselves as the eternal will, in the permeation of each epoch, vainly try to seize the eternal rules, make ourselves the eternal rules, and dominate everything."

Chu Yuan said the shocking layout of the soul.

Yes, the ultimate goal of the soul is to seize the house, and to replace it with the eternal rules. This is the highest achievement of the soul.

This is terrible, and the eternal rules want to be taken away.

The soul also knows.

Although the eternal rules are the most powerful, they are more like a certain degree. They are wise and conscious, but do not have their own real creatures. They follow the set rules.

This gave him an opportunity.

Why he had to deal with Chu Yuan, regardless of whether Chu Yuancheng was unsuccessful, would destroy his plan to lay out countless epochs.

If the eternal mass extinction is really allowed to happen, then his half of eternal life will also be destroyed in the mass extinction.

And why, no one has ever seen his deity, because his deity is like this, without his own real form, turned into a will, a consciousness, and completely relying on control of others.

All mysteries have been revealed.

He had hidden countless epochs, and finally in front of Chu Yuan, he couldn't hide it completely.

When many powerful people learned of the soul's intentions, they were all shocked. This soul is too powerful, and it is an existence against the sky.

He did not choose to fight head-on with the eternal rules, but instead used this kind of penetration and slowly layout method to replace the eternal rules.

"I really don't want to reveal my secrets."

There was a bitter killing intent in the cold voice, his secret was revealed, and since then, that layer of mystery has been lost.

"If you want people to know it, you can't do it yourself."

Chu Yuan stared at the soul ancestor, if he hadn't dealt with him in this way and let the Panshen Great appear, he would not bother to calculate the true location of the soul ancestor.

"Unfortunately, the eternal rules are not real creatures, only the rules of operation. As long as I don't provoke and break his rules of operation, he will not punish me."

The soul said coldly: "On the contrary, he will send eternal blessings and give me boundless power."

Indeed, the soul ancestor does have eternal blessings.

This also shows that the eternal rules are not real life, or in other words, he did not regard the soul ancestor as a matter at all, and the Emperor Shenwu was his enemy.

"Shenwu Emperor, the most powerful character in the history!"


When the words of the soul ancestor fell, the four powers of the world converged, and the four powers stepped out at the same time. Because of the eternal blessing, they can all exert their universal power before birth.

"The soul ancestor will fight the Emperor Shenwu Emperor!"

The atmosphere of heaven and earth is solidified, and countless people are paying attention. This battle will be even more eye-catching. Although the Lord of the universe appeared last time, this time is the strongest body of the four great men.

Many people hope that the soul ancestor can resist the attack of Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

The stronger the Emperor Shenwu, the most cruel to those who do not want the eternal mass extinction to come.


The Great Emperor Panshen took the first step, and the supreme aura surged, he blasted out a punch, as if draining all the eternal aura, destroying the world and blasting endlessly.

The Chu Yuan Emperor's might spread, and his soul was shocked.

He and Panshen Great once again fought against each other. When the Panshen Great came into contact with his power, he retreated steadily, and the aura on his body exploded again and again.

Chu Yuan is based here.

He controls everything.

The Lord of the Heavens is killed, and the Lord of the Heavens’ fighting intent is even more domineering than the Great Emperor Panshen. His power of the Heavens is aroused at this moment, and the power he wields is to treat Chu Yuan as a piece of sky, and he will completely defeat him. .

Chu Yuan stood still.

He is an unbreakable eternal kingdom, and anyone who wants to break him will be ruthlessly suppressed.

He flipped his hands over the clouds and covered his hands as rain. Facing the crazy attack of the Lord of the Heavens, his power was just random waves, and all his attacks were blocked. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

The Lord of All Things also came.

He can create everything, and naturally he can destroy everything.

There is also the unyielding master, who has an unyielding mood in every move and style.

But Chu Yuan saw that the four powerhouses once joined forces to attack him. He was not angry, but sad, and he was deeply saddened by the four powerhouses.

Their lives are now being wiped out, and if they know that they will be subjected to this kind of blasphemy after death, they will burst out with soaring anger.

"I can feel your pain."

Chu Yuan said, "Although your life is gone, the eternal imprint exists within the eternal rules. I will give you a relief."

He is performing a great magical power.

This kind of supernatural power is incredible. He wants to regain the will of the four powerhouses in the destiny from the eternal rules, so that they can be freed and not be controlled by blasphemy!

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