The Great Emperor Panshen, the lord of all things, the unyielding lord, and the lord of Zhan Tian are not his enemies, but a group of poor people.

The tragic impact will die forever, and will be controlled by others after death.

"I give you relief."

Chu Yuan's eternal realm suddenly shrouded in the past.

In fact, even though the strongest were dead, their divine bodies all left an immortal will, but the power of the soul ancestor was too weird, something close to the eternal rules suppressed them all.

His eternal realm, brilliant and colorful, seemed to reveal a truly eternal world.

This method is against the sky, he stands there, it represents an eternal world!

"You want to free them!"

When the soul ancestor learned of Chu Yuan’s purpose, he let out an extremely cold voice: "You can’t get rid of them. My ancestor knows that you have the terrifying power to destroy the world. You can destroy them, but to get rid of it, it’s impossible. Truly close to eternity, but you are not truly invincible before you reach this level!"

He has a long era, infiltrated eternal rules, and understood too many things that even the strongest did not understand.

It can be said that his life has been closely linked to the eternal rules, a special state.

"The eternal kingdom."

Chu Yuan's domain changes were for the eternal kingdom, and that eternal world showed countless real figures, as if it had reflected his empire.

He is using greater means.

"Break his kingdom!"

As soon as the soul ancestor saw this eternal kingdom, he knew that Chu Yuan was closer to the real eternal realm, and he would definitely not be able to reach this step.

The four powerhouses urged the strongest means, which were enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, and suddenly four forces that shattered nine heavens and ten earths rushed in.

The four powerhouses are enveloped with eternal blessings, like divine assistance.

This is an irony.

The four powerhouses died above the eternal rules, and they actually brought blessings to them.

"You are not them."

The eternal kingdom of Chu Yuan is like a means of looking back to fate and history, and the brilliance of his eternal emperor directly shines into the body of the four powerhouses.

Chu Yuan already understood how Soul Ancestor controlled the strongest.

He incarnates himself into a state that is almost rule-like, injects his spirit power, imposes all kinds of restrictions in their bodies, and follows the rules he pointed out.

This is also a kind of soul control, but it is far beyond what others understand.

He also has great soul art, and with the blessing of his own power, it is an eternal great soul art.

The power is fully unfolded, Chu Yuan's eternal magic contains the power of the three immortal dimensions of the past, the present and the future, booming, as if hearing four roars.

It is the will of the four strongest people to break the restrictions imposed by the soul ancestors.

The mind of the soul is also shaking suddenly, the emperor Shenwu's methods are too beyond imagination, his eternal magic is actually going back to their fate, awakening their last will.

He waved his palm.

The world picture is constantly changing.

Chu Yuan's gaze was bright, looking at the four powerhouses. In fact, they were densely packed with soul chains that others could not see, which bound their bodies tightly.

The will of the four powerhouses was inspired by his power, showing four illusory consciousnesses, struggling to get out of the shackles.

"Panshen, everything, indomitable, Zhantian, their will is inspired!"

The changes here have made many people unable to calm down.

"Soul Art!"

The soul ancestor mind is blessing. Although he can't attack normally, he has blessed his power in his confinement, making Chu Yuan unable to complete his plan.

He also felt tremendous pressure.

This person shines with his eternal divine light, even he can hardly suppress it, only madly consumes his soul power.

One uses conspiracy to slowly infiltrate, make himself the rule and control change.

And one is to make a head-on collision with the eternal rules with the strongest and greatest force, breaking the original order, and making judgments.

"You dare to force control in front of me!"

Chu Yuan's voice rumbling, shocked his soul to collapse.

The soul ancestor was suddenly shocked by the sound, and his consciousness was distorted like a twist.

"He is stronger!"

The soul ancestor deeply understands that this person is building an eternal kingdom, and it seems that he has not directly broken through, but as his kingdom becomes more and more perfect, his strength will also be strengthened to a new peak.

And he knew better.

Yes, the eternal rules are the most powerful and infinite, but after all, they are just a procedure that follows the set rules.

But Emperor Shenwu is different.

He is eternal and human, with his own feelings and thinking.

A scene that shocked the world appeared, Chu Yuan split his palm horizontally, like an eternal divine sword, click, and the chain of soul bound to the four powerhouses was immediately cut off.

"not good!"

As soon as the soul chain broke, the soul ancestor knew that the four powerhouses would no longer be under his control.

The will of these four powerhouses suddenly controlled back to their emperor body, they burned with rage, desecrated their emperor body, and immediately blasted the soul ancestor.

Enough to make the power of the world era reincarnation blast on the soul ancestor.

It broke his mind and soul in one fell swoop, but he recovered in an instant, as if he was not injured.

He turned into a special state, giving him weird abilities, but at the same time he gave up too much.

"Shenwu Emperor, you are very powerful."

The tone of the soul ancestor was actually very calm.

This time the Emperor Shenwu revealed his true body, and this time the four powerhouses were out of his control. If they were to be replaced by others, they would have been furious.

However, the soul ancestor did not have any anger.

He knows that as long as the Emperor Shenwu Emperor perishes, there will be many puppets, but once the mass extinction comes, then everything is over and they will no longer exist.

"Losing in your hands, my ancestor does not feel ashamed."

The soul ancestor said indifferently: "But don’t think that the matter is over. What is the use of freeing the four of them from your ancestors? Their brand is already deep in the eternal rules and the eternal bondage, which you cannot Broken, because he won’t let you last forever and disrupt his operation."

"All the creatures in the eternal road are destined from birth. Their lives are eternal. Even if they die, the mark of life will exist in eternity. In the long years, our ancestors have seen too many powerful people. Under the eternal control, the ancient strong will appear, and under the control of the rules, launch the strongest attack on you."

The soul ancestor's thoughts smashed into a burst, and then he took the initiative to collapse.

He said too many things, he knew too much about eternal rules.

Chu Yuan watched the collapse of his soul and did not continue to take action. The soul state was different from ordinary people. It was attached to the eternal rules, and it would be difficult for him to completely dissipate without destroying the eternal rules.

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