The soul is too weird, it is almost turned into a rule, and the eternal calamity cannot destroy him.

But it's only that, confined to the eternal road.

Chu Yuan believed that he must have a back hand that he hadn't used before, and it was impossible for him to explode all his methods before the big change of the eternal rules completely appeared.

But Chu Yuan would not pay attention to him either.

His greatest opponent has only eternal rules!

The eternal kingdom is shining, and the light is like the sun in winter, very warm.

At this time, the four powerhouses were Chu Yuan forcibly regaining their only remaining will by means of defying the sky, and the long river of fate that belonged to them surrounded them, forcibly summoning their brand.

As soon as the power dissipates, it will disappear immediately.

The four powerhouses were speechless, they regained some spiritual wisdom, looked at Chu Yuan, and only nodded to express their gratitude to Chu Yuan.

It was Chu Yuan who gave them a chance to liberate, otherwise they would still suffer the blasphemy of the soul ancestor for eternal life.

"Go away." Chu Yuan said.

He has not achieved eternity after all.

The four powerhouses and Chu Yuan came to look at each other forever, and strode into the eternal realm. The whole body was in Guanghua, and the sky of light descended on the eternal realm.

They have no fear of death, but only regret in their eyes.

They finally saw the hope of eternal dawn, but it was a pity that after all, it was not in the same era. They were all dead people, unable to fight alongside Chu Yuan.

Eternal regret.

If possible, they would also want to be on the same front with Chu Yuan, and would rather die than fight, and their final way of repaying is to disperse their power and flood the eternal kingdom.

Use their last strength to help Chu Yuan.

After receiving the power of the four powerhouses, the eternal kingdom's light became more dazzling and the essence became stronger.

"They will reappear in front of you in another form, and many ancient powerhouses will reappear. The eternal rules are stronger than you think. In the end, they will only bring about their own destruction. "

The voice of the soul ancestor came again illusory.

He doesn't need to talk nonsense. Of course, Chu Yuan knows that all the strong are bred by eternal rules, and their lives are imprinted in eternity.

Chu Yuan is speculating carefully.

Eternal mass extinction.

As soon as this great extinction begins, the marks accumulated since countless epochs will be completely dissipated. Although the eternal rules are still there, it will become a blank sheet of paper and must be restarted.

And this extinction itself is likely to be a kind of weakness to the eternal rules.

Otherwise, just launch mass extinction directly, so why use this method.

Chu Yuan had sharp eyes, looked up, and looked directly at the eternal rules. He would seize this opportunity to make himself truly eternal.


He stood in the midst of the heavens and the earth, the empire's national destiny turned into an eternal emperor robe and draped on him, sweeping across the time and space of all walks of life, as if seeing an ancient powerful man who was born.

"The soul ancestor is in such a state, no wonder no one can know his true body!"

After the identity of the soul ancestor was revealed, the heavens and the earth resounded, thinking of the horror of the soul ancestor, and even the strongest of the past was afraid.

Even if the Shenwu is destroyed, this soul ancestor is also a huge threat, it is difficult to find him in the form of rules, and he is always thinking about their most powerful divine body.

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"Panshen, all things, indomitable, and Zhantian, they have all taken the initiative to plunge into the eternity of Shenwu, and become light. If they are still alive, they will definitely join the camp of Shenwu!"

It can be said that the active emergence of the four powerhouses gave the final strength to Shenwu, causing a great storm.

"Could it be that they think Shenwu is expected to get the ultimate eternity!"

The record of Emperor Shenwu was too impressive. The magnificence standing in the midst of heaven and earth opened up the world, showing an eternal vision, which made many people feel shaken.

"Shenwu is immortal and will surely start the eternal extinction, even if he becomes eternal? There will be today's eternal rules and powerful, once the mass extinction comes, no one can escape, including his eternity will also be destroyed!

More discussions sounded.

All kinds of shocks, they thought that Emperor Shenwu might be able to open up an eternity, but they also believed that this eternity could not be against the eternal rules.

When the eternal achievement of Shenwu is the beginning of the mass extinction.

"The Eternal Rules don't want to pay the greatest price. Before that, he still hopes to eradicate Shenwu with the least loss. Before the great extinction begins, he will descend on greater power."

Few people are optimistic about Emperor Shenwu, thinking that his ultimate consequence is to be extinct.

"Over the ages, in countless epochs, will people like Shenwu have been born before, touched the eternal rules, was initiated a mass extinction, and was extinct."

Many people suddenly thought of this.


It is very likely that there have been several mass extinctions before, and all traces have been erased, but they are not the only ones.

Thinking of this, someone shuddered and destroyed everything. Even the last mark was wiped out. This was even more terrifying than death.

for sure.

The eternal extinction must not be allowed to happen.

Although Shenwu's strength is now shocking, they also know that the eternal rules have not yet used their final full strength.

At this time, Chu Yuan exuded boundless power, shaking eternity, his Tao and Dharma swept through the heavens, and the eternal divine light touched the rules, and brought greater anger to him.

However, Chu Yuan didn't care about the anger at all, and took the anger as a tool to sharpen himself.

"I feel my strength has increased again!"

Because of Chu Yuan's strength, the more the eternal rules were touched, the more power he descended on.

It can be seen that the infinite eternal origin is like the inflow of the heavenly river, descending on every strong person standing on his side, raising their strength again.

His energy seems to be endless, possessing the ability to enhance the strength of others at will.

It seems that for the eternal rules, he can give you the most powerful power, but at the same time it can also take back all the power to you, and everything belongs to him.

And this also reveals a bit. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

He is the most invincible, and when he personally takes action, there will be a real mass extinction.

The strength of everyone was improved once before, but now the eternal blessing is stronger than before.

No matter the ordinary strong people, but especially the strongest people in the past, they were already strong enough, but now they have entered a brand new field due to their promotion.

Throughout the ages, there has never been a strong man in this era, so powerful.

"Eternally invincible!"

There were too many such voices in the world.

"The power of the eternal origin is infinite. In the eyes of the eternal rules, whether it is the strongest or a mortal, they are the same, and they can't shake him, only I am different!"

Chu Yuan grabbed the palm of his hand and he received no blessings, only the most terrifying divine calamity.

He said: "Eternal blessing, greater blessing."

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