He looked at the whole road, the emperor's eyes swept across, as if the whole world was in his gaze, and everything was invisible.

However, Chu Yuan knew that this was only the surface, without seeing the essence. Of course, all the strong were living on his surface.

"I give you a chance to attack me."

Suddenly Chu Yuan made such a sound, which was transmitted to the entire Eternal Road, in the mighty time and space.

Many powerful people are paying attention to him, and his words are exactly what they say to those ancient and powerful powerful people, and the meaning is very accurate and clear.

He is here, waiting for others to take the initiative to attack him.

But his words passed through the universe of time and space. To his disappointment, he waited for a while, and no one dared to challenge him, instead, he was completely silent.

"The strongest person in the past has lost even the courage to attack me, and just like that, I still want to block my path to enlightenment."

Chu Yuan's voice rumbling, seemed very disappointed. The strongest people who were once the only one had already been decayed and lost their original intentions.

"Before the great extinction begins, I will let you return to your eternal origin."

Chu Yuan was about to leave.

He knew that at the moment when he was about to truly transform into eternity, countless ancient powerhouses, their marks would recover one after another, appearing to resist him.

The division of the eternal camp.

Before the mass extinction started, the dust had not settled yet.

"Shenwu Emperor, do you think you are in control of everything?"

Finally, in the face of Chu Yuan's invitation to fight, there was finally a strong man who couldn't bear it. He fell with a word and rolled up the boundless waves, and the eternal breath gathered into the vast ocean.

The sea seems to be burning.

In the middle of the sea, a middle-aged man wearing a dark blue costume condenses.

His terrifying aura permeated, and the eternal source stocks condensed into his boundless mana, and directly looked at Chu Yuan.

The strongest people in the past, one by one because the eternal rules are not imprisoned by them, all appeared one after another.

"One finally appeared."

Chu Yuan looked at the middle-aged man.

His eternal kingdom opened up, bringing the vision of eternal pure land.

"Shenwu, it's not that we want to stop you, but that you can't achieve eternity now. If you go on like this, you will end up with eternal extinction. With your wisdom, you should understand this truth."

Middle-aged manly.

"I don't understand."

Chu Yuan looked at this once strongest man.

"The Seagod is right, Emperor Shenwu, you can only bring about eternal extinction. Everyone wants eternity, but not now."

It was another ancient voice. Behind Chu Yuan, an ancient sky appeared, and an old man appeared. His breath was like the sky, and the breath of the sky was spreading.

Chu Yuan's ignorance of them actually made them angry.

If you don't dare to appear like this, wouldn't you lose the dignity of the strongest man?

"The ancestor of heaven has also appeared. He has opened up a great age of heaven, and he has not yet sat down!" someone exclaimed.

The eternal and long epoch makes people wonder how many ancient powerhouses still remain.

And that middle-aged man, called the Sea God, opened up the era of the sea, flooded the heavens, and nurtured countless ocean races, which is also very old.

"Very good, another one appears."

Chu Yuan just said that.

That kind of understatement made a fire in their hearts. They had crossed the heavens somehow, but how humble in his eyes.

"Shenwu Emperor, your strength cannot be denied. I have lived for such a long time. You are the only one like you."

The ancient strong man, a tall and burly strong man stepped out of time and space, with black hair and shawl, especially his eyes, the most eye-catching, it seemed to contain the ancient world.

His invitation to fight, it is impossible not to show up.

hard to prevent.

In fact, many people also know that Emperor Shenwu has already seen through where they are, and even if they don't show up, this emperor is likely to find them personally and seize their power.

So, it's better to come and see him directly.

"Lord of the Ancients!"

Poseidon looked at him, this eternal lord was ahead of his time of existence.

The Lord of the Ancients just nodded, his eyes still fixed on Chu Yuan, and said: "Shenwu Emperor, I have a suggestion, your law is very powerful, it is better to teach your eternal law. Eternity, to fight the eternal extinction together, wouldn’t it be better?"

If it weren't for thinking that the eternal extinction could not be countered, they would not stop Chu Yuan.

The idea they give to themselves is that to start the eternal mass extinction now is to destroy everything, so it is better to wait.

And the Lord of the Ancients was so bold that he wanted to come to comprehend his eternal law, and he also thought that everyone would become eternal, and he was simply dreaming of a spring and autumn dream.

"You can't learn my Fa." Chu Yuan just said like this.

"We know that everyone's eternal law is different, an eternal kingdom."

The ancestor said: "However, by comprehending your Dharma, we will be inspired to create our own eternal Dharma. If you are a person in eternity, you are always alone, and if we have more eternity, we will Can fight the eternal mass extinction."

"The ancestor of the sky is right. Only a few more eternities will be more likely to survive the eternal extinction."

Poseidon also longed for the eternal law.

"My eternal kingdom welcomes all the strong from the heavens to join, and I welcome you to join eternity."

Chu Yuan responded.

"Joining like this is to make me wait to be your subordinates and part of your eternal kingdom. This is not our law, nor is it acceptable to us."

Tianzu asserted rejection.

Their hearts make them unwilling to become subordinates. Not everyone is like a great man, who can give up their lives for eternity, even if they join others' empires.

"How can there be so many eternal roads, one is enough to make us forget our lives, too greedy, we will have nothing, nothing, you think too much."

It is Hongmeng.

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He came here.


Looking to Hongmeng, although Hongmeng has never competed for the strongest, no one can deny his strength. UU看书www. uukanshu.com is truly the strongest person.

For Yu Hongmeng, he has no interest in becoming the strongest.

The Seagod said coldly: "Hongmeng, now you have joined the Shenwu camp. Without eternal blessings, your strength will be suppressed. In front of me, you can't do anything."

Eternal blessing, his strength has long surpassed the past too much, standing there, he is the eternal **** of the ocean.

"Eternal rules can give you strength, and it can also be taken away. I don't bother to possess such power."

Hongmeng said: "All the people are one mind, gather all the strength, it is possible to break the eternal curse, and like you, it is rotten and destined to be leveled."


Poseidon was going to violent and kill him.

"A few more roads are always more options, better than just one road, isn't it?"

Another ancient powerhouse joined the battlefield.

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