Another strong man arrived.

This man was an old man, his hair was half black and half white, and even the clothes on his body were half black and half white. With the power of Yin and Yang Tai Chi, the mana was balanced, and he slowly walked out of nothingness.

As soon as Hongmeng saw this old man, he recognized him: "You have also appeared, Holy Ancestor of Yin and Yang. You have to fight against the emperor. There is only one eternal way. There is no second way now. I hope you can Stand with us, fight shoulder to shoulder, and maintain this road. After all, this is the only hope."

Yin and Yang Saint Ancestor, ancient and powerful, the strength of the strongest.

He controls the power of Yin and Yang.

"Hongmeng needless to say, you have your way, I have my choice."

The yin and yang saint ancestor affirmed rejection.

To be the strongest, he cannot condescend to others, what he wants most is to get an eternal path for himself.

Before that, he had thought of everything, and it was not that easy to change.

"Then there seems to be nothing to say."

Hongmeng shook his head.

For him, in the face of eternity, everything can be thrown away, but not everyone is as perceptive as he is.

After all, Hongmeng is very light on other things, if he wants, he can open up an era of Hongmeng himself.

He just wants to see a world that can be truly eternal.

Afterwards, he did not say more.

Everyone has a different way and has his own way.

The four strongest people in the past stood in front of Chu Yuan.

Their breath is overwhelming, they are as powerful as the sea, and they have eternal blessings. Their strength is much stronger than when they were the strongest.

They released endless pressure, hoping that Chu Yuan would surrender the eternal law.

This scene is like a myth.

Every strongest person can dominate an era. In ordinary times, there will be no time to join forces, but the four appearing, nothing has happened before.

These four people stood in four positions in the southeast, northwest and surrounded Chu Yuan.

"Hongmeng, retreat."

Facing the oppression of the four breaths, Chu Yuan was calm and unmoved. He said in an indifferent tone: "I welcome those who join my eternal kingdom, but if there are those who block the way, I will not let go, you four People come together."

Such words are too arrogant, but their faces are serious when they hear it.

Because his strength is too strong.

"he is great!"

Poseidon saw his own sea tide before him and automatically dissipated, reminding the three of them: "He is very powerful, extremely powerful, this person's life essence is higher than ours, he is infinitely close to eternity, like a dragon, even if we If you have eternal blessings, you must also be careful, or you may end up in death."

They are so wise that they certainly know that Emperor Shenwu is not an easy person.

In fact, the stronger the eternal blessing, the stronger the person's strength, and the more fearful the eternal rules.

Didn't they know that this birth would be extremely dangerous, and if they were careless, they would end up being killed, but they were still born.

The Emperor Shenwu's strength is growing every moment, and they are determined to die. They want to learn the strength of the Emperor Shenwu and understand his eternal law.

They are unwilling to throw into his eternity.

They have to develop it themselves.

"We now have eternal blessings. The strength is much stronger than before. Even if he is stronger, this seat will have to fight him. It is nothing more than death!"

The Lord of the Ancients!


Tian Zudao.

He took the lead, and the great art of heaven exploded, and he waved his hand to pull a piece of sky. He was the lord of heaven and earth, the will of heaven and earth, rumbling, and the big grinding disc representing heaven and earth crushed past.

That huge coercion was the most powerful moment of Tianzu's life.

Chu Yuan looked at the grinding plate of heaven and earth, with only one glance, the grinding plate collapsed directly, a frightening aura broke out, and he arrived in front of Heavenly Ancestor in one step, and then blasted his punch.

This punch is the fist of national luck, the fist of the eternal kingdom!

The terrifying eternal kingdom was immediately suppressed on Tianzu's body. Even with Tianzu's strength at the moment, he felt that his whole body was collapsing and could not bear the power of his punch.

He straightened his waist.

"You have your eternal kingdom, and your ancestor also has your ancestor's heavenly realm!"

Tianzu has a strong will to fight, thinking that he crushed too many opponents with the fist of the sky, and now with one punch, there is a terrifying world.

Chu Yuan walked his eternal time and space, extremely powerful.

He smashed the fist of the sky with one blow, and Tianzu suffered his power, and the gust of wind roared, and immediately felt that he was shattering.

"This time there is not only one Heavenly Ancestor!"

The Poseidon immediately came to meet the Heavenly Ancestor, and immediately there was a sea. His body was raised high, the sea roared, straddling the sky, and arrived in front of Chu Yuan.

"Today I bury you with an eternal kingdom."

Chu Yuan saw the appearance of the four deities this time, with the only purpose of sweeping away these decay and burying them in his eternal kingdom.

He waved his hand and the ocean disappeared.

"An ancient legend!"

Suddenly, the Lord of the Ancients walked out of the ancient legend. He unleashed the power of countless legends, gathered into eras and turned into a torrent of terror.

Chu Yuan saw that when he raised his hand, it was a torrent.

In this torrent, there are also pictures of eras, forming a greater eternal history.

This is an eternal epic. Although the power of the Lord of the Ancients is terrifying, but when it touches the power of Chu Yuan, it is directly crushed and unstoppable.

The Lord of the Ancients was hit by a bombardment, and his body was knocked out, blood spurting out of his mouth.

Even with his eternal blessing, his strength has greatly improved, but it can hardly be Chu Yuan's opponent.

The face of the Lord of Yin and Yang was extremely solemn, and today's battle was extremely dangerous. No one knew what terrifying killing technique the Emperor Shenwu would explode.

yin and yang!

With both hands out of him, it was the divine power of yin and yang. Two black and white swimming fish appeared, and they rotated to form a yin and yang Tai Chi diagram, which swept in front of him.

His great onmyoji is extremely balanced.

However, Chu Yuan's eyes were sharp, he just drew a circle with his fingers, and inside this circle there was also the power of onmyoji.

"Great Onmyoji!"

The yin and yang saint ancestor was slightly stunned, and saw that the other party used the great yin and yang technique to deal with him.

He didn't care. UU reading

When the circle flew over, his face suddenly changed, and he was suddenly enveloped in the circle of yin and yang, a great technique of yin and yang belonging to him was killing.

"His yin and yang are completely different from mine!"

The Yin and Yang Saint Ancestor knew that he could not be trapped.

Shenwu Emperor's is called eternal yin and yang.

With yin in his left hand and yang in his right hand, his double secret technique, fiercely blasted and killed, immediately burst out the power to suppress the universe.

Rumble! This terrifying voice was about to break Chu Yuan's circle of Yin and Yang.

But it gives people the feeling that the opponent's circle draws the opponent into a difficult area.

Chu Yuan walked directly into this circle and stared at the yin and yang saint ancestor who was bombarded inside. He looked down at all of this as if he had escaped from the eternal God. People outside the world watched people struggling in the world.

A burst of his power killed him, his hands like the sky, breaking the circle.

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