The gate of eternity is completely closed, which is to completely close their escape route.

"Eternal kingdom, this is his eternal world, we can't retreat!"

The power of Emperor Shenwu makes people frightened.

The four powerhouses' complexions changed drastically and fell into the eternal realm. They felt as if they had separated from the original eternal time and space and entered a world independently controlled by others.

Shenwu Emperor, majestic as the sky, is the eternal God.

Looking at him, it is inevitable that they have a feeling of seeing the eternal rules, and this person controls everything.

"This is his eternal kingdom, he is going to kill us!"

"Can't fall into his eternal realm, no matter how strong he is, I have always been the strongest!"

"Kill, kill with the greatest strength!"

"He has not finally achieved eternity. The eternal kingdom has defects. It is impossible to completely trap us to death. We still have a way of life!"

Heavenly Ancestor, Sea God, eternal, yin and yang character is extraordinary, even if he knew that he was in an absolute predicament, he still did not panic.

The strongest power, the four divine lights rose into the sky, and they wanted to fight Chu Yuan for the final life.

"I give you a chance to fight for life and death."

Chu Yuan is the sky, he reveals the power to control everything, the control of the lives of the four powerhouses!

In the entire eternal kingdom, countless brilliant real images appeared!

"Kill! The Battle of Tutian!"

The four powerhouses desperately burned themselves desperately, treating Chu Yuan as the sky to be slaughtered.

The divine weapons in their hands are burning fiercely, and the four forces that have crossed time and space are fierce in the eternal realm, locking Chu Yuan, breaking through all the power, and destroying everything when it comes down.

In just an instant, the four most terrifying forces burned on Chu Yuan's body.

The power of destruction condenses their Taoism, splitting towards eternity, and their faces also have expectations.

However, the final result disappointed them. The four forces were indeed powerful and terrifying.

But when they fell, Emperor Shenwu took control of everything and easily annihilated their destruction.

Yes, compared to the eternal rules, Chu Yuan's eternal kingdom is indeed not that powerful.

But his advantage is that he himself controls the eternal world and is a true intelligent creature, not the kind of eternal rules.

"Our power didn't even shake him. What's the matter? He hasn't achieved the ultimate eternity!"

When Poseidon saw such a scene, it was hard to believe that a person had not achieved the strongest eternal state, and they could not even be shaken.

They couldn't believe their eyes.

It's normal to be unbeatable, but it can't even be shaken normally.

This is horrible.

He was a little questioning his choice, whether he was wrong, Hongmeng's choice was the most right.

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"No, absolutely not!"

The Lord of the Ancients also screamed: "I haven't reached the last step. Everyone, are you still watching the battle? Watch me waiting to be trapped in his eternal realm? Now the four of us are bombarding from within, and you are both inside and outside to destroy him. The best time!"

Heavenly Ancestor also shouted: "If we perish, he will sweep you, and no one will let it go. Eternal extinction will inevitably come!"

They hope that all the strong can take action at this time, and do not seek to kill him, but as long as they can break his eternal path from the outside world, it is also a good thing.

Chu Yuan was indifferent and speechless.

A silent threat.

His eternal kingdom is closed inside, but the outside world is open, that is to say, he welcomes the bombardment of any strong and welcomes everyone to break into his eternal kingdom.

Some strong people were ready to move, but they were silent when they saw such a change.

His power shook the world, and that invincible will was too grand and unstoppable.

People's hearts are like this. Some strong people think that if they go to shoot now, they will be forced into the eternal road like the four strong ones, and they will be killed.

After a moment of hesitation, no one moved.

Chu Yuan started his lore.

He strode horizontally and horizontally, it was the judgment of heaven and earth, the eternal kingdom was surging and surrounded by electricity, his stern eyes locked on the sea **** first, and the hand of heaven killed him.

"He wants to kill me first!"

The sea **** shuddered suddenly, not because of the fear of death, but the level of life of Emperor Shenwu Emperor, like a wild beast facing a real dragon.


Poseidon made a terrible voice.

His whole body burst into a bang, then turned into the sky full of sea water, and the eternal flame ignited him.

Although the eternal rules continued to bless them, all the origins fell and were absorbed and refined by his eternal kingdom.

The power of lore, the hand of God covered the ocean, and the sea **** disappeared completely with a power of extinction.

The strongest one ever fell.

In this era, they are not the strongest anymore, but once, the real strongest was only the Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

"The Sea God is dead!"

Heavenly Ancestor, Lord of the Ancients, Yin and Yang Saint Ancestor's face is extremely gloomy.

Booming, invincible momentum, power of the eternal kingdom, Emperor Shenwu is the most majestic giant incarnate, he is the giant of this world, and everything is under his control.

Majestic, passionate, iron-blooded, horns, and drums are his eternal voice.

The Emperor Shenwu waved his sword, and the eternal emperor slashed with one sword, straddling the sky, locking onto the Lord of the Ancients, and beheading him with the rolling power.

The eternal legend.

His legend was instantly shattered, the whole person was cut in half, blood spattered, and the breath of life was directly obliterated by him.

"Ever Gu is dead!"

The ancestor of heaven and the ancestor of yin and yang retreated again and again.

Emperor Shenwu was too easy to kill the strongest in the past, and simply made them unable to react. This eternal emperor soldier is too terrifying and can directly kill lives.

"Is our choice really wrong?"

Tianzu questioned himself: "No, we are not wrong. The eternal extinction is coming, and everyone is going to die. We are not for our own survival, but we don't want the eternal extinction to come!"

As the strongest person ever, even if he was wrong, he would not admit his mistake, bow his head, and say a word of mercy to Chu Yuan.

This is their only remaining dignity.


Tianzu fights, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com did not beg for mercy, only roared, mobilizing the strongest force, roaring rushed over.

Chu Yuan walked directly over, and his palm fought him with a blow. The power of the Eternal Kingdom instantly freezes Tianzu. His entire body exploded, sputtering many blood arrows, and then collapsed.

Of the three powerhouses, only Yin and Yang Saint Ancestor remained.

"Emperor Shenwu, maybe our choice was really wrong, but I don't regret it. There is no turning back in life. You don't need to kill it. I will kill myself. I don't want to see the eternal extinction."

The Yin and Yang Saint Ancestor knew that he was bound to die, he didn't beg for mercy, let alone Chu Yuan, his body was directly transformed into Yin and Yang air currents, and he ended his life.

He has to pay the price for his choice.

Although dead, in his heart, he still believes that no one can contend with the eternal extinction.

This is also his last insistence.

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