Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1976: Motivate eternal Shenzhou

The four strongest people in the past were all beheaded, and it was extremely tragic. There has never been an era in which so many strong people died directly.

In the face of the unparalleled strength of the Emperor Shenwu Emperor, any of their resistance is pale, even if they bless the eternal blessings.

After these four statues were beheaded, the world was silent and there was no sound.

"Why bother?"

Hongmeng saw this scene and shook his head. Why is this necessary?

It could have been united, but some people chose another way because of the thoughts in their hearts, and ended tragically.

He Hongmeng didn't want to dominate the heavens at all.

These once had extremely glorious pasts were beheaded, and Chu Yuan's expression did not fluctuate too much.

"They didn't completely die."

Chu Yuan's eternal eyes can see things that others can't.

Although these four statues were beheaded by him, and the energy was flooded in his eternal realm, he knew that they had not completely died, and their life imprints were still within the eternal rules.

"When I am about to achieve eternity, the rules of heaven and earth will explode the biggest change."

Chu Yuandao.

His current eternal kingdom has revealed an independent eternal world, but he has not yet fully achieved it.

"What is the essence of eternity? Knowing that he is not far away."

In fact, he has been thinking about what eternity itself is, and what force gave birth to eternal rules, these are things that urgently need to know.

Also, what is the origin of the system.

Although he still doesn't know the origin of the system, one thing is certain. The power of the system is so great that it has nothing to do with eternal rules.

System, eternal.

These are two huge mysteries.

Chu Yuan's gaze at the moment saw through the eternal Shenzhou, which plunged deeply into the void of time and space.

He strode forward.

This shocked many people, where the Emperor Shenwu was going, this time when he appeared, he killed four of them, and the invincible power made him afraid to provoke him.

"He is going to Eternal Shenzhou!"

When Chu Yuan's route was calculated, more shocked voices rang out. The Emperor Shenwu actually wanted to go to the Eternal Shenzhou. It was an extremely ancient era and was created by all the powerful.

No one can urge it now.

Does the Emperor Shenwu want to move the eternal Shenzhou?

"You will bloom with your gods."

Chu Yuan came to Eternal Shenzhou and looked at it.

He didn't have the power to urge it when he came before, but now it is completely different, he wants the eternal Shenzhou to belong to the empire.

He grabbed it with big hands.

This time Chu Yuan was not going to directly capture the Eternal Shenzhou, but to really urge it.

The difficulty of eternal Shenzhou urges, even the strongest person alone cannot do it, but is Chu Yuan an ordinary strong person?

His eternal divine light spread, shining onto the Shenzhou, and this ancient divine fetish actually made a rumbling sound, it trembled, as if the source of power was recovering.

"Shenwu Emperor, he wants to take away our eternal Shenzhou!"

Inside the Eternal Shenzhou, there are the Divine Dynasty of the Other Shore and the God Sect of Pure Land. Seeing Chu Yuan's arrival at this moment, the invincible power made them feel unable to resist.

And you know, he killed the four strongest people before.

This is the strongest man in history.

Chu Yuan's eternal God's hand had already been grasped on the eternal divine boat, and this divine boat was extremely heavy and difficult to shake, but at this moment it was actually picked up rumblingly.

His power is too strong, it is truly eternal power.

His will pierced directly into the Shenzhou, to let the source of power stimulate.

The people who lived inside saw the eternal Shenzhou being captured, and were anxious, but they couldn't stop it.

After all, they couldn't even move Shenzhou, let alone fight the Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

Anger is a stronger anger!

Eternal anger has come!

As far as the eternal rule is concerned, everything in eternity belongs to it, including the lives of all the strong, which also belongs to him.

Chu Yuan snatched it because he put the eternal Shenzhou into his eternity, which meant to plunder his things forever.

Especially the special rules, the eternal rules cannot be substantiated, and fight against Chu Yuan, but it can descend with even more boundless mana under the power of the rules.

Now only eternal rules can stop Chu Yuan.

Suddenly, Chu Yuan's grasp was met with strong resistance.

"Eternal rules!"

Chu Yuan's eyes were bright, he saw the illusory rules, and under the urging of strong power, it seemed to transform into an illusory divine residence, as if it were the embodiment of rules.

His big hand exploded again, and at this moment, it thundered and covered Shenzhou.

Rumble! The heavens and the earth shook, and the Shenzhou, which was originally deeply pierced in the depths of eternity, was pulled out a little bit by his grasp at this moment.

Shenzhou's complete appearance is about to be pulled out.

The wind was surging, the heavens and the earth, the lightning and the wind, all the layers of the tribulations all fell on Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan stood still, pulled strongly, the mountains and rivers were shaken, and the whole picture of Shenzhou became clearer.


He seemed to blast towards the emptiness with a punch, but in fact, a **** of eternal rules that ordinary people could not see appeared, and punched his power incarnation strongly.

This punch caused a great shock in the world.

"Eternity is shaken!"

Shocked voice.

Originally, the eternal world is nothingness, and the strong fight on the eternal road, even if it is the eternal grade, the momentum of the eternal burst will not shake the world.

This is nothingness, how can you make him shake.

Pay attention to the public account: book friends base camp, pay attention to send cash and coins!

But now it has changed.

This is the power of Chu Yuan and the Eternal Rules, hitting the depths of eternity, shaking his origin, and also showing that the strength of Emperor Shenwu has threatened him.

Eternal roar, more anger.

Chu Yuan shines with eternal divine light, he stands upright in heaven and earth, the emperor's appearance, infinitely tall, people can only see his majestic posture.

This kind of battle has surpassed the power itself, UU reading is like two gods fighting fiercely, fighting outside of heaven and earth.

In fact, Chu Yuan wanted to take away the eternal Shenzhou, and the Shenzhou itself could not stop him.

Although the Eternal Shenzhou was built by the powerful of an era before ancient times, the strength of Chu Yuan alone has surpassed them, and it is enough to kill that era.

Even the builder can turn over and kill, let alone just a fetish?

Even the Eternal Shenzhou itself was not very important to Chu Yuan. He took it away just to put it in the empire as a powerful **** of the empire.

Under the impetus of Chu Yuan's power, the light was flooding the sky, extremely powerful.

Now two stalwart divine residences are on both sides of the Eternal Shenzhou, and they are all exerting their great power. Their power swept through the aftermath, and they could directly shake the eternal level to death.

The eternal level is always the eternal level, and they are the real eternity!

This kind of battle has surpassed the level that everyone can understand.

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