The Emperor Shenwu, the Holy Emperor divides the two worlds with heaven and earth.

At this moment.

If you talk about the power of the Holy Emperor, it is absolutely impossible to be Chu Yuan's opponent, and the essence of life is not at the same level.

But now he is adhering to the eternal will, and every gesture is eternal power!

Domineering and turbulent, this is the power of a completely eternal god.

He was shrouded in the infinite eternal divine light, his power skyrocketed, the eternal power of the world, with his wisdom, at this moment, he realized too many things, and seemed to understand the operation of some eternal rules.

"This is eternal power."

The holy emperor's eyes stared at Chu Yuan.

If this battle is unsuccessful, benevolence!

"I give you a chance to attack me."

When Chu Yuanjun came to the world and looked down on the vast living beings, he was the greatest existence.

This is not looking up at the holy emperor, but looking down!


At this time, the holy emperor's thoughts were as vast as the entire eternal road, he had never had such a powerful force, his rolling power poured out, and the holy emperor's majesty broke out in an instant.

He strode across, walked directly towards Chu Yuan, waved the holy fist, and hit him.

Under his wave, the whole world was trembling, his emperor and hegemony, the majesty of the emperor's way is infinite, and the power of a punch can penetrate the universe of time and space.

The holy emperor went on tour with great majesty.

He is now a symbol of eternal power.

Now, many people know that this is an advance war between Emperor Shenwu and Eternal Rules.

Although the holy emperor is not the real eternal rule, it is the host of power, but the Shenwu Emperor also has not reached the peak moment, has not really crossed the eternal realm.

"Emperor Shenwu, although your power is boundless, the emperor now controls the entire eternal power. It is not so easy to kill the emperor. I will wage war against you with eternal power!"

The holy emperor's voice rolled.

"Although you are in control of part of the eternal power under the changes of the rules, you are not the real eternal rules. No matter how much power you mobilize, it will be in vain."

Chu Yuan was shrouded in the eternal kingdom.

His eternal power also spread, his majestic emperor stepped out and covered the sky with a palm. In an instant, the palms of the two emperors collided in the most violent way.

Boom! With the explosion of destruction, the two forces burst apart suddenly, causing the eternal road to be shaken.

In the past, the eternal world was nothing, no matter how you bombarded, you would not cause him to shake, but now, the power is too fierce and has penetrated into the depths of eternity.

Chu Yuan's gesture was to be the emperor of the world, the truly eternal divine residence, no one would be his opponent.

Seeing him, you will have a thought of worship, have boundless faith in him, and kneel in front of him.

Although the Holy Emperor also carried a strong force, his divine light was magnificent.

But when the world looked at him, they knew that he was crushed by Emperor Shenwu.

There is no other reason, even if his mana is strong, it is only given by eternal rules.

Chu Yuan pointed to the heavens and the earth, the palm of his hand was urging, it was the eternal palm, without fancy moves, it was the purest power, turned into the power to slay the rules, and swept out directly.

"The Holy Emperor of Heaven and Earth!"

He is the holy emperor between heaven and earth, sacred and more majestic, completely different from the simple emperor.

He fought against Chu Yuan with strength, but in an instant he noticed an extinct force, his mana collapsed with a bang, and he was swept away.

Chu Yuan's strength was fierce, his moves became increasingly fierce, and he did not give the Holy Emperor time to react.

He was majestic, and everything collapsed, and the Holy Emperor was almost shaken by wind and rain. Fortunately, the eternal rules gave him too much power, otherwise he would have been killed.

The origins gathered, and the holy emperor's armor condensed on his body was also exploded by Chu Yuan.

"You are only the son of heaven, the son of heaven."

Chu Yuan said it all!

Yes, the Holy Emperor is now like the Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven, the power given to him by eternal rules.

"But it's enough to deal with you in this world!"

In the depths of the Saint Emperor's heart, he is absolutely unwilling to be the son of heaven, but to be the heaven, but now he must also rely on the power of eternal rules to fight the Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

The vision appeared.

An ancient chariot appeared, and his holy emperor was on a tour. There were countless figures around him. These figures looked like ancient powerful men, and there were even those who were killed by Chu Yuan.

The emperor will naturally be greeted by countless people when he goes on tour.

These figures are not only as simple as visions, but also provide power for the Holy Emperor.

"The mark that exists within the eternal rules."

Chu Yuandao.

"I am eternity, the eternal kingdom breaks everything, and I will bring countless creatures to break the eternal curse and shape a new world."

Chu Yuan was sacred and magnificent and made a loud voice. His eternal fist was a punch to break the old world and shape the new world. It has the power of destruction and creation.

The power in this is more magnificent and boundless than opening up the world.

The holy emperor stepped on his ancient chariot, waved his hand, thousands of troops and horses, although these countless powerful men are still illusory shadows, their power is real.

Countless beams across the sky, each representing an eternal rule, all bombard Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan stood there, no matter how tens of thousands of beams bombarded him, he remained steady.

His power is horrible.

He has already seen it, although these figures are still appearing in illusion, but he has stepped out of eternal time and space, and the power of individual and era will eventually reappear again.


The Holy Emperor also knew that Chu Yuan could not be affected by such an attack alone.

Those countless figures were injected into his body. Almost instantly, he seemed to have gathered the power of countless times to control everything with the power of the emperor.

His immense power immediately blasted down towards Chu Yuan.

In fact, his strength at the moment is much stronger than when he played against Chu Yuan in the first place. After all, such a huge strength couldn't operate freely at the beginning.

And now, he manipulated this power more and more smoothly.

Chu Yuan's eyes swept away, time and space were evaporating, and the gate of eternity appeared in the sky, and a big eternal hand appeared in it. This grabbed it towards the holy emperor.


With this grasp, UUreading displayed the strongest power in the simplest way.

The power manipulated by the holy emperor was continuously crushed by Chu Yuan, and was covered by a grasp, and even the holy emperor himself was captured by Chu Yuan in the hands of eternity.

"The Law of the Holy Emperor!"

The holy emperor shouted.

He is not only because he is the only strongest man left in the world, but he also has the tyrannical power to bear all this.

There are golden rays of light on him, forming rules.

Chu Yuan's eyes condensed, these lights are very familiar, he is no stranger.

Boom! Originally, this grasping force could directly grasp the holy emperor and collapse it, but suddenly, a piece of mudstone slab appeared, like a body armor, resisting Chu Yuan's fierce attack.

Chu Yuan is too familiar with these mudstone slabs.

"It's those mudstone slabs, mudstone slabs that record some mysterious rules."

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