Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1988: Holy Emperor Meteo, more mudstone slabs

I saw the mudstone slab again!

Chu Yuan had obtained some mudstone slabs before, which recorded various mysterious rules and possessed extremely special abilities, but had never known its origin.


Chu Yuan thought that these mudstone slabs would be made by some ancient mysterious strong man.

But as he learned about it, he discovered that this was not actually true.

The lines on the mudstone slabs are another kind of heaven and earth, different Tao and Dharma, and even he speculated that it is probably not the eternal path.

Even if the eternal extinction comes, this mudstone slab will not be destroyed.

This seems to be something that the mass extinction cannot destroy.

With his current strength, he can't directly destroy the mudstone slab, so he can know the horror of this mudstone slab.

He has a speculation.

Just like the system, it is not an eternal road, and this mudstone slab is very likely to come from the same place as the system, a final world.

Knowing the mudstone slab, it is possible to know the true origin of the system.

This is a windfall.

There were more mudstone slabs in the hands of the holy emperor than Chu Yuan, there were hundreds of them, but they were still only a small part.

Of course, this is not surprising, how long the holy emperor has existed, how long has he been, he also knows the power of the mudstone slabs, so he is also deliberately collecting them.

And he also used clay tablets to comprehend his own eternal rules.

He knew that the power of comprehension of the eternal road could not break the curse, so he comprehended that force, the mudstone slab that could not even be extinct in the mass extinction, was gradually detaching himself.

This holy emperor is also a stunning figure.

The Holy Emperor used the power of eternity itself, and then cooperated with the eternal way he had realized, an emperor's soldier appeared, pushing the mana to the limit, and blasting over, his emperor's world appeared.

He regards himself as a small eternity while taking power from the outside world.


The Holy Emperor would not be willing to join his eternal kingdom and choose to be his enemy.

After all, an empire can only have one emperor.

Chu Yuan opened the door of eternity at all times, invincible vertically and horizontally, facing the power of the holy emperor, he strode over, and also punched out his eternal kingdom.

The boundless power blasted him heavily.

Although the holy emperor made up his own armor with mudstone slabs, he could only use it instinctively, and could not really stimulate his power at all.

Suddenly his body shook violently.

And his emperor's soldiers fell, and Chu Yuan just raised his hand to stop him.

The life essence of the two is too different, not at the same level.


The Holy Emperor is absolutely unwilling to admit defeat, even if this person is powerful, he must shake it bravely, and immediately condensed his power to an origin, creating the power of an eternal big bang.

"Each era will end by me."

Chu Yuan's voice was shocking.

He is detached from the world, and no apparent force can strike him.

With one blow, he wiped out his violent strength, and he was eternally collapsing, as if he saw something beyond eternity.

He walked the world, passed by the holy emperor, and continued to break his power.

Everyone does not need to speculate about the outcome of this battle, there is no second possibility.

Shenghuang could not be the opponent of Emperor Shenwu, even if he gets more power.

The gate of eternity opens.

The gate of eternity changes at this moment to the gate of swallowing. The power of the eternal rules comes boundlessly, but all the power is swallowed by his gate of eternity.

He wants to bring the final end to the holy emperor.

Wherever his power goes, the light evolves into his eternal new world, and everything before is decayed, and only he has the power to open up new worlds.

He was too majestic and completely suppressed the Holy Emperor.

Chu Yuan practices the most powerful eternal way.


Even at this juncture, there was no fear on the holy emperor's face, and his emperor's soldiers exploded with monstrous power once again and slashed at Chu Yuan.

However, all his offenses are only the last struggle in the eyes of others.

Inside the gate of eternity, the eternal emperor's soldiers and the divine sword flew out and took a blow with his emperor's soldiers.

Click! His imperial soldiers exploded immediately, and countless fragments spattered.

However, the Holy Emperor is still fighting, he will fight to the last moment, let himself stand and die instead of humiliating death.

Chu Yuan can satisfy his wish.

With one blow, he blasted the holy emperor's body, bursting out a huge wave of tens of millions of weights, and the roaring power wiped out everything in the world, and the holy emperor's body would collapse.

"The last battle in this life!"

The Emperor also knew that he was powerless to return to heaven.

Even if he is now the host of the eternal rules, it is useless.

The golden light swelled, he became a light man completely, and the strongest power followed him to attack.

Although he had also realized the eternal rules that belonged to him, but the power of this rule could not allow him to break the power of Chu Yuan, and could not compare with this greater existence.

Chu Yuan lifted his hands and suppressed everything.

The power of his eternal kingdom has also spread out. This is his eternal power, which completely envelops the Holy Emperor.

The roar of eternal rules can be heard.

The infinite eternal origin came, and wanted to give the holy emperor the power to fight back, but unfortunately, they were all intercepted by the eternal gate and became Chu Yuan's possession.

Chu Yuan was the strongest emperor, and the invincible power transformed into the most magnificent Tianhe with his punch, instantly hitting the holy emperor.

The power of ultimate killing.

This is beyond any defense.

The holy emperor instantly froze in place, then decomposed the bright particles of light, and his whole person disappeared with the light.

The holy emperor was beheaded.

His own things disappeared, only hundreds of mudstone slabs floated.

As soon as Chu Yuan grabbed these hundreds of mudstone slabs, the regular lines on them were so incomplete that they couldn't be put together.

Of course, if it is complete, the holy emperor can comprehend the true and greatest eternal way based on this, but with these incomplete clay tablets, he can also comprehend his own true eternal way.

The power to comprehend eternal rules will always be limited.

Chu Yuan's wisdom is so profound, UU reading, he scanned these mudstone slabs, surrounding him, like a halo, with regular lines appearing in distorted disorder.

He watched.

This mudstone slab seemed to be condensed by a stronger and greater force, but now it is divided, and it seems that it is not naturally separated at all, as if it was blown apart by other forces.

What kind of power can break the mudstone slabs, this is not known.

"In the Eternal Road, it is impossible to find all the mud slabs."

Chu Yuandao.

He did not continue to do it, but returned to the empire by himself.

Representing eras, the strongest people in the past were completely killed by him, and the myth ended.

Now that the situation has reached such a time, Chu Yuan also knows that he is returning to the empire now to comprehend the eternal way and truly take the most difficult and greatest step.

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